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Small arms firing from vehicles. Would you like to see it implemented?

Small arms firing from vehicles. Would you like to see it implemented?  

289 members have voted

  1. 1. Small arms firing from vehicles. Would you like to see it implemented?

    • Yes, it would be cool.
    • No, it would suck.
    • No, and it would actually promote carfulls of rambo Bf2 types.
    • Don't care either way because i would never use it.

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Hmmm...what about those Cobras firing their cannon at 150 mph?:)
position = u.t + 1/2.a.t^2 :D

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Give the guys in the back something to do instead of just sleeping, BIS should implement it in a patch and make it so we can roll down windows or smah them out with pretty glass shattering effects. :)

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It would probably be appropriate that only people sat in certain seats would have the option of using their rifle or pistol. eg people inside an APC might not be able to fire, while those in a car could fire through the windows (shattering the glass in the process)

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You guys do realize most military vehicles don't use glass for windows right? Anyway I've wanted this ever since OFP. This obviously isn't an engine limitation, so why the heck hasn't it been implemented?

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Why the hell do we get these useless polls every goddamn day?


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Why the hell do we get these useless polls every goddamn day?

Isn't it what a forum is about ? to share informations, ideas, wishes ?

BIS has a great community, especially of modders and gamers in love with tactical shooters, for the most part mature ... ;)

Plus we know they're reading us so.. :D

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This can be done easily through modding

(arma1 screens)

Whoa, can you please tell if this has been released or if its MP compatable? If even community can do this kind of thing, then BIS is far behind the community, and thats no good...

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There have been topics and discussions about this before Armed Assault was released, and there where a lot before ArmA II was released, but a good implemention doesn't seem to be possible with the current engine but I do believe we all would like to have this 'freedom' to do so even if most if not 99% of your ammo is wasted while doing so.

But it would be all worth it for that one well placed shot that say takes out a rpg from the rear that poped up after your vehicle went passed.

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I just messed around with attachto, although good it's still a hassle, I'd love to be able to fire from vehicles normally. With attachto I also can't seem to aim left or right, which kind of defeats the purpose.

Having said that, I did have some fun creating a "supertank" ;)

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