Gorgi Knootewoot 0 Posted March 27, 2002 Yes, i though so too. Avatars don't represent the truth. Silly me, now i know i should know that TheHamster on the picture isn't really that strong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PHY_Hawkeye 0 Posted March 27, 2002 Name: Gareth Clarke Age: 17 D.O.B: 12 April '84 I live in Belfast, N.Ireland. I'm almost finished school and, after university (where I will hopefully be studying Astro-Phiyics) I'm thinking about joining the R.A.F. as a pilot, Hopefully to fly HELOs. My hobbies include "Modern Military Aircraft." Since we have army choppers flying around here all the time, I've come to be able to tell what type thay are just by the sound (sad really) I also enjoy Ten-Pin bowling and am a HUGE Star Wars fan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
timmy 0 Posted March 28, 2002 Name: Stephen Tovar Date of Birth: 1/20/85 Height: 6'2" Weight: 215 lbs Hair: Short Browinsh/blackish Eye Color: Blue I live in Birmingham, Alabama, USA. My hobbies are playing computer games(and console games), basketball, football(American style), and hanging out with friends. I make decent grades, im also a starter on my high school football team. And hope to attend the University of Virginia, where my mom went. After that I dont really know what i want to do. Personaly I just want to do nothing, but i will probably go into law or medicine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLight 0 Posted March 29, 2002 My name's Jasper Vanderveken I live in the good ol' Belgium (i bet there'll be lots of Dutch ppl replying to this ) I'll be 15 yrs old in 30 days (28th april) I'm not really into computers, i spend most of my time skating, going to Leuven and Antwerpen (some nice cities in Belgium), having fun with my friends, doing some crazy stuff, acting like an idiot in public, playing basketball, looking for nice girls, going to parties and doing a lot more of stupid useless (but fun) stuff!!! Sometimes, i chat a bit on MSN, visit some forums and check my email, and when it's a rainy day i'll play a comp game or play on my PlayStation 2 but like i said, i'm not a comp freak at all, i find it hard enough to find the on/off button on my computer I'm 185 cm (and still growing about 1cm each month, sometimes 1.5cm ), this is pretty big for my age, but where i live there're lots of big ppl so it isn't really special. I probable weigh about 70 kilos (dunno what the exact weight is and actually i don't give a damn, i hate ppl who look at their weight and say that they're too fat), for your information i'm not a fat, i weigh so much cuz i'm tall (like i said). My hair's special, i'm not really sure how to say what it looks like, just special i guess I like: annoying people, acting like a complete idiot in public and laughing at the reacting of the people that walk near me, girls of course, skating, basketball, going out, having fun, music, playing music, bmx, watching tv, going to Marktrock/Torhout-Werchter or other festivals, playing on my ps2 with friends while saying all kinds of stupid stuff that are extremely funny, you know stupid stuff that people of my age like... I hate: girls that can't stop giggling (or whatever it's called in English, you know what i mean, laughing really stupid), people that are scared to come outta their house, ppl that don't dare to do crazy stuff, ppl that keep nagging about how wonderfull they are, ppl that are ALWAYS optimistic, teachers (duh), ppl that mess up nature (am i cute or what! and kill animals when there aren't much of them left (not trying to act like an idiot here, but those ppl are really stupid assholes, if you can't have respect for the place you live and the animals that also live in it then you should be dead), ... Well, i guess i've nagged enough now, you probable had enough problems staying awake while reading this Oh... one last thing, ofcourse, R.I.P. Aaliyah ........ R.I.P. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLight 0 Posted March 29, 2002 Oh my god, that was a pretty *****ing long post, i might look smart now (ALL RIIIIIIIIGHT!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EveronVetsAgainstTheWar 1 Posted April 1, 2002 You cannot get into UVA with "decent" grades nowadays. They are a tough school for in state and out of staters. You need really good grades Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iepers 0 Posted April 4, 2002 Greetings, My name is Joe i am 31 years old and i live in New Jersey 15 minutes away from good ole New York City and i am Manager of security at a Biotech company. I love Classical, Brazilian, Jazz, and all types of music except country Music, Beer, espacialy Belgium, love to travel and of course PC games. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JRyan 0 Posted April 5, 2002 Hi. I'm Jeff Ryan or Corporal Ryan now. I'm a crazy fan of OFP since 1998... it wasn't so beautiful at this moment than now, but it was the war simulation we always dreamed! I did the first OFP squad in 1998... but MP in OFP wasn't looking like today... and with the time... that downed My home: Canada, Ontario, Scarborough, more precise is to the North of Lake Ontario one of the 5 lakes forming a frontier between US and Canada, easy to see it on the map now. I'm doing a Military Career, that always been my dream... I'm listening New Age, Movie Scores and a lil' R&B music. I'm to the cinema every weekend or almost... if you wanna see me, go to Hwy. 401 & Morningside Avenue, Scarborough, there you'll see me See ya all! JRyan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bandit65 0 Posted April 6, 2002 Jon Johns, 36, San Rafael CA, USA, former US Army Cavalry Troop Officer, was at Fort Knox KY during the Sand Box Excercise of 1991... We used to have a simulator at Knox, all computerized, massively multi-player, and used actual equipment interface... Meaning: We stepped into a virtual Tank, with gunner position, driver, loader, and Commander, and looking ou the periscopes, you were looking into COmputer Screens, which showed the virtual world around you. We used to have at least an entire company of tanks fight virtual battles, fully crewed... Best part, was the after action review... The computer would allow the excercise commanders to replay the battle from any view, pause, zoom, and move about... so as to better judge what went right, and what went wrong, and teach us better.... This game is so much like that, it is unbelieveable. I am hooked. This board, on the other hand, is intimidating as hell, you all military guys from all over the world, broght together by a simulation, its fantastic, and scary... I love it too... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IsthatyouJohnWayne 0 Posted April 7, 2002 ....That sounds cool i wont give my name, because i dont particularly like it. OK . i am that most useless of lifeforms, an art student. I live a medium sized town in the south of England known mainly for a battle that happened a thousand years ago (great huh  -except it didnt even happen here) im 19ish and i dont know what the hell im doing in life (if in doubt- become an art student   ) lifes good i guess, though i have problems acting normal+ im crazy (i refuse to accept the phenomenology of the universe-which doesnt help)and i sometimes think im a genius (a sure sign of stupidity) i often think 99% of people are an idiotic waste of space, the rest of the time, i think im the idiotic waste of space noone understands me, ill probably die young-and apart from that i dont what to say BLEGH lifes to short. and so's my penis oops Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IsthatyouJohnWayne 0 Posted April 7, 2002 Oh yes and im not Osama Bin Laden (just in case you were wondering) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Renagade 0 Posted April 8, 2002 I am Renegade,the immortal crusader,part time bum and full time megolomaniac Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpaceAlex 0 Posted April 8, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IsthatyouJohnWayne @ April 07 2002,19:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">....That sounds cool i wont give my name, because i dont particularly like it. OK . i am that most useless of lifeforms, an art student. I live a medium sized town in the south of England known mainly for a battle that happened a thousand years ago (great huh  -except it didnt even happen here) im 19ish and i dont know what the hell im doing in life (if in doubt- become an art student   ) lifes good i guess, though i have problems acting normal+ im crazy (i refuse to accept the phenomenology of the universe-which doesnt help)and i sometimes think im a genius (a sure sign of stupidity) i often think 99% of people are an idiotic waste of space, the rest of the time, i think im the idiotic waste of space noone understands me, ill probably die young-and apart from that i dont what to say BLEGH lifes to short. and so's my penis oops<span id='postcolor'> Pretty useless life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scorpio 0 Posted April 11, 2002 Well, here goes...*deep breath* I am now 13yrs old and go to a high school in UK. I'm a expert in Web Design, 3D Modelling, Desktop Buplishing, Networking, Internet Services, ect, ect. and of course, OFP. I recently have been awarded a junior MSCE and also been awarded the Games Domain, PC Zone, and Playing Fields awards twice each on the games tournament in London. My old knickname on the net was "Sniper Maverick", but that was too long, so i got little old "Snype". That's why nobody knows my that much. I like to keep my computer spec top notch, and my hobbies are - Web Design, 3D Modelling, Computer Games, Kung Fu, and Soccer. I get all my GF's from school, and two time them, LOL(can't seem to help myself) or sometimes I take 2 or 3 at a time, and they never own me, lol. In OFP i like to make a lot of things, which is why i am really busy - Helping in Mods, Suggesting Ideas of Projects, Modelling, Skinning, Creating, Killing, those sort of things. *Deep breath again* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Epita 0 Posted April 12, 2002 Hmm, he sounds like me, however there are some little differences. I am a 143 year old Elvin Angel, working for the British army at the moment to train as a helicopter pilot. Original location unknown. Just come back from a training week at Sailsbury Plain Training Area. OFP rocks as it is very similar to what I am doing at the mo, and we have used it to train. Hobbies, well being Angelic *Ha ha ha*, Archery, many forms of Karate and Anime, of which I am slowly becoming a better Artist. Ohh well looks like no-one is perfect then, even me. Ha ha ha, Only Human Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
advocatexxx 0 Posted April 14, 2002 The name is Michael. Born on April the 21st, 1981 (yes, in 8 days from the time I write this I'll be 21, and thus legal to drink) I attend Stony Brook University, where I study astrophysics, hyperbolic topology and theoretical mathematics. I was born in Czechoslovakia (as it was known then), and came to the United States at a young age. Since then I've been living here in Brooklyn - NY. My dad is a professor of English studies, and my mother is a Dentist. I enjoy art, music (Pink Floyd, The Doors, Simon & Garfunkel, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Beatles) technical drawing, astronomy, skiing, baseball, mountain bike riding, poetry, philosophy and film making. Oh wait, I'm also a great military buff. My favorite history segments include the Roman era and WWII warfare. One day I had hoped I'd be a well-remembered General, but slowly I'm beginning to realize that it's not truly what I want to do. I don't worship any God, nor do I belong to any religion. I have my own ideas of God and when this topic comes up I usually have no comment. My goal in life is not to be rich or famous. As long as I'll be happy, that's all that matters. I am single, never married. My favorite movies are in the likes of The Godfather, Forrest Gump, Apocalypse Now and any good emotional gripping drama. I hope you had a nice reading : ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
timmy 0 Posted April 14, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (residuum @ April 01 2002,05:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You cannot get into UVA with "decent" grades nowadays. Â They are a tough school for in state and out of staters. Â You need really good grades <span id='postcolor'> i was being modest, i make "really good grades" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bleh 0 Posted April 14, 2002 I'm Bleh - real name Chris Milgate. I'm 16, seventeen in august I like Playing games, football, rugby, winter sports and some other stuff as well My fav color is blue, my fav footy team is Man Utd, fav rugby team - Harlequins. I was born in Manchester, i live in Canterbury. Music i Like - Slipknot, Cannabel Corpse, Will Haven, System of a Down, Slayer and stuff like that My hates - Arsenal (Gits), Liverpool, Quake Series (bastards), Feminists, Middle easterns countries and Crap American comedy shows (Except simpsons, Futurama and Family guy - they all rule) Computer games wise i play operation flashpoint, day of defeat, firearms, unreal tournament, counterstrike, and a lot of champ manager thats about it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wreck-It 0 Posted April 16, 2002 Name: NOYB Age: 30 5'10", 260 pounds with a man's beard (Not a cheesy pinch, I call these b u thole gaskets...) Sex: Please! Yeah, you guessed right. Male. Birth: 5Th july Born: Mississauga General, Toronto, Canada Living: yup! Lol. Montreal, Canada. Status: Married, children, 6 cats and one dumb labrador retreiver. (90 pound scatt factory) Job: Truck driver, sideline: I setup Home networks (MS) 2 years in college in math and philosophy. Why am driving a truck instead of working an office job? 1- Better pay 2- No boss on my ass 3- Bad temper, will not lick any boots. 4- Truck stop ladies Games: Flashpoint, Jedi Outcast. PC: PIII 866 running 975mhz@150FSB G-f2 64 Mb DSL connected Music: Classical, New-age and 80's pop tunes Prefered Authors: Isaac Asimov, Cordwainer Smith Favorite books: "Foundation" (series) I. Asimov, "Illuminatus" (trilogy) R.Shea/R.A. Wilson and "The stand" S.King. Favorite activity: Chowing down greasy, cholesterol ladden foods. Chain smoker, but no drugs and seldom drink. Can't "get it up" if a lady isn't 36C or more. Had enough? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Die Alive 0 Posted April 16, 2002 Wreck-it: You have fun sitting in traffic on Decarie at rush hour? Or anywhere else for that matter? lol -=Die Alive=- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joltan 0 Posted April 17, 2002 Well, I'm 29 years old and live in in a small city in southwestern Germany. I'm graduated in forest sciences and doing my PhD in remote sensing and geographic information systems now. Main interests? Well, in addition to computers and my job I like to go out with friends, can't say "No!" to a good bottle of wine, like travelling a lot, prefere a good book to a bad movie (and a good movie to a bad book ), enjoy inline skating and trecking,... in short: there IS a life besides OFP. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wreck-It 0 Posted April 21, 2002 Listening to the radio, sitting in a comfy air seat, watching the babes with seatbelts parting theyre cleavage in traffic and beeing paid for it isn't that bad... And the Décarie and Metropolitan highways are quite a show when you are sitting 7 feet higher than the rest in a comfy PeterBuilt... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites