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About Benneb

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    Private First Class
  1. Does a missile automaticly chase a flare or do you have to change its current target? If you have to do it manually, can someone give me a pointer on how do you do it?
  2. That still limits you to 11 plus units per squad or the map breaks. Its best to just replace all _count in that file with something else (like mine is _infcount). Having two scripts that do totaly different things but still share a variable just cant be a good thing. :)
  3. Benneb

    speed and forceSpeed

    Its not a bug. Its a feature! :D
  4. mine is this: BIS_EVO_FillInf = { _grp = _this select 0; _lpos = position leader _grp; _allunits = ["RU_Soldier_MG","RU_Soldier_HAT","RU_Soldier_HAT", "RU_Soldier_HAT","RU_Soldier_Sniper","RU_Soldier_M edic","RU_Soldier_GL","RU_Soldier","RU_Soldier_AA" ,"RU_Soldier_AA","RU_Soldier_Medic","RU_Soldier_Me dic"]; _max = (count _allunits)-1; _infcount = 8; _j = 0; while {_j <= _infcount} do { _unit = _grp createUnit [_allunits select (round random _max), _lpos, [], 0, "FORM"]; _unit setSkill 2+(random 3); [_unit] join _grp; _j = _j+1; Sleep BIS_EVO_GlobalSleep; }; //player sideChat format ["EVO_FillInf:%1",_j]; [_grp] call BIS_EVO_OrderSquad; };
  5. I was using showscripterrors. It does not display an error. But as i said, its ok, the trigger works fine instead. I was just pointing out something i have observed since the patch :)
  6. Hi All, Not sure if i am going crazy but i think the latest patch changed the in list command. Before i had a script that checked if an object was in a marker called Respawn_West. Now that no longer works and will stop the script executing without showing an error. I have instead, had to make a trigger that is over the marker and use in list on that instead. Has anyone else noticed this? Is it a bug or was i imagining my script working previously?
  7. hah I know. :) What i wanted to do was create a list of all the units in a vehicle on the map. Instead of having everyones names overlapping. I might just go for the name of the pilot/driver and + number of passengers
  8. I thought about that. Only problem i saw was when you zoom in and out of map the markers scale slightly. This would put the text out of alignment :(
  9. Hello All, Is it possible to create a marker with a text label that spans more than one line? I know you can use parsetext and <br/> on descriptions but so far i have not had any luck with markers.
  10. It sets the amount of infantry to spawn for that group. The problem as i said was that the variable was being used in more than one place in the same thread. Both EVO_MissionManager.sqf: while {BIS_EVO_MissionProgress < _count} do { And BIS_EVO_FillInf [_mkr,BIS_EVO_DetectEast,BIS_EVO_DetectWest,BIS_EVO_MissionProgress] call BIS_EVO_Erec; BIS_EVO_Erec would then call BIS_EVO_FillInf which would then set _count to 8. Which is why the map would just stop after the 8th town (Gorka) was completed. The only other real fix i have done is fixing the T menu so you do not have to reconnect to be able to use it again. The latest release of my version of the map (ack at that terrible display of English there) is V0.8b2. Other than that ive only been tinkering; making the map harder, adding acceerated day/night cycle. At the moment i am working on version b3 which should include Norrin's revive script (yey) and garrisoned units in buildings (hurrah).
  11. In EVO_FillInf.sqf change all isntances of _count to _infcount Fixes the towns not working as Erec is called within the same thread as the town progress counter which also uses the variable _count. Thats what i did when i made the -Edit version :D
  12. good idea, ill give that a try. Also, is it possible to make something invisile and uncollidable?
  13. Aye it does. Anyway, during my testing i found it best to attach them all to a person then bury said person about 200 down in the sea at [0,0,-200]. Problems being as i said; they dont get put back. So i do not see any advantage to using attachTo instead of deleteCollection. Does anyone know of any other ways to remove buildings? Or even a way to reload the map after the mission is done? Fake edit: Just had a thought. What about this method: For each building in the area to clear, create a can (or something equally small) in the center of said building Attach the building to the object. Move the object -200 into the ground. Then at the end of the mission/map, reverse the process. Only problem i can forsee is that is still doesnt work for fences or sign posts... And before it is asked, the reason i want to do this is to replace Baltoa with a military base.
  14. Ok, been playing with this for a while now. Seems you can use attachto on pre placed buildings. So far managed to attach a cities worth of buildings to a btr. :E Edit: But it seems they dont get put back and it doesnt work for fences
  15. If you remove the collection then next time you load a map on the same island it will still be gone. you need to load the other island or reload the game to get the objects back. And i dont want to use setdamage as i want to completeley remove the objects. I tried moving them elsewhere but had no luck with that either.