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VOIP volume

can you use ingame VOPI?  

150 members have voted

  1. 1. can you use ingame VOPI?

    • yes. i hear ppl well. they hear me well.
    • sometimes i hear ppl, sometimes i don't
    • no. i can't hear what ppl say most of the time.

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In addition to having a separate volume for VOIP (radio and direct talk), it would be nice to have the VOIP in a bit better quality and more reliable.

Ventrilo, using GSM 6.10 codec at 11025 Hz / 16bits offers much better voice quality with very low bandwidth usage and never cuts off. People don't want to use ArmA II's in-game voice chat due to this, which is a pity because Ventrilo/TS do not offer directional proximity based voice chat.

Combining Ventrilo's reliability and sound quality with ArmA II's ingame voice chat radio channels and direct talk would be great. For now ArmAII's in-game voice chat is pretty much unused feature because people want to be able to hear team mates even if they are in a vehicle which has it's engine turned on.

Another thing, when you use push-to-talk the voice should be sending all the time and not only when it detects high enough volume of sound from the microphone. If someone speaks a bit quieter it keeps cutting off because of this completely unnecessary limit.

^^^ This use a freeware third party VOIP system it will work better.

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But the problem with 3rd party apps is you don't know who is talking, this is important to know. How come BF2 can have such good ingame comms?

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That's one of the reasons I run Arma2 in windowed mode, so I can see the green light on TS for who is talking.

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That's one of the reasons I run Arma2 in windowed mode, so I can see the green light on TS for who is talking.

How do you see enemies then? I feel I need every pixel I can get for that...

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If you want to know who is talking on TS2, you can use "Teamspeak Overlay". This shows the name of the speaker and some more information on your screen in the game. I know that some people have problems with it, but for the majority of the users it works flawlessly. Some of the ArmA2-launchers can start TS and the overlay together with the game, which is quite convenient.

But if you are having any issues with TS2, you could check out Mumble and Shockvoice. Both offer a much better audio quality than TS and I think they even come with built-in overlays.

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We need voice quality in game more like ventrilo or teamspeak (preferrably vent). If it was clear as that it would be good, however it wouldnt seem right and realistic. As ARMA 2 is a simulator i think the voice should be a little unclear to make it seem as if people are using radios rather than a direct one to one conversation like ventrilo makes it seem.

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We need voice quality in game more like ventrilo or teamspeak (preferrably vent). If it was clear as that it would be good, however it wouldnt seem right and realistic. As ARMA 2 is a simulator i think the voice should be a little unclear to make it seem as if people are using radios rather than a direct one to one conversation like ventrilo makes it seem.

I agree. The quality of radio is good as it is now (as long as it doesn't cut off / break out), but the quality of direct talk would be nice to have something like Ventrilo's GSM codec has.

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i'm constantly getting killed, getting others kills, and getting yelled at by my FTL or SL because I CAN NOT HEAR WHAT THEY ARE SAYING ON VON! in arma and arma 2.

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@galzohar: Well, I'm still at 1718x1075 window on a 1920x1200 24" monitor, so it is quite ok. I only need the green indicator light and the beginning of the name :)

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@galzohar: Well, I'm still at 1718x1075 window on a 1920x1200 24" monitor, so it is quite ok. I only need the green indicator light and the beginning of the name :)

Dunno, I play on 1680x1050 and wish I had 5040x1050, then maybe my in-game visibility would be somwhat similar to RL (but that's too expensive and takes too much space even on my large desk, not to mention my current monitor isn't supported by TH2G).

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I think you should all toss Vent and TS, if you are going to use a third-party voice system, at least use something decent.

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