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of course SOBR prefer Kobra oposite to other units PSO/1P29

because SOBR is in fact Police SWAT, close quarters, hostage rescue, danger criminals arrest

other units as internal troops prefer scopes for distance fire

and do Russians use PBS-x on AK74M/AK100 ?

subsonic (320 m/s) ammo is much weakened than full powder ammo

thats why they introduced heavy projectile 7.62 SP-5/6 ammo weapons

i think VSS, VAL, 9A91 is much more popular than AK74M/100 SD

and AK100/74M + silencer would be 1.2-1.3 m length ? how to use such long weapon in urban area ?

it is longer than SVD than

thats why i did only : AKMS PBS, AKS74U PBS (ironsight)

but Russian voice is needed for this issue, i hope i am not mistaken, but i think that AK100SD is "game" weapon

pack also will get (i hope i will have time) Kedr, maybe one more AEK which will be proven to be in real use (not saying about 971/3 but other model from Kovrov/Detaryev plant), maybe Vityaz, probably i won't have time for PP2000, also i will try to add PK-A kolimator sight (Russian Aimpoint), also i saw Russians use other sight on PKP than BIS made

Edited by vilas

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What i really meant was more choice Vilas. I really don't want "game" stuff are you rightly say. I messed up writing in late night (drunk); must be more precise:

1) AK104/5 should have a PBS3 -not sure of the number- along with a PK/CLN sight - searchlight for SF would be too much as we don't have the units to be used with.

2) 74MN for "normal" troops should get a 1P29 along with a GP. Also for SF's 74s you could add a RPK74 magazine option as well as the rubber buttstock cover.

3) All others AK100 should be gift rifles. 101/102 are international ops/market productions. 104 ok but 103 is unseen... 107/108 i think are BIS idea...

4) need a "good/real" Gorka uniform. :D

I put online some photos to support my ideas


I wait for russian wisdom as well. ;)

Edited by caprera

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3) All others AK100 should be gift rifles. 101/102 are international ops/market productions. 104 ok but 103 is unseen... 107/108 i think are BIS idea...



And think about Venezuela's Army.

And for who wants a replacement... http://www.megaupload.com/?d=F20654OC

Edited by Shrademn'Yyhrs

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2) 74MN for "normal" troops should get a 1P29 along with a GP

made already and in pack

there are 2 AK74M GP 30 with ironsight and with 1P29

1) AK104/5 should have a PBS3 -not sure of the number- along with a PK/CLN sight

as i will made PK-A i will add it to some weapons as AK74M, AK105 and 2 more

Edited by vilas

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made already and in pack

there are 2 AK74M GP 30 with ironsight and with 1P29

That's great ;)

as i will made PK-A i will add it to some weapons as AK74M, AK105 and 2 more

so same rifle but with ironsight - or PK - or else ?


you can find many Abakan equipped soldiers as well but this doesen't mean the're usign it really. I'm the first who wants to see a 103 but i have about 3 photos of soldiers holding it, and clearly no one in a combat zone...

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you can find many Abakan equipped soldiers as well but this doesen't mean the're usign it really. I'm the first who wants to see a 103 but i have about 3 photos of soldiers holding it, and clearly no one in a combat zone...

Yes, I know that Ak-103 is rare but look at these photos of Vityaz regular training (a training but this group goes in combat too):


And if someone makes a Venezuelan mod, he will be happy to have an Ak-103 (they have more than 100,000 Ak-103 and few Ak-104)

PS: This thread of Militaryphotos.net is very good for you Vilas if you want to ask some questions about Russian weapons.

Edited by Shrademn'Yyhrs

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Ok but again is training, or exports. Not much changed...

If you can "prove" that is being used in, let's say, frontlines, then i'll be the first to whine after VIlas to have one with its own GP and scope :D

Vilas just an idea: what about a double magazine for 74s ? You know those attached with blue scotch tape...

Edited by caprera

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Vilas just an idea: what about a double magazine for 74s ? You know those attached with blue scotch tape...

The eternal blue tape ^^

But not as useful as a RPK Mag, in game...

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Surely not ^^ the rpk mag would be really cool if in Bakelite...don't u think ? maybe too much, better only normal 30rds in bak and black RPK :D

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The Russian optics it basically is intended for heavy army conditions, therefore she is rough and heavy and standardization limits a variety (ACOG/EOTECH can have new model each year) in it Russia unfortunately strongly lags behind the west:(

In some divisions FSB Glok 17 are used from middle of 90th years, Gloks and CZs divisions U.F.S.I.N are armed. Purchases of pistols Glok 17 third generations were made for tC.S.N FSB

Snipers GRU for shooting by cartridges NATO use AW, SAKO TRG, DSR1

But it is necessary to understand all this an exception to the rules (separate rare cases) and it is not necessary to draw erroneous conclusions

BIZON it is not popular, too big and it is heavy in an apartment but it is too weak in a wood

PP2000 Does not use special popularity at SPETSNAZ, it is Bubble western mass-media and games :yay:

Really the most popular it AEK919K, 9A91, SR3, VITYAZ, AS VAL, VSS, VSK94

Employees of group " Vityaz " needed to make some years inquiries and consultations for creation PP-19 VITYAZ!!!!!

Any new weapon in Russia has huge resistance from known!! Corruption of monopolists and their powerful lobby:mad:

and do Russians use PBS-x on AK74M/AK100? YES but basically groups of investigation and advanced (consisting of usual soldier R.A.) to Afghanistan and Chechen Republic were used for to remove patrol and dogs in time " zatshistka "

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Good summary zoldatpizdat, but i need this better explained...

do Russians use PBS-x on AK74M/AK100? YES but basically groups of investigation and advanced (consisting of usual soldier R.A.) to Afghanistan and Chechen Republic were used for to remove patrol and dogs in time " zatshistka "

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Both AK-74M and AK-10x have no ability for being used together with supressor, because version of AKS-74U (AKS-74UB) was developed for special forces and recon units. Later, AS Val and VSK-94/9A91 became standart silenced weapons in armed forces. And if there's no ability to get them (sadly, these weapons are still produced in rather small numbers), AKM or AKMS with PBS-1 is used.

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Vilas ur weapons are the best ever !!!

But we need indipendent weapons addons and indipendent army addons to make campaigns !!!!!

No way to ask some1 to download 500 mb addons for a campaign !!!

Long life to Vilas ..

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500 MB is whole Project85 - addonpack about cold war in Europe

if it was not together - than it would be bigger (doubling many textures, materials NOHQ, SMDI etc.)

and P85 has sense "as unite"

weapons are 90MB, and file is big because of 2048*2048 px textures

tanks pack have 20-25 MB download each one

as Russian weapons pack will be finished, as Polish army addon will be finished (adding 152mm Dana howitzer and 2 patrol cars) than i can make another addon like: pack of Guerilla weapons from P85: UZI, G3, FALs, M60... etc.

i think the best explanation for not making AK74M/AK100 SD would be power of 7.62*39 SP5/SP6 bullet and power of underpowered subsonic version of 5.45mm

weakened 5.45 (~310 m/s) is really weak comparing to 2or3 times heavier projectile SP , which i read - can penetrate vest (i don't know which class)

but pistol bullets, underpowered subsonic intermediate bullets will be stooped by vest

by the way - how americans use suppressors ? 5.56 mm is subsonic version ? those silencers on M4 work ?

or work only for 200 meters ? what ammo they fire using SD

Edited by vilas

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I've heard that US forces officially don't use subsonic ammunition, - however it could be another case with the special forces thought - and that 5,56 mm subsonic ammo is in the game for gameplay and engine limitation purposes only (weapon supression not dependent on that weapon really has a suppressor, but on ammo type).

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Officially they shouldn't be allowed to dress with anything different by the pretty uniforms of FR/SF you can see in BIS ARMA too, but is common for them to go around Afghanistan dressed up like beggars...

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I've heard that US forces officially don't use subsonic ammunition, - however it could be another case with the special forces thought - and that 5,56 mm subsonic ammo is in the game for gameplay and engine limitation purposes only (weapon supression not dependent on that weapon really has a suppressor, but on ammo type).

Very interesing Banderas, is there any source to prove this point? Are you saying that all 5.56 caliber is considered surpressed whereas all >= 7.62 is regular no matter what the weapon model or sounds specify in the config?

I was never aware of that...



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he says about game limit

you know -if you made speed over sound barrier like 900m/s , you will hear crack

maybe AI also will hear it

i must test it in weekend

yes, in this game you have subsonic 5.56 , it is true

otherwise AI will note that you fire

so maybe for "realism" i should do such "more realistic M4SD" with cracked sound, louder, heard from 100 meters ?

but than all US SPECOPS mission are screwed and ONLY MP5 can be used

in real US use supressors probably only to limit bang

and such SD is good when you fire 200 meters from target ?

whereas all >= 7.62 is regular no matter what the weapon model or sounds specify in the config?


ammo SD and regular ammo are in config

AMMO - decides about power of hit, speed, silent or not, guided or not

MAGAZINE - decides about capacity

WEAPON - decide about range of AI fire, accuracy, rate of fire, sight type and sight aim range (calibration/zeroing) and sound of fire of this weapon


class vil_npl_B_762x39_SD : BulletBase {

hit = 8;

indirectHit = 0;

indirectHitRange = 0;

visibleFire = 0.07; // how much is visible when this weapon is fired

audibleFire = 0.07;

visibleFireTime = 2; // how long is it visible

cost = 1;

typicalSpeed = 310;

airFriction = -0.0016;

caliber = 0.7;


class vil_npl_B_762x39 : BulletBase {

hit = 10;

indirectHit = 0;

indirectHitRange = 0;

visibleFireTime = 2; // how long is it visible

cost = 1;

typicalSpeed = 700;

airFriction = -0.0016;

caliber = 0.7;


look at bolded values

Edited by vilas

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Hmm I'm not sure where I've read this, probably it was in one of the ACE threads, but I'll tr and dug a little bit about it.

Considering the game ammo type, in seems that the AI in the game is only aware of the type of ammo that is fired at him, not the model it is fired from. So the case is if you fire normal ammo from an M4A1 QDS, the AI will hear you like you fire from an unsilenced weapon, and if you're firing the subsonic ammo from an M16 it will not react to it. Same goes for all other ammo, 7,62 mm, 9 mm, 5,45 mm.... and subsonic versions. Never tested it thought, I've read it in different ACE threads, that's why they came up with some "magazine class check" feature, to change normal ammo to sub ammo in silenced weapons and vice cersa.

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look at previous page, please refresh and see my last post with config examples


i paste it here in spoiler :

he says about game limit

you know -if you made speed over sound barrier like 900m/s , you will hear crack

maybe AI also will hear it

i must test it in weekend

yes, in this game you have subsonic 5.56 , it is true

otherwise AI will note that you fire

so maybe for "realism" i should do such "more realistic M4SD" with cracked sound, louder, heard from 100 meters ?

but than all US SPECOPS mission are screwed and ONLY MP5 can be used

in real US use supressors probably only to limit bang

and such SD is good when you fire 200 meters from target ?

whereas all >= 7.62 is regular no matter what the weapon model or sounds specify in the config?


ammo SD and regular ammo are in config

AMMO - decides about power of hit, speed, silent or not, guided or not

MAGAZINE - decides about capacity

WEAPON - decide about range of AI fire, accuracy, rate of fire, sight type and sight aim range (calibration/zeroing) and sound of fire of this weapon


class vil_npl_B_762x39_SD : BulletBase {

hit = 8;

indirectHit = 0;

indirectHitRange = 0;

visibleFire = 0.07; // how much is visible when this weapon is fired

audibleFire = 0.07;

visibleFireTime = 2; // how long is it visible

cost = 1;

typicalSpeed = 310;

airFriction = -0.0016;

caliber = 0.7;


class vil_npl_B_762x39 : BulletBase {

hit = 10;

indirectHit = 0;

indirectHitRange = 0;

visibleFireTime = 2; // how long is it visible

cost = 1;

typicalSpeed = 700;

airFriction = -0.0016;

caliber = 0.7;


look at bolded values

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May I throw two questions in here too? :)


1) In P'85, there are RPG7V, RPG7D, RPG7D_PSO and RPG7V_PSO launchers, and all of them use magazines that are unique to them.

So, you can not use a grenade from the RPG7V with an RPG7V_PSO for example. Is it like that in reality? Or is that due to some ArmA2 engine limitations?

2) Are there any other Warsaw Pact countries that use the same uniforms and helmets as one of the Warsaw Pact factions already in P'85? In that case, someone could do a quick reskin and add some more factions (Hungary? Romania?).


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Sorry Vilas, when I started posting my last reply yours wasn't there.

Btw I heard complaints coming from US personnel that normal 5,56 mm rounds fired from an M4 have problems effectively bringing down a target beyond ~40-50m (if not hitting vital organs) due to the lack of stopping power. If that is a case with the normal supersonic version that might give a good idea why a subsonic 5,56mm ammo is not standardised in real life, it could be as weak or weaker than a 9mm ammo...

Edit: Here's a thread about subsonic 5,56 mm ammo


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Banderas - so it would mean that M4SD is "game fantasy"

Dmitri -

1) engine limitation called "modelspecial"

modelspecial is string path to loaded weapon with magazine

in real life you can put any warhead in any RPG7

in game it SHOW only "modelspecial"

2) warsaw pact - in 60's Polish and Czech and DDR uniforms looked almost the same, grey small rain "moro" comes from 1970

in 1969 you could only guess by details, pouches, pockets shape - is he pole, german, czechoslovak on BW photos (if not in helmets)

basically W-P had (except Germany, Romania) helmets looking like Soviet

like many west countries had helmet shaped like M1


please visit this

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