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keep chosen fire mode

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something i am finding is that with an AK and an rpg, if i have set AK to semi auto fire mode and then pull out the rpg when i go back to the AK it is set on full automatic fire mode.

would be nice if it stayed in the chosen firemode unless changed explicilty by the player.

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Yes, it would also be nice if the default fire mode was single shot for all the rifles, i dont understand why some are single and others are auto..

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It would be nice if vehicles would keep the selected weapon also if I switch out of the gunners place.

1.02 has fixed commanding the driver a lot, but if I have to clean up his mess, I would prefer the AI not changing the fire mode and gun.

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Yes, it would also be nice if the default fire mode was single shot for all the rifles, i dont understand why some are single and others are auto..

Because the fire selector switch on M16/M4 rifles goes from safe, semi, full or safe, semi, burst. On russian weapons (AKs etc.) the first position of the switch is safe, full and only then semi.

But yeah, I also support the idea of keeping the selected fire mode.

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Because the fire selector switch on M16/M4 rifles goes from safe, semi, full or safe, semi, burst. On russian weapons (AKs etc.) the first position of the switch is safe, full and only then semi.

But yeah, I also support the idea of keeping the selected fire mode.

10 points!

Not many know that actually.

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Yea, I agree with this. Generally not that annoying but it would be nice.

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what i think is anoying is when i select fire modes.

lets say 80% of the time i use semi and switch to auto in cq combat,

and want to switch back to semi i first get grenades and when attachest even the m203 launger bevore getting back to semi.

couldnt we have a single button for fire modes and another for m203 and when i want to use grenades quick switch from inventory or whatever....

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what i think is anoying is when i select fire modes.

lets say 80% of the time i use semi and switch to auto in cq combat,

and want to switch back to semi i first get grenades and when attachest even the m203 launger bevore getting back to semi.

couldnt we have a single button for fire modes and another for m203 and when i want to use grenades quick switch from inventory or whatever....

Yes, a button just for fire mode and nothing else. The "default F" should still be there but another button just for firemode is needed badly. From "F key" fire mode should be removed then if other things like grenades or satchels are available.

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Suggestion for implementation: Hold f then use mouse wheel to go up or down between the modes. Safe, semi, auto/burst, GL for west rifles. Safe, auto/burst, semi, GL for east rifles. An icon can display visually the mode selector in a way that corresponds to the real weapon. If you're "used to" a west weapon, it becomes a "motoric response" to go one down to get from safe to semi. If you suddenly find you have an east weapon, you have to think twice about it as your "motoric reflex" would put it to auto. Yes, a safe mode would also be most welcome, and should be the default mode after changing magazine, but I could live with memory of selection as well.

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i prefer a single key for fire modes semi/burst/full and another key for grenades or m203

just dont mix that up sometimes i want to shoot and my scope wont come up, i want to fire and i throw a nade instead... all because they are under the same key.

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