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Hello I am looking for all icebreaker addons on arma 2 and arma 2 co. Islands as well as units like lingor units 1.3. I thank you in advance for your help.





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Thank you but some addons above do not have the latest update. Like lingor which is in 1.4 on the site while the latest version is 1.5. Other islands not up to date. But at least it has the lingor units which I am looking for .Thanks

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Does anyone have a mod with the btr 70 or 80 btr with the 30mm cannon? I've looked everywhere and I've found the one with the KPVT only or really old mods with bad textures

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54 minutes ago, dalber24 said:

if I remember correctly the best BTRs were in this mod.
In the thread itself you will find the links working.

You also have this other one, I don't remember what the P85 and Rangemaster ones are like, but hey, it's a matter of taste, I like them all, I appreciate the work of each one of them.


EDIT: This is the Rangemaster pack posted by @W0lle it is the latest version


well, Rangemaster at least has a btr-60 with a 30mm gun, it's not a btr-70 or 80 but something is something, thanks again

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8 hours ago, dalber24 said:

Do you mean Gunter's mod compilation?

He probably means my COWarModACe


Its downloadable here https://www.moddb.com/games/arma-2/downloads/cowarmodace-an-arma2co-version-of-warmod

and no i didn't put it there.

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On 12/31/2022 at 6:40 AM, dalber24 said:

@Killerman29 I see that you insist on 30 mm... from here I can appreciate the drool that falls when you say 30 mm...

it's simple, or you make your own mod or choose the BTR that you like the most and put this code in the initialization:

this is the same gun that the 30mm BTR 80 has

this addweapon "2A72"; this addmagazine "250Rnd_30mmHE_2A72"; this addmagazine "250Rnd_30mmAP_2A72";

or this, It is also 30 mm and has the option of 2 firing rates.

this addweapon "2A42"; this addmagazine "250Rnd_30mmHE_2A42"; this addmagazine "250Rnd_30mmAP_2A42";

It's not an elegant solution, but it's functional.

with that you get what you want, the difference is that visually you don't see the barrel the same as the one in the photo you show.



well, after a lot of work I managed to add the 30mm gun to the sweet btr-80 of vilas mod (just for personal use), looks sexy now! 😊


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8 hours ago, dalber24 said:

@Killerman29 perfect, good work, you used the weapon of the Vodnik BPPU, you did it through the config,  but... delete that image, it is forbidden to show any other person's modified mod, even if it is for personal use, it is against the rules of the forum.

yes I know, but I couldn't resist showing the result 😅.

getting back on topic, does anyone have this script?: http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=news&id=5287 

im tired of vehicles running over friendly infantry

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Thank you very much! Actually i searched on three sources(Moddb, this forum and armedassault info) like a day but it's too mixed up. Also, do you have the 1.5 version of JSRS? The link on this forum is broken.

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anyone have ASR AI  v1.16? the file on moddb is mising the userconfig  file and the one on armedassault.info is 1.15








1 hour ago, Merkava_Operator said:

Thank you very much! Actually i searched on three sources(Moddb, this forum and armedassault info) like a day but it's too mixed up. Also, do you have the 1.5 version of JSRS? The link on this forum is broken.





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