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About Segwin

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I want to put a machine gunner in a MG nest and I don't want him to move, just want him to defend/attack but stay put. How?
  2. I've got a GTX 285 and the new 190.X drivers do nothing to improve ArmA2. Still get bad FPS and warping on MP. Was hoping though....
  3. Anyone else notice that the sensation of vehicle speed is way off? In ArmA when you were going fast the scenery moved by quickly - in ArmA2 you could be doing 95KPH and it feels like your in a school zone. The advertised speed vs. what the scenery looks like as you traveling at the advertised speed is way off. :confused:
  4. Segwin

    New motherboard - MP Lag

    Me too - i7940 & ASUS Rampage 2 Extreme along with 6 gig of ram and nVidia GTX 285. Might as well be a P2 and nVidia Gforce II. :mad: ArmA MP however runs like a meth addict from the law.
  5. Segwin

    Nvidia 190.38 Beta Drivers?

    Me neither -
  6. Segwin

    Something is weird

    HA! :icon_slap: Thanks, I needed that!
  7. What all all the choices in - Editor F1 Units? I have: BLUFOR OPFOR INDEPENDENT CIVILIAN AMBIENT LIFE Wasn't there empty and something else as well?? Just upgraded to SP2 Vista 64x and something seems out of whack. Thanks.
  8. Segwin

    Trial by Fire

    How did you patch them Eric? I can only drag them to safety (and then they crawl back out and get shot :rolleyes:)
  9. Segwin

    Some genuine patch 1.03 information

    If they just fixed the MP FPS and stutters I'd be a happy camper.
  10. I'm just starting to try and get a grasp on the mission editor so bear with me. Just want a car to have its headlights on sitting in a field. Side: Empty Class: Cars Unit: HMMWV Control: Non-Playable Special: None Name: HMMWV Vehicle Lock: Unlocked Init String: HMMWV action["LightOn", HMMWV] On preview it doesn't work. Help~
  11. Segwin

    Reduce CPU usage?

    Question for you: I have a i7940 sitting on a ASUS Rampage extreme II, 6 gig of tripple channel ram and a nVidia GTX 285. The sound is Creative X-fi ( I think). While my CPU is about 30-40%, as yours, I get stutters in the game. Do you? If so any thought on what causes this?
  12. This happend on the canned missions "Delivery Boy". Not a great mission but was trying it out after building a new computer. I pulled into the base, none of them were getting into the truck so I hopped out and that's when one of them fell down. They were all just standing there when it happened. I started laughing. Not the only time it has happened though. Odd.
  13. The problem is that no one is around and they haven't gotten shot. They just wig out and fall to the ground.
  14. Running ACE 1.09 with the latest Beta exe. For no reason at all some of the AI fall down like their shot - after a minute or so they get back up on their feet. Funny as hell to watch. Anyone else ever see this?
  15. Segwin

    Trouble using ACEIP

    Got it working - thanks guys.