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Embarrassing multiplayer experience

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Since I've got the game, I've been dying to find good server to play on.

I've had a sad exerience so far.

Most of the server got no sign of teamplay and filled with immature players running to take off with chopper, to crash it in a few seconds - you should practice it in single player if you suck.

Also on many server the owner/admins are ultra egoist. Others will shoot you if you try to fly, or just cause they suck at killing moving target on the opposing side.

There are servers where you get banned without ANY reason, without anyone trying to talk to you, or for reasons like trying to take a wreck in for repairs, or doing anything like mounting a vehicle.

If anyone tells me, or asks me to do, or not do something I'd gladly be a teamplayer and do what they ask.

This is getting old pretty fast. I expected a much higher intellectual level from the ArmA2 community.

And before you ask, I'd host my own server, but there is no linux version out yet.

Edited by Sera

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It dosent last, so dont worry as a individual you can go where ever you want to, so keep looking and keep your mindset:)

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Hello Sera, and welcome to the community.

You are absolutely right that teamwork is a rare and wonderous event on public servers. If teamwork is the main attraction for you as a gamer (as it is for many of us), then I can only urge you to seek out one of the many good gaming groups out there. They usually run tightly admined or altogether closed servers where the more troublesome elements of the public arena aren't admitted. I won't start namedropping here, but if you look through the squad pages, I'm sure you will find more than a few groups that appeal to you.

That said, if you're not really into being a member of something, I can recommend a few good open servers that run good games. Off the top of my head I'd mention GOL (when they are open), Zeus (my humble home, and not entirely open for business yet) and Tactical Gamer (also not open for business yet, but I hear it won't be long). I have had good experiences on Kellys Heroes and Suicide Squad in the past, but for for the last few weeks at least they haven't been up to their game.

In conclusion: Don't be dismayed over the lack of maturity and goodwill that prevails on the public servers. If you want gameplay, you have to do a little digging for yourself. That's the OFP/Arma way, and I suspect it won't change anytime soon. Hope this was helpful to you, and I'll hopefully see you soon on the servers.

- Hund of Zeus

Edited by Hund

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1 server that I almost always have a good time on is Kellys Heroes. Give it a try.

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I didn't play ARMA but with 2 I'm already hooked. previously playing PR i'm hoping that Teamwork will build with time as people start to understand how to play. shame you cant form your own units in MP. maybe someone will mod it

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JOIN A COMMUNITY!!!!!! That way you'll have mature games where the kiddo's are filtered out and not welcome.

You also get the benefits of getting access to:

*Locked community member servers

*Team Speak

*Planned out private coop campaigns that go fully indepth and make use of everything that ArmA 2 has to offer

*Your no longer alone, if someone shoots you over something stupid, you now have 10-15 other people right behind you to back you up.

It'd be handy if you can post what country your from so we can start suggesting the appropriate communities.

This is a VERY VERY big community based game :).

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I feel your pain Sera,

Ive tried to get involved in the mp games,they have either been hacked or had a high percentage of pond life ruining it.

In fact i can honesty say that so far after about 20 or so games that ive never survived a helecopter ride in to battle ,its either crashed or been shot down by my own side lol.

Maybe ill have to try to find a uk squad or something trouble being is that i run my own buissness and cant commit 100 percent.

Edited by mutters

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Well at the moment ArmA2 is stuffed full of noobs who are most likley CoD4 players. After a while they will find it boring and go away. It is really bad at the moment. I was playing on a server and it got so bad that we had to hide the aircraft from the public and they had to ask to use em. Its chaos at the moment but it will die down. Hopefully =S

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It will become better I do hope it happens soon.

About -{GOL}-'s move to arma2, we have set up a server for it, just type in gol in the filter and it should pop up. The full move to arma2 still has to come since we need to port some missions and not all the members have the game yet. If you need more information you can just ask on this website: www.gol-clan.net

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Just sad that this is common place in many games. Actually I find that most ArmA players that are armaheads play with teamwork, just hard to do that with all the brats (grown up brats too) running around. The last thing a hoster wants is to police his server. That is why so many servers are locked.

Join a community and get to know them such as ours (There are many good clans out there that have a decent community such as Kellys Heroes and many others) at www.30tigers.com. We have a good bunch there and have a server up at times. Joining that community and showing your respect will allow you in a pass worded server.

Look for MEOW/West Coast game server - This is a local server that is often up and running ArmA II

Military Experts is not accepting new members at this time - Our community though is always open to respectful players.

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This will probably change when more people buy the game. What was it the 26th on steam? I had an awesome MP experience yesterday night with 3 other "mature" players. The host actually disabled third person view and the green reticle to make it more realistic. Took cover whenever possible and took our time to get from point a to point b. Plus the team leader had voice which made the gameplay even better! I hope to see the dude host some more games soon! (or anyone else that takes simulators seriously enough!)

Oh, BTW. what's with the "friends" option in the menu??? Is there a way to add other players??? :confused:

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Yeah - I agree to all what's said here. It's most unpleasant. In OF something like that never happened for there was no JIP (join in progress): people were bound together for the whole mission, quitting was most illoyal / immoral and was punished and - last not least - it lead to short instructions to the newbies: they got small hints, tipps and even lectures about the basics.

You wouldn't do that ... if that guy leaves the server, the mission anytime ...

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Hi all

Join a clan!

You can of course just run a small client/server and play with 4 to 8 buddies to hone up your skills between you, then join a clan. Read absorb and implement the TTP!


Over the next two weeks, more of the clan servers will come on line. Some are already on line, those that are, are running public servers. The public servers of clans are used for recruiting purposes. Most like Kelly's and Suicide Squad, admin their public servers.

The usual process is to use the clan public servers to weed out the numpty game breakers; then train people in the clan ethos and recruit the good players. These people then get to play on the locked and hidden clan servers.

Poor little puppies

There is going to be a little bit of madness until the numpties are cleared out. Some of it is just people who are like little puppies, all excited with the new place, whats that? What's that do? What happens when I do this? And wetting themselves all over everything. They just need a little house training. The need to get over it or if they are a real numpty they just keep getting kicked then banned, until there is no where left for them to play.

A reminder that all the toys are in the editor so they can play with them and not make a mess helps.

Take command

Some of it is just lack of leadership. All experienced ArmA players should shoulder a bit of the burden and show some leadership on public servers. A commanding voice over VOIP does wonders. First thing you need to do is get everyone doing the same thing. You also have all the people who just do not know what they are doing.

Tell people what buttons to use for simple things like [k] for compass, [Caps Lock] to use your mike, [,] and [.] to switch channels, [f] button to switch weapon, [r] to reload etc.

If your taking on the roll of battle commander, you ain't going to get any kills or points :( you cannot command while looking round for contacts or dodging bullets, stay to the rear! Grab a pistol and pair of binoculars. Your main weapon is your troops your binoculars, you map, a loud voice and your brain.

You may if your lucky and manage to reduce the madness get a thank-you at the end.

Kind regards walker

Edited by walker

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Today I witnessed a guy shouting much like you lot, "kiddies get off server blah blah blah" then started teamkilling indiscriminately. So lets not make a set against the younger players ;)

I also went on one server and was told to 'ask permission' to fly a helicopter from the server admin. Which I promptly disconnected from.

The best servers I have been on are ATOW Da Man and Silent Warriors where there isn't a silly hierachy as to who gets the right to pilot anything because for the most part the games are ranked. This means you must play the server for a few hours before being able to fly the helicopter and that eliminates what you may call 'kiddies'.

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I don't see why you have a problem with a server admin asking you to ask for permission to take off with a chopper. All he's trying to do is maintain some order. Too many kiddies around taking off with choppers just to get from A to B with no intentions of ever taking it back.

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