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Ok guys, i've just patched my game to ver. 1.46. And first thing what I saw that was inexplicable underestimation air characteristics of Hind.

May be I'm wrong, may be..

Try to fly on Mi-24 with 1.46 patch and try to do that on 1.30 wink.gif

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My computer is temporerily messed up so I can't even play operation flashpoint let alone install new patches. sad.gifsad.gifsad.gifsad.gifsad.gifsad.gifsad.gifsad.gifsad.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SpaceAlex @ Mar. 08 2002,19:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Better flying in v1.46. tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

U didn test, it isnt it?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Maddock @ Mar. 09 2002,01:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Flying in 1.46 is the best it has ever been.  smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

If you're tolking about Cobra then YES smile.gif

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while we're on the subject of things being done to russian choppers in OFP, how about making it so that an AA rocket actually takes them down for a change. The only NATO choppers that can take more than one rocket are the two transports, the UH-60 and chinook. both of the attack choppers are easily swayed by as little as one enemy AA soldier. whats up with this?

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i posted about this ages ago.

The US heli's take around 1 AA missle to go down

the Russians take quite a few more

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Face it!

Stinger is pretty damn powerful missile as well as Strela!

In real life it will take down any attack helicopter with one shot

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ Mar. 09 2002,11:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Face it - Russian choppers are better armored wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Hinds armor is very good, but one AA rocket should destroy it without problems.

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A hit from a Stinger doesnt take down a hind period as the mujahedin found out the painfull way. Sure a hit to its rotor of gearbox may force it to land in a fast way but it has a fair chance of survival.

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There were many cases of Hinds and Su-25's making it back to base after being hit by a stinger in Afghanistan. I remember reading about an su-25 that made it back after 2 missile hits

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as for air characteristics blown out of preportion, i just tried flying a hind and iv got 1.46. Still feels the same to me, still a big hurky gunship with in accurate anti tank missiles

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Those russian choppers are almost impossible to drop.

I haven't used any American military stuff, but the military stuff( cars, trucks, tanks, weapons ) that come from Russia seem to

be very rough, very tough, very reliable, very simple, and very uncomfortable.

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Yeah, Russian stuff lasts forever. The AK-47 too. A kid could operate it (which they do in Africa). It hardly ever jams, but it's a bit inaccurate.

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Just to add a comment, AA missiles almost never hit their target. They explode near the target, but do not hit it. That's perhaps why they are named missile, because they miss smile.gif .

It is the frags and ....well....(help me, I don't know the english term smile.gif : souffle) from the explosion which takes down the target.

With their heavily armor on the bottom, and the shape of the chopper, a missile exploding below a Hind won't do enough damage to entirely takes down the chopper. Mostly, it will damage engines, and if lucky, rotor and/or transmission system. It will be worst for the chopper if the missile explode at the same altitude or above it (as vital parts are on top of the chopper).

If I remember well, but I'm not sure, Apache as some armor too, but weaker (made essentially to resist to bullets, not missile explosion), made of composite materials. It doesn't have the heavy armor existing on the bottom of the Hind (the blue part in OFP), I think (if anyone could confirm...)


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I have the 1.46 and I think that airplanes can turn way too quickly. I mean I can make a 180 degree turn within 4 seconds, at 600 km/h. That would put the pilot past 12Gs.

I know this isn't a real flight sim. But more basics would be helpful. I also haven't noticed any difference when flaps are extended. I watched from the outside view, and the airplane's angle of attack has not changed - neither has it slowed down one bit. If they included flaps, then perhaps they should have them cause the appriopriate effects. That way only truly qualified pilots would get into the planes.

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