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Recently I have noticed lots of ADF mod content in other aussie mods both with and without permission and have gotten sick of seeing 3 varients of the same thing often using the exact same models with a minor texture change, so as of now I am withdrawing ALL permissions given to other aussie mods to use ADF mod addons. There is no point having the same addons under 3 mod logo's and wasting time (as well as making mission makers choose between them) doing the same thing in every mod, even having the same addon in every mod. Viper recently suggested that all the aussie forces mods cooperate to some degree and he was quickly shot down by people saying they had their own plans and didnt want to cooperate, but then all those people who said no are all wanting access to the same ADF mod content! So because of the stealing and constant bickering and sponging, all permissions are withdrawn.

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Posting everywhere to make sure the msg is seen:

What do you mean lots of mods, i haven't seen your content in any other AUS mod around for arma 2 WIP or released. AAW are doing all theirs from scratch, all I've seen of yours is the MRH-90 being implemented to Project Aus.

Don't know what your getting upset about.

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So because of the stealing and constant bickering and sponging, all permissions are withdrawn
Makes me laugh how the internets can be so Serious ;) I appreciate the work people do, but once the project is made public to those of us inside the internet its an open to usage. Seeing words as "Stealing" "Permissions withdrawn" is pointless and nothing will change this unless the up and coming Addon makers show compassion similar to a priest.

Seeing as the Aussie Community needs something home grown and usable, i have no problems at all with old Aussie Arma gear being pushed into the future.

Which will obviously benefit the community and make Arma II more attractive to those of us who have pet crocodiles and very big knifes.

Good job Rhodesy

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yes the MRH90 IS the only thing, and on that the only thing rico worked on was the retracting wheels and doors, and if its that much of a problem i will remove them and redo it myself... however this will push back all release alot more, as i was planning a group pack. but meh.

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I wouldn't worry too much about it, if you can get a thumbs up from one of the guys who made it (for courtesy) then go for it, but if it's a model that was already released to the public, like snr says they cant say "hang on, we decided not to give it to you after a few years later", same principle as if someone gave you a present.

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I agree 100% with people asking permission for using (if you are another mod not a player) or editing addons, people take time out of there own lives to develop these things but rico I just had a look at the ADF mod credits and it seems that you have very little ownership over what is actually in it.

Get permission from the original creators and remove ricos parts from it and your all good. Probably have to reconfig and texture some stuff but that is doable.


- F-88's - [AIF]Wiggles and DrillSeageant for base model

- LAW - Reedwasere for the model, Sabre for the textures (only on the SRPV/LRPV models atm, will be weapons eventually)

- Carl Gustov - Reed for the model, Sabre for the textures

- SR-25 - BIS for models, Rico for modifying them etc

- Troops - Vix for the textures and Rico for mucking around with the BIS models

- Landrover's - TheSun, jagy for using and modifying their landrover pack

- M1A1's - Mateck for models, Rico for 'Auscam' and McNools for Descam.

- S-70 - Rico and DK for textures, Myke for showing me how to do the opening doors

- MRH-90 - AfrographX for model and textures, Rico for retracting gears and opening doors

- ARH Tiger - LoteKk for model and textures, Pafetik Bazerka for cleaning textures up, fixing geomentry, fixing destruction textures, and well anything else thats been fixed lol.

- ASLAV - FischKopp for model and base textures, Stu for converting over to ArmA, Rico for camoscheme

- F-111's - Skaircro for model and textures, Southy for converting it over, EddieD for upgrading textures

- CH-47D - AfrographX for model, Myke for conversion, [uNA]Luke for textures, Rico for auto reardoor

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yer i plan to, got all other permissions loooong time ago, still have the PM's so thats all good, all textures are new, just will need to remove/remake the sliding doors and retractable gears.

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Hey Rico mate!...lighten up!

Get your priorities right and into persepctive.

You're modding for a game, it's a hobbie and for some people looking for a career in modeling etc it's practice!

It's not like anyone on these forums is making any money from this, no companies are in competion for the work here.

Unlike VBS2 there are no liscenses for ArmA that can be purchased to allow you to work as an independant contractor!

If someone wants to start a mod and develop ADF assets "their" way then what's the big deal?

If they happen to have re-textured a bis model that looks similar to yours then so what!

If people in the community like someone else's version of an addon better then the one that you've made then so be it!

And if you give permission for someone to use something of yours then you have given permission...period! You have the choice to say no from the outset.

Asking permission to use someone's else's work is the right thing to do, like SoldierX said they would have put a lot of hard work into it. There's a certain amount of IP that comes into play, but again you can't sell this stuff.

But you can use it as part of a show reel if you're looking to get actual paying work in this field, so being able to show it is actually your work is important (or more importantly being able to catch someone passing your work off as their own).

But if you're not practicing or building up assets for a showreel then it's a hobbie, something that either drags you away from RL or helps you escape it...that means it's supposed to be enjoyable and not stress you out, and if it is maybe you need a new hobbie.

If any of the points i've made are incorrect i apologise in advance, but the point is easy up mate, there's a whole wide world out there beyond your PC and the internet that's much more important.

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This looks freaking awesome! I actually have been waiting quite a while for its release. Does anyone have a clue to its release? I keep seeing other people ask the same question, but i do not see an answer to their question!

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"when its done" ive been busy with rl lately so pushed back the release of the troops, and i dont want to set a date as i dont like deadlines for something i do as a hobby/experience lol.

but it "shouldnt" be to long now.

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But if you're not practicing or building up assets for a showreel then it's a hobbie, something that either drags you away from RL or helps you escape it...that means it's supposed to be enjoyable and not stress you out, and if it is maybe you need a new hobbie.

Thats the main reason I've pulled permissions, someone came to me annoyed that I gave permission for a unit in the mod to be used when I didn't, and instead of going through the headach of sorting out if its true etc and going through all the BS of following it up I've just pulled the permissions completly then if someone releases with our stuff in ADF scheme then its clear its not correct. The fun of modding is being sucked out when you make a mod for fun (and it's a learning process) and all you cop in return is abuse, told its crap etc and then people turn around and use the stuff thats meant to be so 'shit', it's beyond a joke :j:.

But thats all I'm going to say, dont want to go offtopic, msg has been delivered, and atleast for now it stands until my trust in the community is restored (if ever).

EDIT: It's ironic because I was always the one to support the community, and allowed people to use my stuff when possible and help them when I could, so for me to get over it theres clearly something very wrong here.

Edited by RicoADF

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And how long have you been reading these forums that you where completely ignorant of this likely happening? Huh?

You've been around long enough that you can't say "I didn't see it coming".

Simple rule, if you don't want to attact trouble, dont "put it out there".

That includes any "discussion" threads, any WIP threads and even any Screenshot threads.

Keep it all in you're own separate Mod Forum and you *might* be hassle-free.

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problem rico, your contribution to the ADF mod is extremely slim, and if rhodesy has permissions from the others, then your opinion is null and void.

Still waiting for some more teasers rohdesy :P

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Oh and people wonder why the Aussie people don't work together.

Get everyone back on track with some screens or something Rhodesy :)

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guys please not in here, rico has made his choice, wether or not we agree with it dosnt matter. rather not go through the drama that would be sure to follow. just means more work is all...

ok here we go

A Skylark I mini-UAV im making for the PA mod, with any luck will be carried by inf dismantled by one person, and another person carying the controler. then when needed the person with the uav will set it up, launch via hand. will def need help with the scripting part but lol. anyway just started this today, and hope to start UV mapping and texturing it tomorow since i got a few days off work :)




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^Awesome, that's a great idea.

Any Aussie sound modders? Imagine Crows, Galahs and Cockatoos for the baron sections lyre birds and such in the forest areas and some good old Magpies for the residential areas. You could go night and day sounds too, loud crashes in the trees at night with cicadas, man I wish u knew what I was doing with that sort of thing.

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Not the bloody galahs, the annoying buggers will use up all me ammo.

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PA_Auscam 0.6 Alpha release

Australian Regular Army units, Alpha state (i.e. WiP)


- Res Lods are not complete so i left them out of this alpha release there for not exactly great preformance from these guys. however will be fixed in the future

- textures are still a work in progress, like most of this addon. in the future id like to redo them as i dont think they are the best i can do, however ill save that for a later date.

- not 100% accurate in terms of peices of kit.

- plenty of bugs, hence why its only a Alpha release, but i just wanted to get them out to the public so they could have a play around with them, plus i was in the christmas spirit :P so please be kind when (not if but WHEN) you come across some bugs, however with that said there SHOULDNT be any game breakers in there, i think i got all of them.

- weapon and kit load out is only temp, and just a quick job, they still use defualt BIS M4's.

Known Issues:

- No res LODs, poor preformance

- depending on graphics settings blury textures

- small model clipping

- noticed some small shadow bugs.

- bound to be many more

Future Releases:

- in the next 1 - 2 weeks i hope to fix any bugs found in this alpha release, mainly the res lods and reworking most of the textures.

- in the next month i hope to have a 1.0 release ready with final textures and most of the models done + Desert textures

- early 2010 i hope to expand into 2cdo troops + SASR and rework the models to better represent Australian Army soldiers of 2010, also by this time i hope to have these guys using the AAW weapon pack coming for arma2.


- first is STALKERGB as really none of this would of been possible with out him, he donated (well i asked lol) his 4rifles models to the PA mod which where the building blocks for these units, along with his original textures. also his helped my along the way alot and i am ever gratefull, i even made him a ArmA2 shrine (:P i am not kidding, see here lol http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/972/shrine1.jpg ) as a "thankyou" lol but even i dont think thats enough :P

- Next comes Binkowski as he also donated parts of his US army units (pouches, helmet bits and peices + textures)

- Bigsmokeee whos a mate who helps out with the mod when he can via screenshots, testing and just his opinion in general

- im sure there are many more however at the time of writing this its late so please forgive me if i have forgoten you and let me know and ill update it asap.



on a side note its ok for mirror sites to put this up but please make it clear that this is only a ALPHA release, as to lower any confusion on the lower quality. also im sorry for the large download but theres still alot of textures in the addon, still gota go through and remove all the unneeded ones. will be done in the future.



Merry Christmas all :)

Edited by Rhodesy77

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Looking good mate, will be posted on the front page of ausarama.org once the DL link is up :)

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download link is up. Merry Xmas all :)

Thank you for your gift, merry christmas:)

ArmedAssault.info Mirror and News:


We have also added this release to your personal author profile

If a release or contact information is missing, feel free to drop a PM, it will then be added.

Edited by Marko112
Mirror Added

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