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bad graphics performance - BiS confirm?

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I am playing every days and nights ... and have no issues playing MP.

I am happy with the game working well.

I have found the game visually impressive on 1st play, have updated my old 1950Pro512 for a brand new 4870 1Go Vapor-X.

The only issue I have on MP is on servers populated by newbies trying to play ArmA2 as BF. When playing with mature players Coop as TvT are great.

Edit (hardware config.) : Core2Duo E6600, Asus P5B, 4Go Ram 800, Saphire 4870 1Go Vapor-X.

Edit2 (OS) : Windows XP pack3

Edited by Old Bear

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I should add that the server I usually play on has become more stable (less player warping) but that is most likely an optimization on the server side.

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Count me in, I only get around 30 fps with medium/high settings... The weirdest part is that I only get around 5 fps more with as low settings as possible... Also, I can run World in Conflict with all settings on max (everything) very smoothly.

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I am playing every days and nights ... and have no issues playing MP.

I am happy with the game working well.

The only issue I have on MP is on servers populated by newbies trying to play ArmA2 as BF. When playing with mature players Coop as TvT are great.

So what is your problem? I thought this thread was about bad graphics performance.. did I miss something.

Not everyone is an online "Old Bear" :annoy:

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I have NO specific graphic bad performance playing the game in MP.

My point is I can play ArmA2 in MP with a nice middle range rig on a day to day basis without any fancy tweaking, just the plain thing.

It doesn't mean I have no question about how the game looks. It means that from my experience I have no special graphic bad performance when I play MP.

Last night I had a problem while playing a large PvP battle on Chernarus. Got a CTD. We got first lot of desync, then some had crashes. The problem is under investigations, wondering if it is server, scripts or addons related. But I had NO graphical issue before the CTD.

I can't see the point of building a "wall of laments" in Forums but I believe in sharing knowledge.

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Old Bear, Try changing your MTU on your router. If it's over 1492 then that's a likely issue, but if not, try lowering it further. 1492 is usually good for most circumstances but 1454 is a lot more stable.

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@Bulldogs : thanks, but I must tell I was sharing the connection with my son playing the same mission on the same server and he had no problem.

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Dwarden - Are you seriously suggesting that I have to play the game in windowed mode because I have vista? Also, is this just a silly fix until the next patch, or is it going to be classed as a permanent solution? I find all this very confusing, I read in another thread where Suma says that vista is not a problem. So does vista have a problem with this game or not - Which is it, Yes/No?

Edited by Jackdaniels

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had enough now.

sick of joining a server, selecting my weapons and crashing to desktop

I have lowered my gfx to stock

CPU and Ram are default

Uninstalled openAL (that's how desperate I have been, uninstalling stuff and disabling stuff)

Chkerror'd the HDD

scanned for virus/adware


stopped unneccesary services from starting up (punkbustrA, and punkbustrB ... although it is looking like I will need them now to play CoD4 until this game works)

the Beta drivers did boost FPS but didnt help the CTD issue

all in all Im pretty miffed, back to CoD4/Project Reality/even CSS!/watching telly... laters

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Dwarden - Are you seriously suggesting that I have to play the game in windowed mode because I have vista? Also, is this just a silly fix until the next patch, or is it going to be classed as a permanent solution? I find all this very confusing, I read in another thread where Suma says that vista is not a problem. So does vista have a problem with this game or not - Which is it, Yes/No?

Everything is black or white, isn't it? You're confused really.

Probably Vista is a problem with some rigs, with others no problem.

XP is a problem for some machines for others it's 7 the problem.

But I'm confused also. You've writen:


So second thoughts? Glad to hear that. You'll not be sorry. ARMA II will be, with futures patches, a great game, you'll see. ;)

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if You got NVIDIA card please try point 0. :)

Did you read the fixes nvidia have so called solved with this beta....CS1.6....Halflife 2 lost world....or whatever its called...i think nvidia need to move on aswell as people who are still playing and complaining about such old games.

Ive tryed these drivers using gtx 280's and windows xp 64...no improvement over 182.50's :bored:

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Performance plummeted after first few campaign missions

Dell 2407WFP (1920x1200 native res)

Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6700 (using TRUE black cooler)

GTX 285

GSKILL F2-6400CL4D DDR2 4 1GB sticks

Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3R

10 FPS average on High 15 average on normal. Not happy

Moving back to ARMA 1 until performance is fixed.

Tried the NVIDIA fixes btw (disabling physx etc) tried the command line edits etc etc. Windowed mode didn't improve things either. Tried xp x64, vista x64 and win7 x64 not seeing much difference between them. Latest nvidia drivers, have latest beta drivers installed now.

Should probably add i get a steady 40+ FPS in MP with no grass with every setting set to maximum.

Edited by D_O_A

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Everything is black or white, isn't it? You're confused really.

Probably Vista is a problem with some rigs, with others no problem.

XP is a problem for some machines for others it's 7 the problem.

But I'm confused also. You've writen:


So second thoughts? Glad to hear that. You'll not be sorry. ARMA II will be, with futures patches, a great game, you'll see. ;)

Why are you confused about what I wrote in another thread? Isn't it obvious that I didn't get my money back? The shop said I have broke the seal and refused to give me my money back, it's that simple really. And yes I am confused if Vista is a problem on one computer and not on another, I have never in my in my life, until now, heard of a game do that.

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See my signature.

I am doing very fine with it - what I call fine: I can have 50 fps on low settings, 38 on phantastic graphics (my feeling - and my normal combat mode) and about a 21 on highest settings.

It's even playable with 21 fps for me.

As far as I know cinema offers not more than 24 pictures per second.

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Isn't it obvious that I didn't get my money back? The shop said I have broke the seal and refused to give me my money back, it's that simple really.

If the product you have bought does not operate the way it is advertised then they have to refund you, it's the law.

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Jack, contact 505 games, they should refund your product.

btw, Cinema is 30 fps, TV is 24 fps, but it's more noticeable while you're interacting, that said, the human eye can actually detect a very high amount, but that depends how good your eye is.

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See my signature.

I am doing very fine with it - what I call fine: I can have 50 fps on low settings, 38 on phantastic graphics (my feeling - and my normal combat mode) and about a 21 on highest settings.

It's even playable with 21 fps for me.

As far as I know cinema offers not more than 24 pictures per second.

Frame rate varys on the human eye...whats watchable to you can be the opposite to another person.

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Why are you confused about what I wrote in another thread? Isn't it obvious that I didn't get my money back? The shop said I have broke the seal and refused to give me my money back, it's that simple really.

You shouldn't have to contact 505, but with the seal broken it's always more difficult. The shop should have the responsibility of contact 505 and explain the case. Not you the costumer. :mad:

I know people who have done it even with the seal broken (it wasn't with ARMA was with another game). But it was hard.

And yes I am confused if Vista is a problem on one computer and not on another, I have never in my in my life, until now, heard of a game do that.

There are more games... as an example:


Edited by Von_Paulus

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Ok something is seriously messed up with my performance. Multiplayer has always been fine at maximum settings, singleplayer was a slideshow on any setting.

Just put everything on max (including AA) and loaded up the singleplayer campaign. Ran silky smooth... so it seems to run better for me the higher the graphics are set? Not that i'm complaining :) just very random.

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