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Crysis 2, new trailer!

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This beauty of a game is back! And this time with the nanosuit 2 :D

Check out the latest trailer here:

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WghzIEL1Gu8&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WghzIEL1Gu8&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

I can't wait!

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Eugh. Now, in 2006 or whenever it was, and they released that Crysis trailer of them showing off the detail of the Nano suit like this one, my response was "Well ok, that is pretty damn detailed and realistic looking." But now, Crysis and Crysis: Warhead have come and gone, and yet they do almost the exact same thing with a slightly modified Nano suit. 2006 it was awesome, 2009 I couldn't care less.

I still liked Crysis and Crysis: Warhead, but I'd much rather see the game than one model.

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Crysis was a total letdown, the demo was nice but the game never got any better.

That floating part with the jellyfish was a total bore, and even the end (if we can call it that) sucked.

After i forced myself thru single player i gave my copy to a friend.

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Crysis was a total letdown, the demo was nice but the game never got any better.

That floating part with the jellyfish was a total bore, and even the end (if we can call it that) sucked.

After i forced myself thru single player i gave my copy to a friend.

Are you serious? I guess one mans heaven is another mans hell.

But then again, the countless amazning reviews and awards it won do say something. On gamespot i believe its the 3rd best fps game of all time, with a rating of 9.5

Imo the campaign was amazing, the gameplay was amazing, and the graphics were simply in a new league. I would imagine crysis 2 will be just as good.

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Are you serious? I guess one mans heaven is another mans hell.

But then again, the countless amazning reviews and awards it won do say something. On gamespot i believe its the 3rd best fps game of all time, with a rating of 9.5

Imo the campaign was amazing, the gameplay was amazing, and the graphics were simply in a new league. I would imagine crysis 2 will be just as good.

Im serious.

Reviews/awards/ratings mean nothing to me, especially when a game is as hyped and anticipated as this one.

I didnt like the single player campaign, it felt rushed and slapped together in a hurry, i think the first level was actually the best one.

The gameplay and graphics were good but that was it.. the game didnt have any appeal to me other than technology, it wasnt very interesting, campaign wasnt well executed, characters, story, events.. and a catastrophic failure for an end.

STALKER (with all its bugs and flaws) was far more interesting than Crysis.

I think Crytek are great platform developers but their games are an excuse to put their technology out there, i dont like to play a game that feels like a product assembled by a robot.

Im not looking forward to more Crysis.

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I bet you can run it at 4x AAA @ 1920, everything very high/max enthusiast. :D I've played through Crysis & Crysis Warhead with those settings except the AA on a Phenom II 2x 550, 4gb DDR3 1333mhz o'ram & a 4890. (OS is win7 64b w/ 9.7/9.8)

Unlike Crysis Warhead, the original Crysis actually had a worthy story and reminded me of Far Cry, which was a brilliant debut by the team. Gameplay after the Core levels is stunning, especially the half-frozen jungles.

They've exploited my fetish for snow & icy weather, but that's another story. :D

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Crysis was a good game in SP, MP was gay.

Graphics are good, if you have the system to handle it.

Story line was great, for make believe.

No, I will not be buying any other editions, Crysis #1 was enough for me.

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those nanosuit looked kinda like a prototype to me... not a full production suit. i would think the military would like the suit to be more 'military like'. something like camo pattern would be nice. not something out of a comic book

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those nanosuit looked kinda like a prototype to me... not a full production suit. i would think the military would like the suit to be more 'military like'. something like camo pattern would be nice. not something out of a comic book

Crytek follows path of "hollywood realism"

Things need to look cool.

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I figured rather than starting a new thread I should continue using this one.

Anyways, a new Crysis 2 trailer was released which is apparently rendered ingame. And it's... Well... The trailer speaks for itself. :eek:



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its v impressive if it is ingame...although to me it looks like its done in another program with in game assets...could be wrong either way lets see when it is released.

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So I guess they won´t continue the Story of Nomad in Crysis 2

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Well, there's also this trailer which has Prophet at the end, so perhaps...?


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This is the console version isn't it?

I was planning on skipping this one.

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Probably not, I expect it to be a 360 port.

I don't see it coming to DS (best selling console platform) or even Wii (2nd best selling console platform).

As far as I'm aware the Cryengine 3 is the PS3/X360 version of the engine, so while it will be available on PC, it is the console version.

Much like Far Cry 2 or FEAR 2 was.

If you see what I mean... a console game (based on a successful PC franchise) ported to the PC, rather than a PC game.

Given that Far Cry and Crysis were both technology titles on the PC I don't feel that a console port can hold a lot of the attraction for me.

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Is it all set in New York? Next-gen graphics in an urban settings are about fourteen times easier to do than next-gen graphics in a natural environment.

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Probably not, I expect it to be a 360 port.

I don't see it coming to DS (best selling console platform) or even Wii (2nd best selling console platform).

As far as I'm aware the Cryengine 3 is the PS3/X360 version of the engine, so while it will be available on PC, it is the console version.

Much like Far Cry 2 or FEAR 2 was.

If you see what I mean... a console game (based on a successful PC franchise) ported to the PC, rather than a PC game.

Given that Far Cry and Crysis were both technology titles on the PC I don't feel that a console port can hold a lot of the attraction for me.

And here I was hoping that they'd finally have something new to benchmark graphics cards with.

Edited by echo1

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^ This. :j:

I'm still hoping that Crytek will make the PC version literally that - a PC version i.e. not a console port.

With EA holding them by the balls, however, that glimmer of hope is quickly fading...

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it worries me that the devs have never been paticularly good at the whole mutant/alien combat thing (Far Cry and Crysis were both pretty shoddy after the player vs human sections) and yet for this new game it looks like the aliens are the main foe. I know they have some "mystery" soldiers popping up but the thing i liked about crysis was at least it had a fantasy story in a somewhat real world setting now it's just getting into gears or war type territory and I really am not sure that the whole human vs alien mechanic can carry the whole game based on my previous experience with their work....i hope i'm wrong.

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I replay the game a lot but never the monster stages.

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When you have already jumped the shark, why not do it twice?:D

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