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ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released

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By howitzer I assume you mean 105mm ? *Edit* actually it is the 227mm MLRS rockets which make the really big bangs.

Question - has anyone noticed whether you get an incoming 'whistle' if you are on the receiving end of the BIS artillery ? Poking around in the ARTY module there is some code to play this sound-effect but none of the configs appear to contain any references to actual sound files.

I'm cheating a bit by just spawning shells in the target area but it would be nice to get the whistle as well !

*Edit* I'm pretty sure even the BIS artillery doesn't do the whistling. It's odd because there is code for it but no sound files - makes me wonder if some of this stuff was brought in from BIA ?

For blufor there is a cannon called the M119, and the opfor version is the D-30. Makes a pretty good explosion. They appear to me to be a bit larger than the standard arty explosions. I just figure it will look cooler to have different size explosions going off, rather than just one size. I dont think ive actually seen the rockets in action yet, at least not the effect they have on the ground level. If you say its bigger, than thats good enough for me.

Yeah I dont know about the arty whistling, weird, I wonder if you use vopsound if it makes the whistle?

I know the older versions of the game had sounds you could add to an area, like say an alarm. I guess that could be used to mask the fact that the arty wont whistle. I dont know if that will actually work,Just an idea.

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Well after some testing there is definitely no whistle on incoming artillery.

Hey Mac, I got another inquiry for you..........:)

Would you be able to to write a script so that there are flares automatically being launched in the air to illuminate large areas at night?

This would be extremely cool.

I think I have a masterpiece on my hands, and I cant wait to get to final version.

Bring on Version 2. lol :)

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Hey dead matey,,, dont forget to post a link, the way this map sounds, id like to get it up on our server, btw, was that you on there last night on a few CTF maps with us ?

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Absolutely Taxman, as soon as its done, you got it. I was going to ask if you guys would mind playing it and giving me some feedback, so thanks for expressing interest in it. This map is going to give players good situational awareness and create intense firefights, while naturally encouraging teamwork. Theres alot of cover, but not at the cost of keeping players blinded to whats happening on the battlefield. Theres going to be alot fire exchanged between teams, but not alot of easy kills, theres going to be bullets bouncing and smashing into cover all over the place. Headshots are probably going to be the main cause of death on this bad boy.

ok im gonna shut up now. I just woke up, and shouldnt be typing so much.

Can you tell im excited for this map? :)

Also, yeah that was me playing with you guys for a bit last night. (getting stomped i might add). That was fun, I try to play on your server whenever I get the chance, but I usually only see it on weekends.

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Just for you dead.... :-)


Yes, those are flares lighting things up from time to time - freezeframe the first marker shot to see the keywords.

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I like your pvp pack and I have created a mission with it. I have tested it on three different servers and everyone gets choppy screens every couple of seconds. I am not sure if it is the scripts or not. The servers run 64 person domination missions with no lag at all, so I find this odd.

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Have you downloaded the latest version of the weatherSync.sqf file from here ... http://dev-heaven.net/attachments/download/1937/weatherSync.sqf ?

The 1.03 patch from BIS introduced a bug in the setDate command. V1.19 used this command and as a result gave choppy behaviour - symptom is stuttering every second or so.

See this post and the couple after it for more details.

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Name- Artillery_3

Text: Salvo=1,flare,airburst=300,reloadTime=20

Got it. Is the 300 the altitude that it starts at?

Awesome!! This is amazing.

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More features implemented in V2...

CTF-ECL mode. A mix of C&H and CTF - you need to hold the mid objective to allow you to score the flag.

CTF-RUGBY (American Football) mode. There is only one flag in the center of the map. Teams fight to capture it and must then take it to the enemy's endzone to score. 'Noflag zones' mean a winning team can't simply retreat to their own end to settle into defense.

CO-OP mode. (Yes, you read that right, PVPscriptpack isn't just PVP anymore.) You can now use the framework and features as part of a CO-OP mission.

..and Destroy Objectives as seen in the teaser video can now also be 'mobile' - ie the owning side can drive the vehicles away and try to hide them elsewhere in the map. A tracking device option can be used to force them to stay on the move.

Edited by sbsmac

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Can't wait to try out v2

20 maps and counting now... a few are not 100% complete though.

I see you have pw protected alpha version up... :eek:

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deadsmell presents:


Dont be fooled by the name. This map doesnt fuck around.

Spend an hour and a half with my map, and I promise youll be begging for more.

Please give me feedback. I hope the community enjoys this very much.

I will have the other variations uploaded within the next few days. This map is the first in the series.............

I could go on, and on, but I will wait for player feedback, without further adew...............


again, enjoy and feed back is greatly appreciated.

Extra Special Thanks To -SBS-MAC.

please report player feedback to the arma 2 user missions thread regarding the release of this map.

---------- Post added at 04:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 AM ----------


Also, please feel free to stop by and join us on the team toast CTF server. The only public American CTF server we are aware of.

Special LO to our European friends

---------- Post added at 04:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:10 AM ----------

Ok i think the link is working now, please let me know. Thank You.

Edited by deadsmell

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I've been messing about with your script packs and wanted to give you a big thanks.

I mainly focus on AAS styles since that is what I like. Would it be possible to implement an objective that when captured, spawns vehicles that will respawn there when blown? If the flag is captured by the other team their vehicles could spawn and not allow yours to respawn?... Hope that wasnt too confusing lol.

Also a script where blufor can take out an ammo crate in order to capture the area and the insurgents lose if all the ammo crates are destroyed. To go along with this the blufor would need a limited amount of respawns, whereas the insurgents could respawn as many times as they like. Basically weapon caches must be destroyed for the blufor to win, and insurgents have to kill all the blufor to win.

Edited by CplBlakeman

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Interesting ideas. Right now I'm pretty busy just trying to get V2 out the door but will definitely consider these for future releases - I'm very keen to extend the kinds of objectives now that I have rewritten the engine to make it more flexible and suport these kinds of ideas.

Best bet if you have suggestions is to log them over on the dev-heaven issues list (link in my sig). Every so often I do a sweep through PM's, forum posts and emails and try to log everything that's been suggested but the volume of ideas is now such that I tend to miss a few and it would help me if people could log them themselves :-)

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Blakeman - thanks for taking the time to log your ideas - appreciate the input :-)

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I was wondering if you had thought of adding support for the ambient civilian and car features of the game. I was thinking something along the lines of if you kill too many civilians they start tossing rocks at your faction.

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Blakeman - thanks for taking the time to log your ideas - appreciate the input :-)

No problem, hopefully my ideas aren't too far-fetched that they can actually be done.

Thanks as well for giving us a place to suggest new options. :)

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I have been working on tdm missions and the scoring has really gotten me a bit frustrated. Here are some of my results.

My mission takes places on a bluefor airbase. There are several US jets, US choppers, US transport trucks and US hummvees arround. So far in my testing I have found that if a East player picks up a 203 and blows up vehicles they get extra points. for instance.

An opfor soldier blowing up any air vehicle gains the east 5points each. Blowing up a humvee gains the east 3points and 2 points for transport trucks.

Now on the other hand. If a bluefor soldier picks up a 203 and starts blowing up vechicles they recieve negative points. -5 for air, -3 for humvee and -2 for transport.

Im completely fine with this concept. It should be a struggle for bluefor soldiers to not have their vehicles destroyed.

YET here is my problem. I have placed empty USMC machine gun nests throughout the map. If an eastern or a bluefor player gets in one of them nests and shoots up a vehicle they lose points. I would think eastern players should continue to gain points as to follow the trend or the point distribution.

My question is.... is there something I can put in the init line of each vehicle that will make it friendly to both east and west. This way both teams will get penalized for blowing up vehicles.

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Hmm - this definitely sounds like a bug in Arma rather than the script pack. I will check it out when I get time. You can try this as a workaround...

In the vehicle init field put....

this setSide sidefriendly

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Thanks mac. i added that line to a few vehicles and when i was east I blew them up and it was still Positive points.

How would I add your friendly line in the init in addition to adding hight to an object?

right now i have this

this SetPos [GetPos  this select 0, GetPos  this select 1, (GetPos this select 2)+13]

How would i add that friendly line?

After further testing, i found this line does not effect the point tally for kills

this setSide sidefriendly

Mac, is there no way to have the white EAST and WEST numbers get the number from person to person kills only? Leave out the tally and the vehicle kills all together.

Edited by SpecterM

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Hi Spec - to add the line sbsmac gave you I think you can separate the commandes by commas, but I'm at work and can't confirm for you. Try this

[color="Lime"]this setSide sidefriendly[/color], this SetPos [GetPos  this select 0, GetPos  this select 1, (GetPos this select 2)+13]

I have no answer on the kill counts for vehicles, etc. I believe those are part of the game code, but hey - anything's possible and mac may have more info on that. Let me know if the list code helps or doesn't work at all...

Edited by Tom_Anger

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Its hard to tell if it will work or not because "this setSide sidefriendly" has proven to not help the point distribution. I used

this SetPos [GetPos  this select 0, GetPos  this select 1, (GetPos this select 2)+13];this setSide sidefriendly

and arma accepted it.

but like I said. this setside sidefriendly didnt work for point distribution anyway.

---------- Post added at 01:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 PM ----------

I just switched the game mode over to DM instead of TDM gave me the same results. Also: I missed testing on regular cars and pickups. Same results.

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With help from fellow clan mate URC wacko, we tried to get the vehicle to the point where it is .99 percent damaged but never actually destroys.

we tried naming the vehicle jet_1

then setting up a trigger set to repeatedly

condition: ((damage Jet_1) > 0.75)

on act: Jet_1 setdamage .75

It took 8 203's without blowing up(just markings, no physical damage ie, smoke fire etc.) . But as soon as i lobbed that 1 grenade the thing blew up.

This concept would be a great idea if I could get it to work properly. Anyone have any ideas?

I think im getting the best results with .50 on both lines.

-basically what this is doing. 1 soldier cant destroy the vehicle. so point distribution doesn't effect either team.. Now the vehicle will only destroy by natural artillery strike. or by some jamoke getting in a machinegun nest and shooting at it till it blows up.

UPDATE: What a pain in the rear. i set the same trigger up on a transport truck and it flames after 3 203's. gaining east 2 points. then without even hitting it again. it blows up gaining another 2 points...LOL theres gotta be a sweet spot for each vehicle.

Edited by SpecterM

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V2.01 is released

It's been a bit of a slog but here it is. As usual, see the first page for details.

Special thanks to the beta testers...





who managed to pick up a good number of bugs before release (Mosh found one 30 seconds before I was about to go live with 2.00 !). No doubt bugs remain, please help me by reporting them.

This release includes signifcant rewrites of many parts of the engine, particularly the objectives system which is now much more flexibile - expect to see more objective types in future releases. I'm rather proud of the 'mobile destroy' type which allows for 'hunt the scud' type C&H.

You will need to be comfortable with the keyword/modifier system to use V2 - the video here:-

is the best example I have so far but I intend to work on some more video tutorials now that the release is out.

Hope you enjoy it... :)

Oh, and there's a 'COOP' gamemode now so perhaps it isn't just the PVPScriptpack anymore... :p

Edited by sbsmac

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