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Removing hint on the flarelauncher.

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So I've been trying to get this C-130 to have flares...

I found the flarelauncher weapon and added it to the aircraft, works pretty nicely... The problem is that everytime you fire it you get this ding sound from a hint and some coordinates come up in the upper right corner of the HUD.

I made this quick video just to show you what I'm talking about:


Is there any way to remove that?

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Is it script or an addon, if it's script look for a hint command.

If it's an addon you will need to unpack it and search through it for a possible script and remove the hint and then you can pack it up again. I don't have any link you'll have to search for them.

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Is it script or an addon, if it's script look for a hint command.

If it's an addon you will need to unpack it and search through it for a possible script and remove the hint and then you can pack it up again. I don't have any link you'll have to search for them.

It's in vanilla ArmA 2.


Search for "Flarelauncher"

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look like they forgot to remove a hint they used in testing.


on line 43

blame Maddmatt for beeing to lazy double test his effects :p jk.

this happens. guess they fix that in next patch 2-3 months. so eighther copy & use that script without line 43. or wait

Edited by nuxil

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So I've been trying to get this C-130 to have flares...

I found the flarelauncher weapon and added it to the aircraft, works pretty nicely...

can you share with us yours config with flareslauncher???

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look like they forgot to remove a hint they used in testing.


on line 43

blame Maddmatt for beeing to lazy double test his effects :p jk.

this happens. guess they fix that in next patch 2-3 months. so eighther copy & use that script without line 43. or wait

Yeah, I'm looking at it here, thanks!

Now, you'll have to guide me out of this aswell. I'm guessing that if I just save this, PBO it and overwrite the old CA.pbo I will get FADE triggered or something like that... So, is it possible to just create a new mod folder and put it in there? Or is it somehow possible to just extract this script and use it in a mod folder or something like that, cause I'd like to use this on multiplayer and either have a small addon that someone have to DL or put it in a mission folder or something like that..

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umm.. well i can give you an example

make a test mission or something..

put a heli plane or what ever in ther as player.. then on init line you put

vehicle player addEventHandler ["IncomingMissile",{_this execVM 'flares.sqf'}];

put some aa soldiers out and test.. altho this dosent spoof the missile.. you need a spoof script. which would be simple to make,

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Well, that's OK I guess.

But I'd rather like to have it as it is now, where you have a weapon called Flares so that you can fire them off manually whenever you want.

But a spoof script would definitly be good to have, though I don't like how the missile will track the flares 100% of the time...


Edited by Howard

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But I'd rather like to have it as it is now, where you have a weapon called Flares so that you can fire them off manually whenever you want.


its nice that its a weapon class you can add to a vehicle. but the problem with it is that wount have time to react by the time a missile is incomming. if you dont use a event handler to give you atleast some sort of warning. changing weapong while trying to avoide beeing hit by the missile will become messy.

autoflares is the way to go imo .. but then again the nice thing with arma is. if you dont like the way it is.. mod or script it like you want :p

here is a example video i made using autoflares. where there is a x % chance of missile hitting


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its nice that its a weapon class you can add to a vehicle. but the problem with it is that wount have time to react by the time a missile is incomming. if you dont use a event handler to give you atleast some sort of warning. changing weapong while trying to avoide beeing hit by the missile will become messy.

autoflares is the way to go imo ..

Could just create a script that automatically selects & fires the flares when you press a certain key/action.

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sure.. or even script in an option to set in as manual or auto :)

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You can implement it however you want, but personally I like the idea of having them defined as a weapon. It makes more sense that way, plus you can still have a "fire flares" key/action that selects & fires them for you in addition that to being able to select & fire them manually.

Automatically firing them however is less realistic, and also takes any challenge out of it.

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Does a missile automaticly chase a flare or do you have to change its current target?

If you have to do it manually, can someone give me a pointer on how do you do it?

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MikeJHunter: No i am not doing that as i see no point in it now.

Does a missile automaticly chase a flare or do you have to change its current target?

if you create your own flarescript setup you need to spoof the missile.

**** SOME NEWS ****

after messing with my own flarescript setup i got kinda anoyed. it only worked local :(

so i did investigate the flare thingy in Arma 2.

Now its SUPEREASY to set up the FlareLauncher without getting that anoying hint message each time you release a flare..

hers how you get it working..

depbo Ca.pbo

copy the file Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\muzzle\flares.sqf to your mission dir..

open the file and remove line 43 ofcource.. "the hint line"..

next.. in your init.sqf you put something like this,,

waitUntil {player == player};
BIS_Effects_Flares=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "flares.sqf";

Add "flarelauncher" and "FlareLauncherMag" to a c130 or anyother vehicle..

i tested it by running 2 x arma on desktop and 1 ded server in vmware.. and it works :)

happy flares people :p

Edited by nuxil

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After playing with it... It seems the FlareLauncher does not spoof the missles, however, makes it difficult if not impossible to get a lock on the plain while its firing off the flares...

So that may be the intended use, for example with the c130 blowin flares while dropping cargo like a maniac...

Not 100% on this though.

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hmm.. the missiles seams to blow up in the flare area.. but i might imagen it

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hmm.. the missiles seams to blow up in the flare area.. but i might imagen it

I was indeed doing that..

after carefull examination i conluded the flares ingame is only eyecandy.

and the hit area is usaly around tailrotor area.

well thats the case with the orginale flares.

doing minor changes to the script lets you spoof the missile. :)

in flares.sqf look for.

(_emmiters + _flares) spawn 

you find this at the bottom of the file :)

now add some code just above the that...

_missiletypes = ["M_Stinger_AA", "M_Sidewinder_AA", "M_Sidewinder_AA_F35", "M_Strela_AA", "M_Igla_AA", "M_R73_AA", "M_9M311_AA","igla"];
_list = (getpos vehicle player) nearObjects 120;

_nr = count _list;
for [{_i=0},{_i <= _nr},{_i=_i+1}] do 
_obj = _list select _i;
_type = typeOf _obj;
if (_type in _missiletypes) then {_obj setdir (getdir _obj) + (random(200)-100);};

(_emmitters + _flares) spawn

this seam to work for me :)

but you should spam with flares.. to get best result

ps: could a mod move this thread to MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING as it realy belongs there :p


Edited by nuxil

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@nuxil: Thanks for it! Works great !!! :)

But one question:

I removed the hint line in the flares.sqf Script but the hint still displays every time I shot a flare. :/

EDIT: Added a sleep command to the init.sqf and it works now :)

waitUntil {player == player};
sleep 0.5;
BIS_Effects_Flares=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "flares.sqf";

Edited by Cyborg11

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Don't know why but the fire command on the Flarelauncher doesn't work.

_plane selectweapon "flarelauncher"; // works
_plane fire "flarelauncher"; // the plane will not fire the flares

Because this doesn't work I can't make automatic flares and the AI can't use the flares too :(

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_plane fire "flarelauncher"; // the plane will not fire the flares

_plane fire "flarelauncher";

it's work for me

try to add weapon for every air unit in (i'm add in main section(not in turret))


anoter q) for those who understanding in basic trigonometry)

_relpos=_v modeltoworld (_v selectionposition format["flare_launcher%1",_i]);
_dirpos=_v modeltoworld (_v selectionposition format["flare_launcher%1_dir",_i]);

_flare="FlareCountermeasure" createvehiclelocal _relpos;

_dirpos=[(_dirpos select 0) - (_relpos select 0),(_dirpos select 1) - (_relpos select 1),(_dirpos select 2) - (_relpos select 2)];

//Calculate vehocity to launch flare at
_div=abs(_dirpos select 0)+abs(_dirpos select 1)+abs(_dirpos select 2);
_flarevel=[(_dirpos select 0)/_div*_muzzzlevel,(_dirpos select 1)/_div*_muzzzlevel,(_dirpos select 2)/_div*_muzzzlevel];

we're check for direction of flare_launcher and calculate him velocity))

but/problem here/ Im want to change direction to to plane's direction!!))

can someone add here some simple solution for those who badly studied in school))

another one q))

how change particle params that he's continued to fall not losing velocity so mach))

sorry ma bad engliz)

Edited by nikita320106

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how to add flares to all aircraft, mean, even for those who are controlled by AI

this, but not only for player:

vehicle player addEventHandler ["IncomingMissile",{_this execVM 'flares.sqf'}];


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