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Camera and cinema border

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No way to remove the ugly cinema border in A2? At least with 1.03 enablecinemaboder false doesnt work at all :(

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strange, it seems to work for me either way. My script starts:

ShowCinemaborder false

_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] 

and if I change it to ShowCinemaborder true it also works as expected

My intro cutscene is named title, and yes I still use sqs, hence title.sqs. If you are using *.sqf maybe that's the issue?

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This is what I have:

ShowCinemaborder false;

_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0];
_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"];
_cam camSetPos (ship1 modelToWorld [0, 100, 20]);
_cam camSetTarget ship1;
_cam camSetFov 1.0;
_cam camCommit 0;

Sleep 30;

_cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"];
camDestroy _cam;

And it always shows the border. Changing it into sqs doesnt fix it for me. BTW, I'm using 1.03 patch.


Found that ShowCinemaborder false; works well in intro, but not in mission :mad:

Edited by Mandoble

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This is what I have:

ShowCinemaborder false;

_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0];
_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"];
_cam camSetPos (ship1 modelToWorld [0, 100, 20]);
_cam camSetTarget ship1;
_cam camSetFov 1.0;
_cam camCommit 0;

Sleep 30;

_cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"];
camDestroy _cam;

And it always shows the border. Changing it into sqs doesnt fix it for me. BTW, I'm using 1.03 patch.


Found that ShowCinemaborder false; works well in intro, but not in mission :mad:

I see you are using

 _cam camSetPos (ship1 modelToWorld [0, 100, 20]);

, I don't know what that is for, honestly never tried it.

Think I may have just figured out the issue from what you said...are you making a sp or mp mission? I remember that there is some difference between them. I am using my script in an MP mission. I am also using 1.03. Here is my entire script btw

;;Called from unit: West - marker2
titlersc ["starttext1","Plain",1]
ShowCinemaborder true

_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] 
;;_cam camcommit 0

_cam camsettarget Marker2
_cam camsetrelpos [-2,10,1]
_cam camcommit 0

; Fade in from black the title.  Fade will be 6 seconds long
titleCut ["USI Studios Present","BLACK IN",6]

; Fade in from black the tutorial title.  Fade will be 5 seconds long
titleCut ["A Deathmatch","PLAIN",5]

_cam camsettarget churchcam
_cam camsetrelpos [-2,10,30]
_cam camcommit 5

titleCut ["On the ship","PLAIN"]

titleCut ["it seems the Roof Rats have gone wild","PLAIN"]

titleCut ["","PLAIN"]

; Example : Adding text to middle of screen
titletext ["{ U S I }\n\nR O O F   R A T S","BLACK OUT",6]

; Wait another 6 seconds

; Clear the text in the middle of the screen
titleCut ["","BLACK IN",3]

titletext ["Go! Go! Go!","PLAIN DOWN"]

; Revert back to player view
;player cameraEffect ["zoomin","back"]

_cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]
camdestroy _cam

; Exit this script

I have tried it both ways in my editor, preview mode, but I admit I haven't tried it by exporting to multiplayer and trying it there

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It is just an SP mission ran from the editor, ShowCinemaborder true works in intro, but not in mission. I guess this is a bug.

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It is just an SP mission ran from the editor, ShowCinemaborder true works in intro, but not in mission. I guess this is a bug.

It's pretty much been that way since OFP for cutscenes. That's why I use title.sqs for mp instead of intro.sqs because intro.sqs seems somehow tied to sp. I never use the intro area in the editor because it seems to only work in sp. Hope you can get it to work somehow to suit your needs, wish I was able to help more....

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It seems to work for me with the following script (an SQF which is called from an addAction-type action):

_source = _this select 0;
_id = _this select 2;

_pos = getPos _source;

_posx = _pos select 0;
_posy = _pos select 1;
_posz = (_pos select 2) + 1000.0;

_pos = [_posx, _posy, _posz];

//Create the camera
_cam = "camera" camCreate _pos;

hint format["Camera: %1", _cam];

showCinemaBorder false;

_cam cameraEffect ["EXTERNAL","TOP"];

//Adjust its angle
_cam camSetTarget [_posx, _posy, 0];
_cam camCommit 0;

_cam camSetPos [_posx, _posy, 0];

_cam camCommit 5.0;

This does what it says on the tin: creates a camera 1 km up from the source position, then zooms down to 0 metres AGL at 200 m/s.

I made sure to call showCinemaBorder after creating the camera -- maybe that will give you better luck?

(Still can't convince the bloody thing to give me any view other than internal-from-back, but that's a different issue...)

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Please do not call me to a specific thread :icon_neutral:

Sorry, I do not grasp the flow of thread and problem well. (Badness of translation accuracy)

As my example of experience.. there was a time of not working, even if it uses showCinemaBorder false; after generating a camera. In that case, when weight was inserted in between, it succeeded.

_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

_cam camcommit 0


ShowCinemaborder false

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ShowCinemaborder true works in intro, but not in mission. I guess this is a bug.

If so, then it is indeed a bug that has always been present. Operation Flashpoint and Armed Assault behaved the same way. showCinemaBorder only works in the intro section of the mission.sqm. It doesn't work in the mission itself, regardless if you are playing SP or MP. I vote feature


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Please do not call me to a specific thread :icon_neutral:

Sorry, I do not grasp the flow of thread and problem well. (Badness of translation accuracy)

As my example of experience.. there was a time of not working, even if it uses showCinemaBorder false; after generating a camera. In that case, when weight was inserted in between, it succeeded.

_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

_cam camcommit 0


ShowCinemaborder false

Sorry, mate, but as we had it up and running in your testscript I thought it was appropiate ;)

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After creating the camera in a mission, how about adding sleep 1; before using the showcinemaborder command?

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I can call this from any <movie>.sqs script:


titlecut[" ","BLACK IN",1]

_camera ="camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_camera cameraeffect ["internal","back"]


showcinemaborder false


;=== 23:01:01

_camera camSetTarget bomber

_camera camsetrelPos [10,40,20]

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.900

_camera camCommitPrepared 0

@camCommitted _camera

goto "loop"

player cameraeffect ["terminate","back"]

camdestroy _camera



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