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VopSound 2.1

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VopSound 2.3 for OA public release


Something went wrong with rendering, so no HQ version.


Full OA support, new ACE sound replacement (will be extended, just HK416 sounds at this time).

Please leave feedback, especially the guys who were quite dissappointed about the last version.

It should work with OA standalone and CO, but not with ArmA2 alone.

Fixed Wings and Wheeled Vehicles modules will be updated in the future to cover more OA vehicles. I just hadn't any motivation to fiddle around with those configs.

As always it is recommended to be used with: Tango Romeos Tracked Vehicles Sound Mod: (ArmA2 version, but works for OA)


Robert Hammers Heli Sound Mod for OA:



MarkXIII's GAU8 cannon sound version compatible with my fixed wings module.

Unfortunately its not available anymore, I've uploaded it to rapidshare.




Due to a misplaced sound in config, theres is a newer version of vops_c_guns.pbo available.


Please replace the one from the VopSound 2.3 Archive

VopSound 2.3 modular Release

Thanks to:

vo.1 (feedback)

BIS and BIKI http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Main_Page

Effects volume level ingame recommended: 100%



Create a folder called @VopSound2.3 and inside this one another called Addons in your ArmA2/OA main directory.

Inside this new Addons folder you place the .pbo and .bisign files you would like to use from your extracted archive and the appropriate subfolders. The names are selfexplaining.

Environmental Sounds: Ambient and Nature sounds

Explosions,Snaps and Impact Sounds: Any kind of explosion, bulletsnap and impact sounds

Fixed Wings: Sounds for fixed wings aircrafts

Footsteps and Gear Sounds: less annoying footsteps and gear rattling for west troops(no more clonketyclonk)

Gun Sounds: new sounds for nearly every weapon ingame

Wheeled Vehicles: Sounds for wheeled vehicles

ACEGuns: Replacing ACE Gun Sounds//NEEDS ACE RUNNING

This .bisign files are there so players using properly signed addons can join to that server which requires them.

Rightclick on the ArmA shortcut in the desktop or where you have it and select properties.

In the target box add [email protected]

To load more than one mod folder use semi-colons to separate them. (-mod=@mod1;@mod2;@mod3)



If a server admin decides addon signatures should be verified, he should add the following line to the server.cfg file:


Server admin can decide which addon makers he considers trustworthy by placing their public keys in the "keys" directory. Usually (vanilla installation) there's only Bohemia Interactive's signature, called bi.bikey, in this directory.

You can find the Public Key for VopSound in this package in a folder named "Server Key".



-Configs cleaned up

-RPT messages minimized

-added OA weapons support

-added ACE Gunsound Replacement

-revamped guns and atmospheric sounds as requested

-added new missile impact sounds

-rebalanced volume levels

-added new gravel footstep sounds

-hopefully no more required addons messages

-replaced stupid vanilla pain sounds




Edited by vo.2

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-overall external vehicle sound level decreased

Is there a good reason why you did that?

I mean, this is the first time that we have nice LOUD vehicles in a game which is very realistic to me and you make them more quietly? :raisebrow:

MfG Lee :)

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Place 5 AI driven Trucks in idle next to you and use headphones, you may notice the reason.

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Hmm, i would turn down the overall speaker volume as long as I stand next to 5 trucks. Simulating ear protection, maybe.


MfG Lee ;)

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I've found a BUG...

With the soundmod enabled, the M119 doesn't have ammunition at all!

If i remove the mod, it works well.

I didnt test other artillery units, maybe its not the only one affected.

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Sweet! Thanks for this, downloading now!

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and what should we see in this video?

It's a sound mod, that's the first clue

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i really hope this will lower the volume it was hard to hear people while you re talking and the plane is flying Thanks for this

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the sounds seems to be a bit different when you changing through magazines

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I mean, this is the first time that we have nice LOUD vehicles in a game which is very realistic to me and you make them more quietly?

The problem in Arma1 using so called 'loud sounds' was that direct chat became even more useless than before. It is perfectly possible to have a chat next to a truck in real life. I'm not talking about radio volume now, direct chat, which is controlled by the same slider as the effects. I'm ok with close flying planes ruining the direct chat, that I find quite realistic.

I haven't tried the game yet, so I don't know how bad or good the default volumes are. I'll probably stick to default for a while, then try this one out (as soon as the problems are fixed). I was a big fan of this soundmod for Arma1/ACE.

And yeah, I noticed a slight variation per magazine instead of per bullet.

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Sounds in jets are much lower and much better. Still playing about with it. Thumbs up so far.

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Wow that was fast Vo.2!

i really hope this will lower the volume it was hard to hear people while you re talking and the plane is flying Thanks for this

Have you changed the volumes correctly? Like EFFECTS to about 60-70% and RADIO to 100%. RADIO slider is for VOIP and other comms. Many said the same in ArmA1 and ofcourse there were no problem just people that didnt know how the volumes were connected.


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Sounds are excellent, thanks ! :D

But we have found some bugs :

-With planes, especially the F35, we can't gear up and gear down.

-Sometimes, there is no sounds.

Tested by 5-6 persons with different configs and OS.

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@Alex[Dev]72: Lowering the effects is a bad idea if you ever intend to use direct chat though. Everything should preferably work well together if you have equal settings.

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@Alex[Dev]72: Lowering the effects is a bad idea if you ever intend to use direct chat though. Everything should preferably work well together if you have equal settings.

However they dont as weve seen with most soundmods in the past. And what people wanted most is for the direct chat VOIP to get some form of boost wich would help a lot. I always played with 70effects 100radio to be able to use VOIP without having to say "what?" all the time. And we skipped direct ofcourse.

But yeah i think its a hard thing to balance perfectlly since most want loud sounds at the same time want to be able to talk/hear. But this is also why i went a bit lower on the effects and more on radio and then raised the overall volume for everytning and it works good. Good as the effects are also loud and maybe even the direct works now. I used direct far far back in time and never used it again. I know they made it better at some point though. Have to test again.

My idea still stands though. Try lower effect, little bit higher radio and raise overall volume to get everything loud. Direct should work fine like this.

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The problem in Arma1 using so called 'loud sounds' was that direct chat became even more useless than before. It is perfectly possible to have a chat next to a truck in real life. I'm not talking about radio volume now, direct chat, which is controlled by the same slider as the effects. I'm ok with close flying planes ruining the direct chat, that I find quite realistic.

Hmm im not too sure, depends on the truck, sometimes when I work around a lot of trucks idling I have to yell to be heard even so it can get pretty loud. Guess it all depends on the truck.

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I've found 2 on youtube using VopSound.

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Amazing job as always.


Best regards =)

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Two things...

First, thank you for Your work vo.2. The mod sounds great on YT.

Second, We had very poor sounds in ArmA1, luckily moders replaced it with awesome sound mods. Two yeras have passed, BIS told us that sounds in Arma2 have been reworked and now they top notch. It's been like 10 days since first release and some talented moder replace original sounds with much better ones. BIS worked on it at least 2 years and it took a nonpaid moder less then 2 weeks to make better sounds. Can anyone tell me what should I think about that?

PS. I'm not trying to be malicious. I will still buy ArmA2 as soon as it will be released at my country. But things like this makes me wonder....

Edited by Kirq

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