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What does it take... to use ArmA2 objects in V3

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Yes the title says it all..

What do I need to do to be able to use ArmA2 objects to create terrain in Visitor 3 (ArmA1 release version)

If it cannot be done simple, but I have suspicion I can be but my attempt to upgrade bulldozer to ArmA2 did not help with Visitor.

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Ypu need the sample element of arma2 but not ready yet...

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Well I finally found out why it was not working that well for me, turns out I had to adjust visual settings (was a transparency issue in Bulldozer)

I am now building a test terrain for ArmA2 (and its already working in game)

1. I extracted bin.pbo and put in the Bis Tools drive (my case is p: but I am sure its normally something else) in the bin folder, AFTER removing all existing contents.

2. I extracted core.pbo and put in the Bis Tools drive (my case is p: but I am sure its normally something else) in the core folder, AFTER removing all existing contents. (not sure if this is needed but I through rather be safe the sorry)

3. Empty the old ca folder in the Bis Tools drive

4. Extract ca to that folder

5. Now extract all pbo's you want to that folder, such as roads2, buildings, etc..

It should now work..

BUT.. plants2, I cannot get them to work.. Cannot even see them in bulldozer and even though placed they don't show up in game on the map.

Its not perfect but it can give you a start.

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Thank you CBFASI, just the info I was looking for. Will try out tonight.

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Also it seems both plants.pbo and roads.pbo from original do actually work by themselves with no modification for ArmA2, (might be why in ArmA2 the equivalents are named plants2 and roads2 !!)

There is also a differance in how ArmA2 roads have been built so you cannot use a the Visitor road building, its manually place for moment. (I think this has something do with fact in ArmA2 they seem to use road lanes rather than drive down middle!)

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Well I finally found out why it was not working that well for me, turns out I had to adjust visual settings (was a transparency issue in Bulldozer)

I am now building a test terrain for ArmA2 (and its already working in game)

1. I extracted bin.pbo and put in the Bis Tools drive (my case is p: but I am sure its normally something else) in the bin folder, AFTER removing all existing contents.

2. I extracted core.pbo and put in the Bis Tools drive (my case is p: but I am sure its normally something else) in the core folder, AFTER removing all existing contents. (not sure if this is needed but I through rather be safe the sorry)

3. Empty the old ca folder in the Bis Tools drive

4. Extract ca to that folder

5. Now extract all pbo's you want to that folder, such as roads2, buildings, etc..

It should now work..

BUT.. plants2, I cannot get them to work.. Cannot even see them in bulldozer and even though placed they don't show up in game on the map.

Its not perfect but it can give you a start.

Does your buldozer working when you put a ArmA2 building on your map?

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yes, you need to point Visitor at the Arma2.exe tho, not the arma.exe

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Ok, thx i have seen this just after posting ;)

But a question, could you use arma 1 when you made these modifications? mine can't start.

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Why use a1?

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Why use a1?

to play during waiting the linux server for our team ;)

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You an use ArmA1 fine becuse your not editing game files, all your doing is editing what O2 and Visitor use for bulldozer, and give the ability to use some of the ArmA2 objects for map building for ArmA2.

If you want to use O2/Visitor for ArmA1 you will need to return the files orginal found in that bin folder and anything else such as the ArmA1 ca strcture files. If like me you made backups of the relevant folders before making changes your fine..

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i have uninstall and install new time arma 1, don't know why but it can't start after the core and bin modification, now it 's ok

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Hi all,

So lets recap here.... You are using Visitor 3 with Arma 2 ?

Use bulldozer from arma 2 ?

Use addons from arma2 ?

Roads still a problem ?

Tip: Extract the small island for sample config and such (Utes)

Please everybody, keep up the good work, i'm back in making islands again too.

I'm getting sick and tired of that forest island we now ONLY have in Arma 2.

I'm creating a very high res sat image of Entebbe airport, 5x5Km island.

I dont mind small islands, i rather have 10 small islands then 1 big one.

WE NEED NEW LOCATIONS TO BUILD MISSIONS ON, i have enough of domination,beserker or evelution. Bah...



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Well I finally found out why it was not working that well for me, turns out I had to adjust visual settings (was a transparency issue in Bulldozer)

Hey CBFASI, thanks for the great info. Could you tell me how you fixed the transparency issue in Bulldozer because I think I am having same problem.

I have created landscape and buldozer works fine, but as soon as I put an object on it (from ARMA 2), buldozer gives me an error:

{error} LandGrid reference exceeded the range [1023, 1023], it is [3373, 1483]

Any ideas?



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Ok, worked it out! Silly mistake. I missed a "\" on the end of the path to the CA folder for objects in the Project Preferences dialogue. When I go back into Project Preferences though, it disappears again?

Also in Buldozer, when I press F1 for help/options, all I see is boxes and no writing?

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Same here waterman, you have to guess where its highlighting and what it maybe selecting. I just got lucky

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Ok visitor3 is working for arma 2 :

1248779744.jpg <= in game

But all the objects couldn't be used because we need the sample models.

I can't modifie the clutter now and i don't know why... just wait for samples :(

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There are limitations to what you can do with V3, but then it is not designed for ArmA2 but ArmA1, we just lucky at the moment.

ArmA2 plants do not seem to work with V3, but ArmA1 ones do and they work in ArmA2 just by copying that pbo over (ArmA2 is plants2, ArmA1 is plants)

You CAN assign ArmA2 clutter by the config and it works.

You can use ArmA1 sample plants as a basic, suspect not a big change other than some model configuration and graphics upgrade

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It just worked for me

ok a problem with the wiki connexion last nigth.

it 's the same tool from arma 1 :confused:

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ok a problem with the wiki connexion last nigth.

it 's the same tool from arma 1 :confused:

If you look close they have added something called FSM Editor:

* Oxygen 2 Personal Edition for Arma II - model editing and animation package

* Visitor 3 Personal Edition for Arma II - terrain and map editing

* TexView 2 - texture convertor and viewer

* BinPBO Personal Edition - packer

* Sound Tools - sound and lipsync utilities

* FSM Editor - tool to edit and compile fsms used in Arma 2

* BinMake - conversion tool

* Tools Drive - main working directory for tools with mandatory data files

And the tools set for ArmA1

* Oxygen 2 Personal Edition - model editing and animation package

* Visitor 3 Personal Edition - terrain and map editing

* TexView 2 - texture convertor and viewer

* BinPBO Personal Edition - packer

* Sound Tools - sound and lipsync utilities

* BinMake - conversion tool

* Tools Drive - main working directory for tools with mandatory data files

And they already mentioned..

This installer will overwrite previously released BI Editing Tools for Arma I (user made data are intact) and it can not be possible to pack and finalize content for Arma I using the newer tools. Despite it may be possible to configure your system in a way it will support creation for both Arma I and Arma II, it is not recommended.

Looks like they are releasing the exact same tools, just with new updates in it. Just so we can work with the new ArmA2 presets. Although its not a big difference between those 2 releases.. I do hope they release it soon.

We really could use the new visitor3..

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Its out and the problems I have with the ArmA2 plants is still present.

BUT the have released unbinarized roads2, so they can now be used, turns out it is just the fact you cannot place use them in visitor when binarized..

BUT it still only seems tor ecognize the 10 degree turns, not all the others ones, unelss I missed something

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