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How old are Arma2 Players?

How Old Are You ?  

1794 members have voted

  1. 1. How Old Are You ?

    • 15-20
    • 21-30
    • 31-40
    • 41-50
    • 51-100

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I invented the first game on the abacus and sun dial.

Actually I'm 31, and I have a terrible sense of humor.

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I like that someone posted this, but here's a good guideline for such a poll.

Under 17







The spread grows as it gets higher. Wait a while and do it again using my theme, unless a mod changes it, but it's too late for that.

Edit: Whoops, 28 young here.

Edited by Rhammstein

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Im 15. I hope no one has a problem with that. Its not like im a cod gamer who goes on arma 2 servers and tks and messes around and blows helicopters with rpgs and drops satchel charges on the base with a 30 second timer.

I wouldnt dream of doing that. Some do but i hope they arent the same age as me otherwise im going to be very angry they moved to arma 2. I like the current age of 20-50 because you guys have so much experience and time to put into a game like this.

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most the kiddies find out pretty quick, if you try stupid stuff, you get banned. After doing that maybe a dozen times, nobody will let you on their servers. What a waste of $50 bucks.

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i also suspect this is because ARMA has a 16+ certificate

Well in England the 16+ rating isnt enforceable :) theoretically a 5 year old could buy an 18+

Although they have brought a new system for game rating in now which is actually part of the law as the the start of this month...

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Im 15. I hope no one has a problem with that. Its not like im a cod gamer who goes on arma 2 servers and tks and messes around and blows helicopters with rpgs and drops satchel charges on the base with a 30 second timer.

I wouldnt dream of doing that. Some do but i hope they arent the same age as me otherwise im going to be very angry they moved to arma 2. I like the current age of 20-50 because you guys have so much experience and time to put into a game like this.

It pleases me to see someone your age say this. The game gods are pleased as well.

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im only 14 but i have respect for the people im playing with in the game. i hate when younger kids just go in a heli thinking they can fly and crash. and i will never do stupid stuff on a server like team killing. If im going to do something i never done before in game and stuff like flying a helicopter (dont kno how to) i wouldent. i just do what my team wants me to do.

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I haven't been online yet, but if it's as much a simulator as even games like BF2 or ETQW, even the smallest job done right makes a big difference. And don't forget, the way to learn to do more advanced stuff is to practice in single player, then just play on random pubs and see how you do. Also watching video helps. Many people make video tutorials.

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40...no! Just became 41...damn, I missed my own birthday. Anyway, body and mental age are still umm something like 20...still girls and booze in mind.

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36 here, and not ashamed of that ;-)

when I was playin BF2 on bf2combat, I was so surprised to read one day that my general who gave me orders was only 16. But still he was damn good, so no matter the age, the mental makes it.

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41 :)

I experienced a lot of trouble in the Past with the "Kiddies" playing ArmA on my Servers, cause most of them are only HotShots. They are not willing to read the Rules and won´t understand that ArmA is no EGO Shooter where only Frags are counting.

BUT !!!!

On the other Hand there are a few you can not put in that Box and they are able to Play in a Team very good. And then I sometimes hate my Rule that we are only accepting 18+ as Members in our Squad.

So Long,

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Almost 16. Please dont put me in the same box as the ones who run around tking and going rambo. I hate those kids.

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