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Helocopter pickup without waypoints?

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Hi all,

In my latest greatest mission, I need a helo extraction, but I need the chopper to come to me wherever I am when I call it. I tried putting the helo's LOAD waypoint on my unit, but when it shows up, it won't land and let me board. It just turns and flies away. What am I missing here?

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I tried the same thing, thats why I'm here! Also, I've tried starting an AV-8 on the LHD and it starts underneath it at the ocean bottom...strange.

I'm just trying to get an Osprey to come in and pickup and move a force recon team.

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@arthur666: Write into the "condition" field of the waypoint from the chopper:

(unitname in choppername)

Unitname and Choppername must be replaced with the names of your unit and the chopper. ;)

@novafluxx: Write in the "init" line of the plane:

this setPos [(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select 1),15.8]

. I think 15.8 was the right altitude... but maybe it's 15.6 or 15.7 - you'll have to try out. :)

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Why don't you guys use the SOM module, which does exactly what you want to?

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Why don't you guys use the SOM module, which does exactly what you want to?

Because I'm old school! Naw, I'll give that a try as well.

Thanks for the response Pete, I didn't get to try it yet, but when I get home tonite, I'll load it up.

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Thats what i did and it works great. I put a SecpOp manager on the map and name it som1. Sync it to my commander (ie: me) then put down a trigger, make it "GAME LOGIC" and add this to the condition field: som1 getVariable "initDone"

then add this to the On Act field: [["transport","aerial_reconnaissance"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; som1 setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", chp1];

I then placed a AI controled helicopter with the name chp1.

Now when i'm in the game i get a message telling me the Transport is ready. So when i go to my map and open up the communication menu i can click a point on the map to for pick and when i get into the chopper i click a point on the map to unload.

Now you don't need a chopper in you map. If you can delete "som1 setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", chp1];" and then game will send one to you ( Its a uh-1y that you will get). But if you want a MH-60S or any other type you have to have one the game or make a script (i don't know how to do that). Also if you place a chopper in the game you don't need to make the trigger a RADIO call to make it repeatable. Because once the chopper drops you off it gos back to where it first starts and waits for your next call. So its always available.

Hope this helps for anyone.



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Hey Darkone, will the SOM keep giving me random secondary missions if I do that? I don't want to include that for this particular mission.

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Hey Darkone, will the SOM keep giving me random secondary missions if I do that? I don't want to include that for this particular mission.

SOM post

Put this in the SOM module's init field to turn off the secondary missions and keep just the helo transport.

this setVariable ["settings", [[], true, nil, nil, false]];

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SOM post

Put this in the SOM module's init field to turn off the secondary missions and keep just the helo transport.

this setVariable ["settings", [[], true, nil, nil, false]];


What he/she said.



Edited by darkone12

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Thats what i did and it works great. I put a SecpOp manager on the map and name it som1. Sync it to my commander (ie: me) then put down a trigger, make it "GAME LOGIC" and add this to the condition field: som1 getVariable "initDone"

then add this to the On Act field: [["transport","aerial_reconnaissance"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; som1 setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", chp1];

I then placed a AI controled helicopter with the name chp1.

Now when i'm in the game i get a message telling me the Transport is ready. So when i go to my map and open up the communication menu i can click a point on the map to for pick and when i get into the chopper i click a point on the map to unload.

Now you don't need a chopper in you map. If you can delete "som1 setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", chp1];" and then game will send one to you ( Its a uh-1y that you will get). But if you want a MH-60S or any other type you have to have one the game or make a script (i don't know how to do that). Also if you place a chopper in the game you don't need to make the trigger a RADIO call to make it repeatable. Because once the chopper drops you off it gos back to where it first starts and waits for your next call. So its always available.

Hope this helps for anyone.



Not sure what I am missing or maybe a conflict with another script during init but I can make this work fine in the Editor but when I run in MP on a Dedi Server it does not come up in Communications like it should? Any Ideas?

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There is a way with waypoints easy to extract with an helo:

I have my heli:

- Put a waypoint called LOAD near the extraction AREA.

- Put a empty called H (Invisible) where you want your coppter LANDS.

On your land group:

- Put a waypoint called GET IN near the extraction AREA.

Synchronize the TWO WAYPOINTS (LOAD sync with GET IN).

Your copter will now move to the LOAD position and wait's that your soldiers are over the get in waypoint, once your soldiers are over, the heli lands on the H and thats all... when anyone were inside your copter can go now to a move waypoint or whatever.

If you want that your chopper waits on base until you activate a trigger you can sync the first move waypoint (Should be near the chopper) with that trigger, and when you use the Alpha radio command the chopper will start its flight.

Sorry for my english (But this become me crazy until I know about sync shit)

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Would it be possible to make this happen not with a radio call but rather popping a green flare or green smoke?


Thats what i did and it works great. I put a SecpOp manager on the map and name it som1. Sync it to my commander (ie: me) then put down a trigger, make it "GAME LOGIC" and add this to the condition field: som1 getVariable "initDone"

then add this to the On Act field: [["transport","aerial_reconnaissance"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; som1 setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", chp1];

I then placed a AI controled helicopter with the name chp1.

Now when i'm in the game i get a message telling me the Transport is ready. So when i go to my map and open up the communication menu i can click a point on the map to for pick and when i get into the chopper i click a point on the map to unload.

Now you don't need a chopper in you map. If you can delete "som1 setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", chp1];" and then game will send one to you ( Its a uh-1y that you will get). But if you want a MH-60S or any other type you have to have one the game or make a script (i don't know how to do that). Also if you place a chopper in the game you don't need to make the trigger a RADIO call to make it repeatable. Because once the chopper drops you off it gos back to where it first starts and waits for your next call. So its always available.

Hope this helps for anyone.



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Is there a way to respawn the custom transport?

I have been working on this for a couple of days (yeah, that long, 'cus I know nothing) and I have a few different ways to have a dynamic transport, but the simplest way is the custom variable. However, once that is shot down, I'm screwed.

Also, I have found it is bugged (or something). It will, most of the time, not return to its original position. Even when it does, it stops one or more times on the way back, for some reason, sometimes hovering for a long time (which makes it even easier to get destroyed).

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Is there a way to respawn the custom transport?

I have been working on this for a couple of days (yeah, that long, 'cus I know nothing) and I have a few different ways to have a dynamic transport, but the simplest way is the custom variable. However, once that is shot down, I'm screwed.

Also, I have found it is bugged (or something). It will, most of the time, not return to its original position. Even when it does, it stops one or more times on the way back, for some reason, sometimes hovering for a long time (which makes it even easier to get destroyed).

You are right, "Just use the SOM" is a cop-out answer for the question: "How do I create a dynamic helicopter transport script". I have seen old OFP scripts that work better than the SOM transport function. It is flawed in the following ways...

1. What if you want to have the option to choose which type of helicopter (that you have placed on the map) to use for your pickup.

2. What if you are under fire and when you get in the helicopter you then have to bring up the map and choose your destination, that's ridiculous when there are bullets flying past you and lighting up your helicopter.

3. What if your helicopter gets shot down? You can't have another helicopter become the new transport helo.

I am sure there are other flaws as well. What happened to those old scripters that wrote flawless dynamic transport scripts for OFP?

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OK. I surrender. I know nothing about scripting, and after days of this I am blue in the face and red in the _ _ _. Sooo...

[["transport"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; SOM setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", MH_60S_1];

with a radio trigger, put that back to default. To clarify, I use the above till it is shot down (or crashes, sheeesh), then I go back to default, so I don't have to walk klick after klick after klick!


Also, what is the best free place to host a mission for people to DL? Once I get the above sorted, I can offer a demo mission (for people like me who cannot script). NOTE: It will only be a viable alternative for use on big maps, like Chernarus.

FYI: If you are using the default transport setup through a radio call, you can call multiple transports. It's 'clunky' and dangerous, because you have to micro-manage or they may crash into each other. I can use 2 with little problem, but it is a pain. - I am hoping in the next patch there is an option to choose a transport. Really, helicopter transport, one of the most basic and necessary elements of battle and war, so severely over-looked. Shame! :p

---------- Post added at 01:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 AM ----------

BTW, the mission will simply be 4 MH-60HS. For the sake of 'showing', it will be on the stock map of Chernarus. One each will be located just outside the map AOO, North, East, South and West. If all of those are lost, or you find your self down to six Troops, then (when the above is answered) you can just use the default UH-1Y.

---------- Post added at 02:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 AM ----------

Well, how about that. I guess I really do not surrender so 'easily' after all. (If you can call days of torture easy?)

I have a line that's working for default. I am testing now. I do not know if it is actually correct, but seems to be OK. Heh. I just guessed and got lucky.

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TO respond to the OP, There is a way to call transport that kinda uses waypoints and is abit trickier.

Name your chopper "transport", make a marker called "dropoff".

You can make an SQF file and name it "pickup.sqf"and put this into it:

_unit = _this select 0;

_group = group _unit;

"HeliHEmpty" createVehicle (position player);

_waypoint0 = _group addwaypoint[getpos player,30];

_waypoint0 setwaypointtype"LOAD";

_waypoint0 setWaypointStatements ["player in transport;", ""];

_waypoint1 = _group addwaypoint[getmarkerpos "dropoff",0];

_waypoint1 setwaypointtype"TR UNLOAD";

_waypoint1 setWaypointStatements ["true", ""];

Then use a radio trigger to have transport exec "pickup.sqf".

The heli will fly to you, land and wait til your inside it, then it will fly to the marker named dropoff. This marker can be placed beforehand or use the "onmapclick" to set its position before executing the script.


Hope this helps.

Edited by ker8er0s

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Dang guys! why don't you just add in the condition <urname> in <heloname> and in the OnAct: <heloname> land "GET IN";

That way the helo will fly as low as to pick you up, now i recommend this page: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_ArmA2

And i recommend checking this: OnMapSingleClick

That should go well...

Best Regards, SGJackson!

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