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[Alpha] RTE for ArmA II

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@victim913: If you provide your version I may provide the files.

But why don't you use JayArmA2Lib and the new version?

@ray243: The link _is_working_.

Still doesn't work.

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Just a quick question about changing all axis of an object, I can change the axis associated with the CRTL and Shift buttons, but its the other axis thats really annoying me, is there a button to change this axis?

What im after is making a bunker level to sit on top of a building, There is no 'flat' land around the area for me to spawn the object and move it.

Manually changing the xyz axis doesnt seem to help at all, ive tried copying them from placing an object on a flat bit of land, but that still doesnt work properly.

Edited by CannonousCrash

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CannonousCrash, push f10 when you have the rte open.

It gives you all kinds of control options. On one of then you have the option to set vector up. It is automatically not on. When you select it to on, it will make all objects flat as you put them into the game. And that helps because once you put them into the mission, they get put flat and all the lining up you did is wasted.

Anything regarding blufor, and the others will not go flat. So static weapons won't go flat.

Some things like bunkers go in flat but as you move them over uneven terrain they tend to move a little, like they already do but not as severe. They usually stay flat.

I always use the vector up. There is a downside though. You can't copy and paste anything except the BLufor,opfor, ect. If you place a tent, and copy it, It will paste, sideways or tilted or upside down. But if you know you want to copy and paste alot then just f10 and switch it back for that time.

I still want to know what jayarmalib has to do with RTE. They said it is just something that runs, and unless you have a problem, then it means its working. So how do we export what we place in the RTE? If we are not using RTECapture, were does everything go?

Edited by victim913

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How do you copy and paste in the RTE? Can I do it similar to the 2D map especially doing barrier types of things like long bag fences etc.

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How do you copy and paste in the RTE? Can I do it similar to the 2D map especially doing barrier types of things like long bag fences etc.

Just click the object so its hightlighted, right click 'copy vehicle' i think it says vehicle, but it copies whatever you've selected.

Then right click again on the map n click paste to paste the item down

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If you are in the regular rte 3d. K is copy P is paste.

If you ever need to copy text in the init. It is the normal ctrl+c paste ctrl+v

if you copy a single soldier it will actually only copy his whole squad. so make sure units are not in squads if you want to copy a single unit.

Jonos, I am confused. Maybe I am thinking on a different level.

If I follow your instructions from the page, the furthest you go to explaining what to do is to open the rte.

So i take that you start the editor, then load your mission. when the mission loads and you begin to play, I push esc, then i push the Real Time Editor.

Then your editor comes up. But what come after that?

I am used to pushing export, but since we are not using rte capture, then how do we get the rte stuff into a mission?

Is there a file somewhere that writes all the data that I just placed?

And I may be getting mislead too. You say "use the jayarma INSTEAD of the rte capture. So to me that means just opening the game and never touching capture. But you say we need to still use it to start?

Sorry just confused and reading all the responses in this thread just confuse me more. It's a bunch of people who say they tried different thing getting different results etc.

Maybe you can do a babystep by step tutorial. Starting from the regular game, then to downloading where and how, and where to put everything exactly.

Edited by victim913

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JayArmA2Lib is made by Jaynus and brings ArmAlib to ArmA 2.

It's a dll which allows to communicate within ArmA 2 to an external application.

This is required when storing things over missions and exporting objects.

RTE Capture itself has something similar included, but it's primitive and JayArmA2Lib works better.

On how to install read this:






Is the required structure for JayArmA2Lib.

If it is installed correctly, RTE will throw an exception that it can't connect to the pipe and won't open, if RTE Capture is not opened too.

If RTE opens and complains about not being connected to RTE Capture, JayArmA2Lib is not active.

And beg Jaynus in his thread that he should install a visible hint if JayArmA2Lib is installed.

And one thing: You still need RTE Capture to run along. JayArmA2Lib allows communication, but there is still something needed which uses the data. This is RTE Capture.

"Instead" means that you shouldn't use the "inject dll" feature of RTE Capture and use JayArmA2Lib instead.

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Thank you. Got it working finally.

Now i have problems. At the top of the rte in game, Units and weapons are at the top of the screen but waypoints and etc are under it. On the game instead of the black menu border you have.

Also i have experienced times where you edit someones weapons and the weapon spaces don't line up. Some magazine icons go over the weapon/magazine selection.

How do i get it to be in the right place everytime?

Edited by victim913

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Infact whilst the thread is quite active, Is there anyway to adjust the resolution of RTE, or is it all linked to the resolution of the game?

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I got a screen shot from one of the things i was talking about. You can see the top border is not at the top like it normally is. It's a little lower.

The red lines i drew is where some of the waypoints, etc. will show up when the black top border is in place.

The time before that, weapons and units were on top in the black and ther rest were where the red lines are.

ALso in the picture you can't click on units or weapons during this particular time, I had to use the F1 for unit. Also the edit weapons section is fine. But when those happen again, i'll post them for you.


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I know how to install rte for operation arrowhead because I download rte +jay2lib

but then I do not know what to do:D

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I know how to install rte for operation arrowhead because I download rte +jay2lib

but then I do not know what to do:D

You need to rename the arma2oa.exe to arma2.exe in order to get it to work with OA.

I have an RTE arma2oa shortcut, because it saves time with changing lots of stuff alot! took me a while to get it working, but using this would be excellent for making outposts, which ive already noticed you're rather good at :-D

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You don't have to change the name anymore.

If you have everything installed correctly it all works fine.

A couple problems you get is trying to get into the rte too early. preview your mission and wait about a minute for everything to settle. Not everything turns on at the same time, plus some missions have alot of things in them and it takes a while for them to load.

YOU HAVE TO START FROM RTE CAPTURE. I was using the "Expansions" section in the game to run my expansions but it never worked. The only way it worked for me in the past was changing arma2oa to arma2.

But if you set up your profile in RTE CAPTURE, and you have CBA and JAYARMA2LIB checked off, then anything else you want. Then arma2oa.exe works perfectly. and you don't have to restart the game to turn it back on.

If you wait a minute or two when you preview the mission, letting everything settle. push esc and click RTEditor. It takes a few seconds but comes on. That is the moment that you will see the actual RTE CAPTURE say "connected" in red. showing it's connected.

And just use RTE like you always have. click export and it exports to capture. If you push esc and leave the RTE I know that if you "suspend" the mission and go back into the editor, and push preview again and wait a minute or two. RTE will Capture like it did the first time. Just give it a minute or two.

I haven't tried going back into the RTE once i leave it (without restarting the mission.) so it might work.

But the CONNECTION WILL NOT SHOW ON THE CAPTURE, until it is already turned on and opened in the game.

NEW QUESTION Though; is there a way to use this with ACE? Last time i checked RealTime Editor and an ACE function shared the same icon, and it would not let rte to connect.

OH also, where did the backpacks go? i was able to place backpacks in the game but not anymore. Using RTE backpacks disappear from every unit. Only the medics have backpacks. When i reload the backpacks are there, but rte wont show them anymore. I can place them using the editor but they are invisible.

Edited by victim913

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Ok im totally pissed right now. I've been trying to get this work like 6 hours now. Sorry but your installation guide sucks.It doesn't help anything. I've got to the RTE but then the RTE yells:"NO CONNECTION ESTABLISHED....". So please tell me what i have doen wrong.



I launch the game from:


When im in the game i click start monitoring or something. Then i go to the editor and put one guy on the map and press preview. I wait couple of seconds and press esc and choose RTE. After that RTE says:"NO CONNECTION ESTABLISHED...!" RTE capture status says inactive.

Im frustrated please help!

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You don't use JayArmA2Lib. Myself switched over to JayArmA2Lib, so it may be that the other way is broken. I need to check that for myself.

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I had this working for about a month along with mcc mission maker, as of 2 weeks ago tho it doesn't work anymore. RTE works but capture isnt working anymore, I was using Dwardins file to get steam games to start as CO, and also using the jayarmalib method, and still putting the modlines in steam bc for some reason the capture launcher didnt recognize them them, but anyway Capture has quit working now. Any idea on what might have changed to cause this?

BTW using this with CO_MCC_Missionmaker is very niice. I can create full scale multiple mission maps with triggers and everything in about 15 minutes, So having a base saved in capture the ways that we like it to the T and loadable is a must for me.

Edited by Sleep

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i eventually got this to work again!!! been a long time. reintalling newest jaylib cleanly did it for me.

great work on this ionos - awesome helper to make missions!

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I have the RTE working and I love it I connect no problem but I am laying out a small FOB throw down some troops a BMP and a tank and they begin to shoot into nothingness and soon my 35 mins or so of a base is up in flames. It is kind of funny but a llil frustrating. Also the save is not working properly But I can merge the stuff right into the map so its not that big a deal. getting the AI to not shoot especially when nothing is there is a big deal any ideas?

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There are problems with the RTE.

-I can't ever get backpacks in the game. I think the medic has one but when i put someone new in with the editor, backpacks will not show up. They are invisible. It used to work though. After i export and add units to the mission, they will have the backpacks on as long as they start the game with them on.

Breeze-You might have a problem with a couple things. If you have the barracks from (either fortifications, or military) the one barracks that looks like the US barracks wafare/military one. OPFOR will always shoot at it. For some reason they think it is US.

-also, Independents and Opfor don't always mix. If i set Independents to be friednly to OPFOR, they will be fine in game as long as they are just soldiers. But if you insert and Independent vehicle (with driver, not empty) Opfor will always attack the independent even if they are on the same side. The only way to get around it is to make sure when you preview the mission that you have any independants that you will use, and just stick one soldier on the map. For some reason bis code for making independents friendly to one side starts them off from the begining of map, any new "army" that you stick in afterward automatically start as friendly to blufor, at least vehicles.

SO you may be having an issue related to those two things..

[506th PIR]Sleep- With the new RTE, you really need to start the game from Capture. I have tried it every other way, and the only way it worked was to use capture to start the game. CBA first then jayarm then rte. that should work.

Zalsak- like Jonos keeps saying "USE JAYARMA2LIB". No matter what, first thing you need to do is make sure CBA is the right one. If it's not it won't work.

-Second, put CBA first in the paramaters. You have RTE coming on before CBA and many times the game is slow to activating each mod. They don't all start at the same time. The way you have it set up it should "in theory" be working after that. But everything looks kind of sloppy (maybe steam setup)

-But third, After you have the right cba and move it to first, CBA keeps changing things and it has problems sometimes. WAIT, be patient. When my game comes on it takes about a minute or so before rte even comes on. For some reason I show an error everytime rte becomes active. something to do with drysound not being a scope or something from another addon. But when that comes on it tells me rte is working.

-when you preview the mission, wait, give it a minute just for everything to come in, then try the rte. If you use rtedll. YOu should be able to see the activate monitoring etc. If you use Jayarma2 which i guess is better, then you won't see any changes to the rte capture until the rte is already open. Once it's open, you can go outside and look at capture and it will say connected.

I think the biggest problem is the waiting and us. We are so used to looking at capture to tell us it's working, with jayarma2lib we don't need to.

I think it's cba being the right cba, and put it first. cba looks lke it's becoming more of a tool for ace then for everything else. Use the sixupdater to get the right cba, because when you see a new cba on armaholic, that usually means it no longer compatible and that there is an even newer one.

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So lets just say they are shooting at the fortification I supplied to them, If I build out the base first and put up no units lay down vehicles and then add the opfor soldiers at the end with get in driver and get in gunner commands will I get around this and they will play nice?

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What you could try is put anyone sided with the opfor, including independents on the map in the editor. Just put one token unit from those armies. That will usually clear up them shooting at each other. just one soldier prevents them from shooting at the vehilces.

As far as the fortifications, I have always just switched them but you could try just placing the fortification down, export and add it to your mission and see if placing it before the preview helps. You might also try syncronizing an opfor unit to it ( if thats possible.)

HELP PLEASE!!! my turn;

I also keep having a big problem. The last three days all of my work is getting wasted. I get into the rte and place some objects. export and save. Then i might alt-tab. to get back to my desk top, and do some random stuff, if i come back, when i export, either nothing exports or just one unit will export. I go back to capture and push new, go back and export. I even wait a couple minutes and the tree stays blank, and the sqf, but if i try opening new again, it says i need to save or loose all my progress, even though it's all blank.

I keep going to capture to save my work. I don't know if something goes wrong with the jayarma2lib or if its' rte. I never had that happen before. I don't trust putting down a whole bunch of units down just to find out they don't export.

Anyone have any ideas?

OH AND JONOS.. Are there any plans on updated the rte anytime soon. Such as ace support? i get the window where ruck items go, and under it it says "pack" but that does nothing. It says "drop" too but that does drop.

And/or support for the arma backpacks at least?

Edited by victim913

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I choose export on the bottom of the window and then the capture device has some tabs I choose the sqf and restart arma and its all merged in like I used the 2d editor. I was using bunker fortifications seems unrealistic that only the usa can build a bunker

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Were you using bunkers or barracks? bunkers usually work. It's only that one barracks that looks like the us one that doesn't work.

The bunkers all work though. Did you try placing them first then restarting the mission with them placed already?

I am having a HUGE problem. I start the RTe and everything looks fine, but once i start adding units, and push export only the first soldier gets sent to capture. Nothing else. I have tried it numerous times but after that first bad export, nothing gets exported anymore.

I finallly gave up and pushed esc, so i end up back where i started in the mission then a whole bunch of ion capture not started and some error.

Basically when i am in the editor, something disconnects the capture. it's like a functions warning. It disappeared before i could type all of what it says. What could be causing capture to disconnect in the middle of using rte?

Ill post a picture. like said though the error messages come up once i exit rte


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I thought i fixed the problem but no. One thing causing me to crash was the ACE 1rnd m203, which shows up in game as M406 HE. That stopped the crash, but now it's happening again so there must be something else still that i haven't found yet.

I would like to know where the Loadouts that I save go too.


Edited by victim913

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