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ArmA2 Modding Toolbox for 3ds max V1.1

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Same here. Either this thing pops up, or it exports an empty file, or it exports a file, which however is not readable by O2 (Arma 3 Tools Version)

Please help :icon_sad: This toolbox motivated me to finish my model and now it doesnt work *is heartbroken*

Additionally the shader makes the model look really arkward (almost as if it would have flipped faces).

I tried every option, with and without material/texture export. Assigning the directx material and then exporting with and without material/texture...

Everytime i either get the error, or a file that is not readable by O2.

Max 2013 64bit Version

Edited by Fennek

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I got problem of export to p3d file, it always came out with message like “Unknown property: “effectFile†in filename: Standardâ€

I’ve build a very basic dice for test, it only got model itself and texture, but this problem still exist. Does anyone know which might have cause this? Thank for the help.

http://ppt.cc/[email protected]

If the image is too small, just right click and open the image(http://ppt.cc/eJCu) with new page.

What shader are you using?

Same here. Either this thing pops up, or it exports an empty file, or it exports a file, which however is not readable by O2 (Arma 3 Tools Version)

Please help :icon_sad: This toolbox motivated me to finish my model and now it doesnt work *is heartbroken*

Additionally the shader makes the model look really arkward (almost as if it would have flipped faces).

I tried every option, with and without material/texture export. Assigning the directx material and then exporting with and without material/texture...

Everytime i either get the error, or a file that is not readable by O2.

Max 2013 64bit Version

So you are using directX shader that comes with max then?

Ok i also have a problem. I extract the model p3d file. But this file includes no textures at all. But why? :-)

And also we got this bug on another system with the same datas.

http://i.imagebanana.com/img/mmqm15ac/Screenshot2013121416.15.02.png (227 kB)

It has nothing to do with this plug-in

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Ok it has nothing to do with it "but" the extraction is a work of the plugin and if there is not texture at all in the p3d data, there should be something wrong. Is it possible to give the data to someone who is usesing the toolbox and could maybe try to extract it?

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Things was solved via PM, it had NOTHING to do with this plug-in

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im getting this message when i try to duplicate an LOD, im using max 13. I have reinstalled the tool kit twice to make sure i didnt misinstall anything and i made sure everything was installed in the proper directories. Does anyone have a clue as to why its doing this?

I am good with max so getting this working would nail down my workflow for getting stuff into arma i just dont like oxygens interface.

(and i noticed it says 2010 so idk why it would be routing itself through a 2010 folder)

Edited by Sw4l

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im getting this message when i try to duplicate an LOD, im using max 13.

max 13 means 3ds max 2011. Is it 64 or 32 bit version?

I have reinstalled the tool kit twice to make sure i didnt misinstall anything and i made sure everything was installed in the proper directories. Does anyone have a clue as to why its doing this?

Have you installed the patch for v1.1 as well? The one provided in the first post?

(and i noticed it says 2010 so idk why it would be routing itself through a 2010 folder)

If when you say you are using max 13, you actually mean max 15, or 3ds Max 2013 to be more precise, then the installation instructions for it (as well as for 2014) are here:


Edited by PuFu

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im using max 2013, if i recall i have downloaded the 1.1v tool kit, ill try a fresh install.


fresh install and still the same issue, i have followed the new installation instructions to a T and everything, only thing i can think of it being is its calling that one button through the 2010 folder and it doesn't exist but i have no issues with any of the other LOD buttons so im stumped.

Edited by Sw4l

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So i installed this toolbox in 3ds max 2012, everything seemed to be fine, untill i tried to duplicate a lod.

When i try to duplicate a lod it gives me the message: "-- Runtime error: Can't load Button images: bitmap: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2010\scripts\ArmAToolBox\armaToolBox2.bmp" . I find this line to be especually interesting becouse somehow it mentions 3ds Max 2010, wich is not installed, never has been, and as you can expect that folder doesn't exist.


So my question: What do i do to reroute this bitmap loading thingy to where it is actually installed.


Also i am still rediculously confused why it mentioned 3ds Max 2010 in the first place.


P.S. Grammar in this post problebly won't be up to par with the general norm for the english language, and my apologies for this, as i am not a native english speaker i expect some flaws.


Thank you for taking your time to read this post. Greetings, GhostEngineer12.

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this is the most current one, and there won't be any updates to it. in fact it is a bit obsolete 

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Thanks for the info!


If it's not going to be updated, are there any replacements out there for it by chance?

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there is little need for it anymore really. i'd love to be able to everything outside o2, but currently, i only spend less than 1% of the dev time while creating an asset in o2, and moat of that is setting up some selections that i cannot export directly, setting paths for textures and rvmats and importing all the indiv lods.

btw, there is script in the tools folder for max that exports as a bi universal txt file. i don't really use it since bi added fbx import (which also works for weighted meshes btw)

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What's everyone using these days if these tools are now obsolete? I've seen mention of the blender toolkit but I've also seen people bashing it for not being up to par with other stuff.

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What's everyone using these days if these tools are now obsolete? I've seen mention of the blender toolkit but I've also seen people bashing it for not being up to par with other stuff.


What other stuff? Other than the max toolset there's literally nothing else out there. So there's no basis for comparison.


How can something that's been released for free and taken a good chunk of someone's time be bashed?  It does exactly what Alwarren intended it to do and more. If people have any problems with it, the most likely reason is their own inability to use it correctly.


Sometimes people just don't have the time or interest to keep these tools updated. If that happens, then we just have to accept it. They don't owe the community anything. Least of all, reasons. In fact I'd suggest it's the other way around.  :)

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I change DisplayDriver in Customize - Preferences - Viewports  - ChoseDriver As Nitros Direct 3d 9.

Default Nitros Direct 3d 11 no job for ARMA Tools.Euwv7FkSGi8.jpg

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