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AAD10 Pete

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About AAD10 Pete

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  1. AAD10 Pete


    The same here. I though about writing a mysql persistent database connection with Java for the upcoming Arma3. But, because the Java future in Arma3 is unsure, I use my sparetime to develop other things in sqf for Arma3 right now.
  2. AAD10 Pete

    ArmA, view distance and the curvature of Earth

    curvature of Earth? The last thing A3 developpers should invest their time for...
  3. Pistol: P 226 Assault rifle: SIG 550, SIG 551 and HK 416
  4. AAD10 Pete


    Well said
  5. AAD10 Pete


    I would appreciate an official statement from BIS to this topic too. thx.
  6. ah, ok. thx for the information. So I have to catch the values and execute addWeapon on the client system.
  7. But -- if (player == player1) then {} -- has to be executed seperatedly on the client system. I would appreciate a solution that executes only code on the server system. publicVariable "Player1"; executed on the server doesn't fullfil the job?
  8. Hi In my new mission it's necessary to change the weaponloadout of a specific player (for example Player1) with a script, that has to be executed only on the server. Example: If I execute {Player1 addWeapon "M9";} on the server, the specific client of Player1 doesn't get the new weaponload. (Because Player1 is only changed on the server so far) BUT: If I broadcast the Player1 object with {publicVariable "Player1";} or with {publicVariableClient "Player1";} the specific client of Player1 doesn't receive the new weapondatas. Question: How can I broadcast changed Player1 datas (on the server) from the server to all/specific client? Thx for your help.
  9. thx for your advice. But it doesn't bring the solution. If I publish the text with cutRsc then I cannot change the text with ctrlSetText anymore. If I publish the text with the createDialog, the function ctrlSetText works fine, but then I am in the Dialog-Mode...
  10. The Version from 7.9.12 brings some important changes. Thanks and keep up the amazing work!
  11. Hi all In my new mission I would like to present a text or picture on the screen. Therefor I made a dialog class and a control subclass in a *.hpp file included to the description.ext. So far all works fine. I can show the text with cutRsc "SomeTextDialogWithSubClass" or with createDialog "SomeTextDialogWithSubClass". The same for the picture. BUT: If I present the text with cutRsc, I am not able to change the text dynamically anymore with ctrlSetText. If I present the text with createDialog, I enter the dialog-mode with getting the normal mouse pointer etc. Question: How can I present a text from a dialog class with a text-control subclass with the possibility to change the text dynamically but without entering the "normal mouse pointer mode"? BTW: For the dialog class I use the idd=100; for the idc of the control subclass I use idc=101. Both IDs are unique. Thanks for your help in advance.
  12. anyway, would be great to use Arma2Net and the persDB on Arma3! Or I have to write my own Database system on java... keep up the good work!