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Carglass v1.2

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cool release mate :D

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oops i forgot the key.

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Yes, you're too long to release addons and correct bugs (private joke :D)

upcoming miror on Armaholic ;)

Thanks for sharing it :p


Within 5 minutes, download it, go in the editor, place a civilian car, fire one bullet into the windshield and go as driver :)

Ps: no movie ATM, a movie will be released with an upcoming addons pack :)

Edit - File hosted on armaholic:


Edited by tom_48_97
Add miror

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Nice.. so when your windshield is broke, you get out vehicle, climb on top, and going to smash the windshield out with some bolt cutters ??

JK :D Nice thing.. how dus it works? is it animated?

Some1 post a movie :rolleyes:

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It's really just an action that pops-up that let's you remove the window in one click, no animation.

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It's really just an action that pops-up that let's you remove the window in one click, no animation.

aww, an animation of a soldier climbing onto the hood and mashing the window with his rifle butt would be kwl,

whenever my window in ARMA2 p*sses me off i just shoot it till it dissapears, then i can see much more clearly :D

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Now if i shoot at an hmvee and i see the driver get out, fire at his window, get in and go away, i know it's you lol

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I have the carglass mod, GDT Mod HDR, and SLX mod pack. Everytime i'm starting ArmA 2 with Alpinestars - Arma II Launcher , it's telling me that ex: carglass addon need extended eventhandlers.

I have the CBA mod install and on the highest priority.

Any hint? Please :(

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Please use the exisiting thread if you have a problem with an addon instead creating a new thread for your problem.

The addons&mods:complete forum is for discussing released addons/mods - troubleshooting posts go into the respective threads.

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I have a request for ya :)

Addon is nice. Maybe you could add 1 or 2 seconds delay to simulate kicking or breaking the glass out together with a nice glass breaking sound.

Because if you decide to break a window it will not suddenly break it will take one or two seconds till you prepared a kick or whatever for it.

Here is some glass breaking sound:


The first one is two long and shit but the second short sound starting at second 7 could be nice =)

Here are also nice sounds:


Think you'll find one perfect yourself. And maybe it's even possible to randomize like 3 sounds to not have the same always.

greetz Cionara

Edited by Cionara

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