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Can someone from Bis comment on the FPS issue!!

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I'm not entirely sure what rig Bis use for testing, if they told us their specs maybe it would help. My PC is well above the recommended settings and still crawls.

If BIS have an I7 Nvidia 2xx Vista x 64 with above 6 gig of ram i'm sure they can replicate the issue.l

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Jack, which video card do you actually have?

In this thread you say

Graphics Card Geforce 260 GTX

yet in another thread

I have a Geforce 260 GTS

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Core i7 920 OC'd3.2GHz, GTX295 with latest drivers, 6GB 1600MHz RAM and vista64.

Performance differs all the time, sometimes it's perfect and then the game goes downhill and only a sytem restart will fix it.

Getting kicked back to desktop all the time and sometimes cannot suspend from campaign and have to use task manger to stop arma 2 and then have to do system restart.

Is BI going to fix GTX295 issue or will nvidea sort it.

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Is BI going to fix GTX295 issue or will nvidea sort it.

With ArmA I and my 8800gtx SLI, it took both of them to get things silky smooth, but it was over a 5-6 mnth time frame.

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I'm guessing the GTS is a typo as I don't think a 260 GTS actually exists, but yes, would like to know specs even if you think you've tried everything, it at least helps narrow down the issue.

BTW, to answer a question, companies usually use a large number of test rigs so listing them all would be large and annoying.

The way it works is if they don't have enough test rigs in company then they distribute a test alpha amongst employees, families, trustees and check from that.

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Thanks to Bulldogs I may just have found out part of the problem. I have just tried running this game on windows 7 and I have noticed a much improved FPS - I am now getting a 26-34 FPS, instead of the 20 FPS I was getting. I know it's not a fantastic improvement, but anything is better than 20 FPS.

Sorry to say this guys but it looks like Vista 32bit killed my game. I only hope Bis can do something for the Vista users!!

SWAT BigBear - I am using Geforce 260 GTX.

Edited by Jackdaniels

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Thanks to Bulldogs I may just have found out part of the problem. I have just tried running this game on windows 7 and I have noticed a much improved FPS - I am now getting a 26-34 FPS, instead of the 20 FPS I was getting. I know it's not a fantastic improvement, but anything is better than 20 FPS.

Sorry to say this guys but it looks like Vista 32bit killed my game. I only hope Bis can do something for the Vista users!!

SWAT BigBear - I am using Geforce 260 GTX.

I'm using a gtx260 on Vista 32 and I get between 20-40 FPS, in towns other than the one in Utes, I always get less than 30. Otherwise it is usually more, sometimes even in the 50's with battles going on.

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I dont think its bis fault with vista.... I found out early on that vista was my problem with FPS and if it works fine with other OS's then surely we can either blame drivers or the OS.

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So if people post something which counteracts your claims about FPS issues you reply with a post attacking BIS? I'm sorry you're having FPS issues but as a number of people have clearly stated they have no such issues, so instead of slagging us and the game off why not stick to point and see what can be resolved?

I don't see any mention of which drivers you're using for example?

Well we come to the trouble shooting forums to look for help , yes we do , but what we get in return is you guys saying o my rig is running fine w/e , i could care less about your rig , i want my rig to run fine.

(im not dogging the people that actually try and help , you can do what you want but i dont like people dogging the people that are having trouble and want to vent a little)

I could care less about the people not having problems , shouldnt be on this area of forums anyway , i have problems and i come here looking for anouncments hoping for a new patch release and still havnt see one but i see plenty of people like you though and it pisses me off , he can get an attitude if he wants he bought the game not knowing it would be screwed up just like me , so i payed the money already and i would like it to work to its max potential and its not our responsibility to get this compatible with every day hardware and software , but yet here we are looking for something to fix the game and nothing. So yup , screw off , thanks.

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We come here to discuss and with the "process of eliminations" we hope to help players having problems. As in this case, Jack mentions Vista 32 was his problem.

As Placebo stated........more info and specs of the pc will help us.

Guess what........it worked for Jack!

So how in the hell can you claim Placebo "dogging" him?

Read his statement that you quoted, slowly this time, let it soak in.

You will notices words like "I'm sorry" and defended BI against Jack's rant.

He was offering help, unlike your self, Winkl_BOttOm

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I think it is related to a driver or possibly a security update or configuration problem, not the OS itself.

That's why trying a different OS usually helps, because you're not going so drastic as to reinstall your OS but testing another OS that is freshly installed (on a seperate partition) takes away all the clutter that has built up on your current OS.

It's amazing that many people ask for help, and when I tell them to, if at all possible, try a different OS I get the response of "No, that can't be the problem"

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With my 1st month using Vista Ultimate 64.......I was about to go insane with issues. Then I turned off UAC, and all of my headaches were gone.

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Do you want them to work on the issue/s or sit around browsing/chatting in this forum?

A simple "We understand that people are having abnormal FPS problems despite the fact they have optimal and recommended system specifications. We are looking into this problem and working towards a fix" would go a long ways from Suma or someone else BIS right now. I think the frustration is understandable when the Troubleshooting forum goes into amazing detail as to how to tweak the game to make it playable, and yet BIS is stonewalling us and hasn't provided any proof of movement towards the solution. I believe that if they advertised on the box that it is a game that works with 'x' specs, they are liable to make it work with 'x' specs. At the same time, it doesn't help when people just straight out attack BIS with immature posts.

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i too am hugely annoyed at the state of the game, and all the people saying calm down it will be fine in few months when patched, not good enough.

if you bought a new car and it only ran on 3 out of 4 cylinders would you be happy to wait, no. i this day and age we should only be spending our hard earned cash in a recession for a working product, final.

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Can we try to keep this thread (and all the others around here) localized to troubleshooting and move any complaints and such to the general forum.

Not meaning to sound annoying but when we have 20 pages of posts with several posts of potential solutions the potential solutions get derailed and no one finds what they are looking for.

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Hey all, I'm also having this fps issue and I've searched the forums and tried a lot of things. Lets start with my spec (my appologies if I miss something)

q6600 2.40 GHz running at 2.60 GHz (my motherboard - P5N32-SLI PREMIUM) has issues with overclocking... trust me I've tried, lol)


8800 GTX 756MB DDR3 (tried all drivers)

Vista Ultimate 32 bit

Now I have tried all the fixes on the forum, 3rd part software, changing the config file, different drivers, defragging you name it. I did a clean install of vista so test how smooth it would run... no change. So I tried it on XP... No change. I would try windows 7 but their site says I can't download it anymore.

Im aware I can get other copies from other sites and we all share the same key... but is that a good idea? Also If I did try it, should I try the 32 bit or 64 bit version?

I know BI will be fully aware of the situation regarding the fps and other issues with the game so I have no need for them to post anything, just for them to focus on getting it done instead of baby sitting us all. Yes we have all paid money for this game, yes we are in times of a recession, but yes most of use have played OPF and ArmA and we are fully aware that this is the process it goes though.

I know people are angry and want/ need to vent and im not trying to take that away from you, yes all your arguements are valid, but its not gonna speed things up is it? lol

Anyway, thats my part said, I hope someone can suggest some tips etc and I hope a new patch comes out soon focusing on optimising and fps.

P.S. Playing the game on the other island does increase fps for me, also note that playing the scenario Village Sweep increases my fps too.


EDIT: Forgot to mention, the fps do not change no matter what I put the settings to... they will drop below 20 if i increase everything... but if i drop all the settings down, and even put the rez to like 800x600 or even less than that.... still no fps increase

Edited by Scorpio17523

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Well we come to the trouble shooting forums to look for help , yes we do , but what we get in return is you guys saying o my rig is running fine w/e , i could care less about your rig , i want my rig to run fine.

(im not dogging the people that actually try and help , you can do what you want but i dont like people dogging the people that are having trouble and want to vent a little)

I could care less about the people not having problems , shouldnt be on this area of forums anyway , i have problems and i come here looking for anouncments hoping for a new patch release and still havnt see one but i see plenty of people like you though and it pisses me off , he can get an attitude if he wants he bought the game not knowing it would be screwed up just like me , so i payed the money already and i would like it to work to its max potential and its not our responsibility to get this compatible with every day hardware and software , but yet here we are looking for something to fix the game and nothing. So yup , screw off , thanks.

How exactly do you think that potential causes are eliminated? By having people saying "Hey I use those drivers, and that OS and the FPS are fine for me", so that means the problem is elsewhere, so you, we, all start looking at the next possible cause, that's how troubleshooting issues are resolved, if you don't like them being resolved that way then I would suggest you Email the publisher's support Email with your issue and wait for a solution.

And telling me or anyone else to "screw off" will not help you get troubleshooting issues resolved, in fact it'll not help you post to these forums at all, cut it out thank you.

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Placebo, maybe the effort made by BIS to solve the massive amount of bugs currently existing in ArmA 2 is not THAT poor as it looks from outside, but the communication BIS<->customer is poor IMHO. And then saying "if you do not like the meatless bone we let you, write a mail to your publisher" is not a way to improve this.

Take me as an example for many others: I suffer from the "Receiving..." bug (I would be happy to have ONLY FPS issues), first Suma says it is solved with the updated 1.02 patch (which is not really true), then Maruk suggested in general it is rather a NVIDIA problem AND THAT'S IT.

And you seriously wonder why people (paying your salary in the end) getting ballistic when you enjoy them with your (not funny) statements?

And stop pointing to local publisher support, YOU KNOW that they are a dead end for most issues.

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And stop pointing to local publisher support, YOU KNOW that they are a dead end for most issues.

I'm sorry I guess my irony was too subtle, that was the point I was making, whether he likes it or not these troubleshooting forums are the best place to get issues solved, whether he likes it or not people posting that something is working for them is a way for people to get their problems solved.

I guess we look at it different ways, you say communication is poor, I see 3 or 4 patches released so far, one released at midnight on a Friday, one released at 2am on a Friday (and I was online until 4am mirroring that one), I see those patches as ultimate communication, whether you believe it or not I'm really sorry your receiving issue isn't fixed, I've been around for long enough to care about everyone's enjoyment with our games and I really hope that ASAP everyone is on the same page in terms of performance/enjoyment but unfortunately it will take a little time, and during that time so people are going to have to be a little more patient.

I don't follow many PC titles these days, being the 360 gamer that I evolved into, but I still believe that we are one of the best supporting developers out there, is that no longer true? Feedback to my Email address would be appreciated: Placebo@bistudio.com

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My guess is that 'recognising' the issues would be a great first step rather than leaving the posts to boil on their own.

Obviously if BIS never see the issues first hand or beileve the game works 100% then I can undertstand why no posts are made stating they are working on a possible fix.

Yes, its great patches come and go but we are never sure what issues you are working on if you are not recognisiong some of the major (for some) ones here in the forums.

For poor comms and really bad customer service just go have a look at the Codemasters forums... Oh, and they have a similar game coming out later this year, my bet is it will receive the Codemasters Platinum Null Support certificate and leave customers completely in the cold like all their other titiles.

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Yesterday, i was playing with the video settings on both my catalyst centre 9.6 and in game settings. If you want higher FPS then disable AA or try putting it on low first. On the catalyst centre, i slid the standard bar setting all the way up to quality and gained about 5 FPS. I put the Vsync off, unless the application otherwise specifies, and AI Catalyst to quality instead of performance, so the game runs now from any where between 25-30 which is good for the graphic card that i have, no lag at all.

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I bought a PC the other day and Arma 2 is one of the reasons I bought it.

I will say that the frame rates in this game are wildly inconsistent: Sometimes I can set everything on Max (apart from AA) and it will perform perfectly, other times (usually in single player missions) it will chug a lot. I spend more time messing with the graphics settings and checking the internet for optimization tips than actually playing the game. So I'm holding off on spending too much time with the game until it becomes more stable.

It's a: Core i7 920, 6GB Ram, Vista 64 and a 4850 X2 GPU.

All drivers are up to date.

I can understand the frustration of the members here. I know BIS have released patches, but a little more communication on what they are currently trying to address would do a lot to placate the masses.

Placebo, you say that BIS are one of the best supporting developers out there, which is true, but on the flip side, BIS are also guilty of releasing games that are riddled with bugs. Every review of Arma 2 (or Arma or OpF) I've read has mentioned the bugs and glitches inherent in those games.

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but on the flip side, BIS are also guilty of releasing games that are riddled with bugs. Every review of Arma 2 (or Arma or OpF) I've read has mentioned the bugs and glitches inherent in those games.

And on the flipped flip side (if we assume the coin is three sided and not two!) BIS are also one of the few developers left who make ambitious, open worlded, moddable sandbox games, who else is left that makes this kind of game? I'd say GSC Game World who made the simply awesome (IMO) S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Deep Shadows who made the fun and ambitious Boiling Point: Road To Hell (and work on White Gold which I hope does finally see an Eng release), besides that we get shiny polished corridor shooters, or faux openworld shooters like BFBC or BIA. But anyways that's dragging a TS thread off topic which is a nono so I should shut up before I have to infract myself, and what would the wife say? ;)

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And on the flipped flip side (if we assume the coin is three sided and not two!) BIS are also one of the few developers left who make ambitious, open worlded, moddable sandbox games, who else is left that makes this kind of game?

Yes, they are one of the few. Don't get me wrong, I'm not out to bash them. OpF was amazing for it's time and Arma 2 certainly is a stunning looking game and its scope is unrivaled. But I really wish they'd iron out the kinks before they release a game, it would mean the difference between being a 'great game' and being a 'great game eventually'.

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And on the flipped flip side (if we assume the coin is three sided and not two!) BIS are also one of the few developers left who make ambitious, open worlded, moddable sandbox games, who else is left that makes this kind of game?

This is a great point! Honestly Placebo, I believe that people are still trying because they love BIS and love the OFP line (the true ofp line imo) and that is why they are here. I am sure BIS is working towards fixing all of the problems. Your the community manager, can you just pass up the message that it would make a world of a difference if Maruk or Suma came to the forums every so often and said "We recognize there is this problem, and we are trying to fix it". I honestly think that would make a lot of people feel better :icon_eek:

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