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Black Op

We are moderated by racists

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Are moderators seem not to do as they preach of certain matters such as racism one day I decide to check out irc chat OFP room and the first thing I see are Kingbeast and Hilandor telling racist jokes yet quite a few members have been banned in the past for racism I find it hard to believe that BIS has mods which do not obey the rules they are meant to enforce which seems to set a bad example for all other users. I would ask that a mod that is not racist do something about their fellow mods who have no discrepancy.



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Woah, i suspect this thread is gonna be erased very soon confused.gif

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people who find those jokes funny are very sad and pathetic

and yes it will proberbly be erased

we cant have threads showning what the mods are really like, especially on a irc channel which they advertised on this forum..

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Okay well im not going to go too mad in defending myself, because its clear to most people that those are "racist jokes"

However my opinion is that jokes that play on religion, nationality or any other thing are exactly that. Jokes. And when I tell these jokes or laugh at these jokes, im not thinking "God I hate this race/religion" im thinking hoho funny joke.

On a slightly different note, what goes on in an IRC chat room really has no relation whatsoever to the OFP forum.

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Forum moderators moderate the forum. I don't see how this includes the IRC channel.

And they aren't racists 'cos they are making a few jokes, they are just being the typical Brit taking the typical piss in the typical British way biggrin.gif

Unfortunately, you seem to be one of those PC obsessed people that are trying to destroy the UK sad.gif

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Personally I cannot and will not condone racism, however what's said and done in IRC has nothing to do with what's said and done on this forum.

I would prefer that nobody finds such things amusing, however some do, whether or not the telling of racist jokes makes that person a racist is only something they know in their own hearts.

I've known Hil and Kingy a long long time, personally I believe I know them well enough to say that they're good people, they've always been good friends to me, always shown good character and heart, if they're going to be condemned now because they displayed a poor lack of judgement then it's something I'm not going to have a part of.

There are rules for this forum, and yes people have been banned for breaking those rules on the forum, what people do away from the forum is no concern of ours as moderators on this forum, I would imagine that certain people with grievances to those enforcing rules on this forum won't see it like that, but then that's their choice.

My only concern as a moderator on these forums is how the people who use the forums behave on it, and how the people who work here do their job, Hil and Kingy IMO have both done very good jobs as moderators, and I would hope that they be allowed to continue to do so.

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And for the record I have no intention of deleting this thread, IMO it wasn't brought up in the right way but I'm not at all surprised the way it has been brought up.

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I know that a joke is a joke, BUT if I was a Pakistani or a Chinese I would be VERY offended by that. We r like friends guys ( I hope) even thoe I dont post every day I am here reading all day. I u had a Pakistani or a Chinese friend u wouldnt tell him those jokes and those irc channels are open to every1.

Just my 2 cents

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Actually I do have a friend that is Asian and we exchange jokes about eachother all of the time. And my grandfather who is 100% Irish, loves being told Irish jokes. smile.gif

But still, each to his own...

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Hey! I have a nice solution....don't make any racial jokes at all...???

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by the way, what server is this channel on, and do u get g-lined for clones? (whatever the heck that means)

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Everyone who comes on the channel gets "bashed" in some way or another. It's a channel where people come to relax and chillout away from the far to often childish behaviour on this forum. People also come to the channel from all continents and generally make fun of each other, their countries their customs etc and GENERALLY people are mature enough to see it is NOT malicious. The channel has been running for nearly 15 months and I've been going to it since the begining. It's a friendly atmosphere 99.5% of the time where people are free to voice their opinions.

I have no racist views neither do I believe Hil or Kingbeast do. It's IMO that the content of the jokes was in-consiquential, the aim was to make each other laugh. We wont allow people like Black Op or monkey liberation front to spy on us and to record everything we say that might not be politically correct to use as anti-moderator ammunition.

yes maybe hil and kingbeast took it a little too far but then I'm not there to tell them what to do.

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well first of all  Let me apologise to anyone who thought this was a racist remark, i really didnt mean it to be  and if it is taken that way, then again i  am sincerely sorry, to asians, chinese and whoever else was offended.

Il also add that as armourdave said, the irc channel is used by generally the same folks who bash each other  all in fun, me myself is at the brunt of many scottish jokes and i also give them back,  its part of the fun of irc i think.  and nothing whatsoever is meant by none of it.

and i think under these circumstance that i shall also step down as moderator on these forums.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hilandor @ Mar. 25 2002,20:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">well first of all  Let me apologise to anyone who thought this was a racist remark, i really didnt mean it to be  and if it is taken that way, then again i  am sincerely sorry, to asians, chinese and whoever else was offended.

Il also add that as armourdave said, the irc channel is used by generally the same folks who bash each other  all in fun, me myself is at the brunt of many scottish jokes and i also give them back,  its part of the fun of irc i think.  and nothing whatsoever is meant by none of it.

and i think under these circumstance that i shall also step down as moderator on these forums.<span id='postcolor'>

ur talking bollox mate!

As said before, that was IRC, not the forums. If not on the forums, you can do whatever the heck you like, its no one's interest!

And those jokes WERE funny and NOT insulting (as similar ones exist for almost everysinge country and culture out there) and I think you are doing an excellent job as moderator and should resign from your resignation!

I also think Black Op should be banned for backstabbing/blackmailing/spying on the moderators. People can do what they want in their free time, its of NO ONE's interest!!!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">and i think under these circumstance that i shall also step down as moderator on these forums. <span id='postcolor'>

A greater punishment would be to make you stay and moderate twice as much biggrin.gif

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your just hypocrites, the fact that the server was advertised on these forums by the mods and is a operationflashpoint channel so you should expect to see many ppl from different communities, the first thing i saw when i logged inw as racist jokes.

a while back when me and moinkey were talking about dod on the irc channel we were muted and told only allowed to talk about ofp

so why talk about racist jokes?

and kingbeast i dont care if you tell thse jokes to a asian friend, not everybody is your firend and some people may take offense...

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Nah hil, you don't need to apologise for anything, IRC is completely seperate from the forums, if some little....person.... who is as easily offended (OMG im being insensitive! String me up!wink.gif wants to make something of a joke told on IRC, so be it.

Wake up call mr. Black Oops, if you really don't want to be offended, heres what you do: You take your computer, set it in the driveway, then you get in your car, and back over it, then drive forward over it again, then you get out of the car, and roll it into a ditch, then put bars on your windows, reinforce your doors, and setup an MG nest at every entrance point to your house so you never have human contact again. Unless your willing to do that, then please, take your hand, shove it up your A**, pull out your panties, and be happy.

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and a further thing, monkey lib front was banned from these forums by armourdave for swearing at kingbeast on the irc channels

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thats a nice anonamous post...

dont worry i dont want to stay to have moderators who are racist and hypocrites

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black op

now that i am not moderator i can speak my mind

You are an ass a backstabbin, devious twat, if that was your only reason that u came into mirc was to spy on people then i feel real sorry for u, you shall go thru life grassing on everyone, making peoples life piss cos u get a slight erection with ur homemade power.

now shutup cos ur mum said its story time biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Black Op @ Mar. 25 2002,20:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">and a further thing, monkey lib front was banned from these forums by armourdave for swearing at kingbeast on the irc channels<span id='postcolor'>

Not that you have anything against the Ops in the irc channel, or the moderators in here of course..... Your objective is clear for all to see.

All I will say is this, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone".

I'm done on this thread.

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