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ArmA II boxes in UK shops now

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Hi all

I went past Game today and there in the display were ArmA pre order boxes.

The staff were a little confused about the release date, some papers said 26th of June others said 19th of June.

The manager had just recieved them.

Now all he needs is some TrackIR 5s for sale and an instore demo.

Maybe 505 should do a special package deal with Natural Point, say just 5 per store to begin with.

Kind Regards walker

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I originally asked in Game and the date was set to 26 June (was a couple of weeks ago), I checked the Game site last week and they had it down for the 19th June, so hopefully they are now in sync.

I think a TrackIR on a hat would cover the head of most of their, ahem, younger customers looking for Mario merchandise !


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Sweet! Not to long then for the preorder version to be picked up then :)

But have i waited a year or 2 I can wait some more :D

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I originally asked in Game and the date was set to 26 June (was a couple of weeks ago), I checked the Game site last week and they had it down for the 19th June, so hopefully they are now in sync.

I think a TrackIR on a hat would cover the head of most of their, ahem, younger customers looking for Mario merchandise !


Yeah I just re-ordered today now they changed the release date :D

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Commando84: I checked EBGames and GAME shops here in stockholm and they didnt have ARMA2 on the list. They doesnt even know what ARMA2 is... But Webhallen will have it so i'll go buy my copies there. EBGames has shops all over the world and doesnt know what ARMA2 is - embarresing. They have pc games but really only concentrate on the most selling ones so it seems. The guy i talked to started bringing up CoD etc talking about selling figures "CoD sells more bla bla" and i told him "Yeah! Those kiddie crap shooters seem to sell a lot. Weird huh?". Bet it's his favourite game as he looked quiet annoyed when i said that.

Anyway nice to see there are pre-order boxes popping up. :)


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2Connect (Germany) are doing a Track+ARMA2 deal 199€s...

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72;1303575']Commando84: I checked EBGames and GAME shops here in stockholm and they didnt have ARMA2 on the list. They doesnt even know what ARMA2 is... But Webhallen will have it so i'll go buy my copies there. EBGames has shops all over the world and doesnt know what ARMA2 is - embarresing. They have pc games but really only concentrate on the most selling ones so it seems. The guy i talked to started bringing up CoD etc talking about selling figures "CoD sells more bla bla" and i told him "Yeah! Those kiddie crap shooters seem to sell a lot. Weird huh?". Bet it's his favourite game as he looked quiet annoyed when i said that.

Anyway nice to see there are pre-order boxes popping up. :)


After Gamestop bought out EBGames and some other game shops here in Norway , they turned to selling ONLY the hyped games..not even possible to pre-order ArmaII in any of those shops here..

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Game has them on the shelfs over here in Ireland. Aparently they are set to be released on the 26th.

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@perk: Sucks! A friend of mine had a really hard time getting Arma1. Took him three weeks before he finally found a shop. I was lucky, first attempt and they had it.

I can't believe Arma2 isn't "hyped enough". Being in the top ten sales list on steam, with little to no advertising, and the game isn't even out yet -- now that should mean something!

Edit: Checked steam. Not anymore on that list unfortunately.

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here in the us the date is set for the 26 so the UK date must be the 19, you guys are way closer than we are to bis unless of course they want it all at once

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EB Games in Australia have it listed for $99.95, released on the 9th of July 2009

(Where as CD Wow have it listed for $50.95 including delivery, with a release date of late June.)


yea there is no way in hell im going to wait longer and pay more in retail price , im gonna have to order it from cdwow, should get by 26-29 of June here in NZ

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72;1303575']Commando84: I checked EBGames and GAME shops here in stockholm and they didnt have ARMA2 on the list. They doesnt even know what ARMA2 is... But Webhallen will have it so i'll go buy my copies there. EBGames has shops all over the world and doesnt know what ARMA2 is - embarresing. They have pc games but really only concentrate on the most selling ones so it seems. The guy i talked to started bringing up CoD etc talking about selling figures "CoD sells more bla bla" and i told him "Yeah! Those kiddie crap shooters seem to sell a lot. Weird huh?". Bet it's his favourite game as he looked quiet annoyed when i said that.

Anyway nice to see there are pre-order boxes popping up. :)


I wouldn't want to pay the inflated prices here anyways' date=' when it came time for me to pre-order Fight Night Round 4 I looked at Game.se (600Sek) and Gamestop.se (not even listed on the site but TW10 is 700Sek!) thought screw that, so I ordered it from BangCD instead, 479Sek including free delivery from the UK to here in Sweden, might arrive 2 or 3 days after release but the saving is well worth it IMO :)

Unfortunately they don't list ArmA2 yet but I already Emailed them about it :)

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I wouldn't want to pay the inflated prices here anyways, when it came time for me to pre-order Fight Night Round 4 I looked at Game.se (600Sek) and Gamestop.se (not even listed on the site but TW10 is 700Sek!) thought screw that, so I ordered it from BangCD instead, 479Sek including free delivery from the UK to here in Sweden, might arrive 2 or 3 days after release but the saving is well worth it IMO :)

Unfortunately they don't list ArmA2 yet but I already Emailed them about it :)

So ebgames do plan on selling arma 2?

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I can't imagine why not? :)

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I pestered Game customer service on the phone, telling them that the uk release was 19th June not the 26th they had on their website, they even had an article saying that the new release date was 19th June!! They then changed the date on the website the next day :) Power to the People!:yay:

EB Games in the US selling ArmA 2. Release date is June 26, publisher is Got Game Entertainment.
GGE don't seem to have Arma2 in their coming soon bit! Edited by {SAS}Silentkiller

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I can't imagine why not? :)

Hmm i just still don't get how come the ebgames over here in NZ don't even know what arma 2 is. I went to a few other ebgame stores, same thing, they have no clue what ArmA 2/Armed Assault 2 is.. lol thats why im so surprised..

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I think some online stores are more pro-active than others, some just wait for the publisher to spam them with adverts for their game before adding them to the list :)

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I think some online stores are more pro-active than others, some just wait for the publisher to spam them with adverts for their game before adding them to the list :)

ahh ok, do you have any news on who the publisher is for australia and new zealand?

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