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ok i am failing here lol,

I can not get mine to work or rather i can not get the console to work. the left shift and num - either. any ideas?

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Yeah, this mod is really cool, but all I've noticed is that my viewdistance is almost non-exsistant now. :( Amazing job you did here though!

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I've noticed is that my viewdistance is almost non-exsistant now

That's what mainly causes the FPS hit, decreasing the viewdistance does seriously increase your framerate level in-game.



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It always hurts to see the truth doesn't it :) If you had sufficient FPS you would never notice VFFPSS.

@Ashole: if the addon loads correctly you will see an action menu entry called "VFFPSS Control Panel". Choose this to start the addon; after 3 seconds a control panel will show up. No entry = no addon loaded.



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Vic would this be in game action menu not the Esc one right?

it shows as I am using a modified when i enter a server but i can not see that option anywhere

Edited by Ashole

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how i can disable the action entry?

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The addon should work in the demo product as well (if you place vffpss.pbo into the "Addons" folder).

The action menu entry I am talking about is available to the player in game, not in any hidden game menu. The entry only shows up when you're in "player" mode and not mounted to any vehicle btw.

Consult your key mapping options to see how to call in the player menu (for me it usually pops up when I scroll the mouse wheel).


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This is very good indeed.

One thing, can it have a config in order to activate by key and have the values already preset in the config. So far I assume it only activates when you select it from the menu and then type you values in and close it.

Would be nice to have a config with a switchable value to auto run and as I say have pre set values in the config also (so you can have fixed sweetspot settings).

This is a must to help, so much better for me when flying.

Edited by mrcash2009

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The addon should work in the demo product as well (if you place vffpss.pbo into the "Addons" folder).

The demo won't start; it says "Corrupted data detected" :( I would rather try out this mod in the demo than buy the game just to find out my PC is lacking horsepower.

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how i can disable the action entry?

To put this under Deadfast's FPS on/off button on the ESC menu replace this in config.cpp:

class CfgVehicles {
class CaManbase
	class UserActions
		class VFAICpanel
			displayNameDefault = "VFFPS Control Panel";
                               showWindow = 0;
	                hideOnUse = 1;
			displayName="VFFPS Control Panel";
                           	onlyForPlayer = 1;
			condition="alive this";
			statement="this execVM ""\VFFPSS\VFFPSSdlg.sqf""";

with this:

class RscStandardDisplay;	// External class reference
class RscShortcutButton;	// External class reference

class RscDisplayInterrupt : RscStandardDisplay {
class controls {
	class VFAICpanelBtn : RscShortcutButton {
		x = "0.005 + SafeZoneX";
		y = "0.055 + SafeZoneY";
		w = 0.3;
		onButtonClick = "execVM ""\VFFPSS\VFFPSSdlg.sqf"";";
		text = "VFFPS Control Panel";
		periodFocus = 0;

class RscDisplayMPInterrupt : RscStandardDisplay {
class controls {
	class VFAICpanelBtn : RscShortcutButton {
		x = "0.005 + SafeZoneX";
		y = "0.055 + SafeZoneY";
		w = 0.3;
		onButtonClick = "execVM ""\VFFPSS\VFFPSSdlg.sqf"";";
		text = "VFFPS Control Panel";
		periodFocus = 0;

This will replace the action thingy with another button on the ESC screen. Click that, press ESC again to go back in game and the VFFPS popup will show after a couple of seconds.

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@Robalo_AS So this new config will move the fps-saver from the action menu to the esc menu? Thats great we really don't need fps tweaks cluttering up the in game action menu.

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Indeed, hope Victor will consider this.

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Hmm, Robalo, I couldn't seem to get it working using your config. I didn't see anything in the esc menu under the fps counter. I copied and pasted your settings to the config.cpp after deleting the original text. Did I missing something? Any advice would be appreciated. [Edit] Never mind, I see what I did wrong. one more thing though I get an error mesage in game "FPS dialog not found" what does that mean? And how would one go about rectifying it?

Edited by Sinzan
Post recycle

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Problem is: using the ESC menu method basically prevents access to VFFPSS in MP player mode. Imagine this as feedback:

Action Menu: We don't need clutter...

ESC Menu: Can't reach it in MP...

Key binding: No don't use this key because...

Always skating on thin ice :)

I will be off on vacation for a while now, plenty of time to think about this without a computer anywhere near...



Hmm, Robalo, I couldn't seem to get it working using your config. I didn't see anything in the esc menu under the fps counter. I copied and pasted your settings to the config.cpp after deleting the original text. Did I missing something? Any advice would be appreciated. [Edit] Never mind, I see what I did wrong. one more thing though I get an error mesage in game "FPS dialog not found" what does that mean? And how would one go about rectifying it?

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Figured it out my own stupidity on how modified addons work lol

found this which helped. Have not had to do these since OFP things changed


I tried all those but I can't seem to get this mod work in the demo :(

I noticed that I get about 20 fps or under when I have some settings on medium and some on high. Then I turned them all on low and fps is still the same :confused:

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"RscDisplayMPInterrupt" completely slipped my attention :) Looks like a good solution for this one. I will look into adopting this as soon as I am back. VFFPSS needs some other tweaks, too.



Why do you think that?

Works fine configured as I previously posted.

Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEiVjU9jDno

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Could I possibly request the addition of a simple FPS counter HUD element as an alternative to the debug text? This would save running two separate plug-ins that are essentially looping to monitor the same thing.

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Problem is: using the ESC menu method basically prevents access to VFFPSS in MP player mode. Imagine this as feedback:

Action Menu: We don't need clutter...

ESC Menu: Can't reach it in MP...

Key binding: No don't use this key because...

Always skating on thin ice :)

I will be off on vacation for a while now, plenty of time to think about this without a computer anywhere near...



I pay homage too all whom generate content for this soon to be W.C. game, in the form of feed back. Be it positive or negative its all for progress. You guy's rock;)

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Problem is: using the ESC menu method basically prevents access to VFFPSS in MP player mode. Imagine this as feedback:

Action Menu: We don't need clutter...

ESC Menu: Can't reach it in MP...

Key binding: No don't use this key because...

Always skating on thin ice :)VictorFarbau

Simple... Make three versions! I think you should also make a version which starts up automatically and have settings in a Config.hpp file.

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To put this under Deadfast's FPS on/off button on the ESC menu replace this in config.cpp:

class CfgVehicles {
class CaManbase
	class UserActions
		class VFAICpanel
			displayNameDefault = "VFFPS Control Panel";
                               showWindow = 0;
	                hideOnUse = 1;
			displayName="VFFPS Control Panel";
                           	onlyForPlayer = 1;
			condition="alive this";
			statement="this execVM ""\VFFPSS\VFFPSSdlg.sqf""";

with this:

class RscStandardDisplay;	// External class reference
class RscShortcutButton;	// External class reference

class RscDisplayInterrupt : RscStandardDisplay {
class controls {
	class VFAICpanelBtn : RscShortcutButton {
		x = "0.005 + SafeZoneX";
		y = "0.055 + SafeZoneY";
		w = 0.3;
		onButtonClick = "execVM ""\VFFPSS\VFFPSSdlg.sqf"";";
		text = "VFFPS Control Panel";
		periodFocus = 0;

class RscDisplayMPInterrupt : RscStandardDisplay {
class controls {
	class VFAICpanelBtn : RscShortcutButton {
		x = "0.005 + SafeZoneX";
		y = "0.055 + SafeZoneY";
		w = 0.3;
		onButtonClick = "execVM ""\VFFPSS\VFFPSSdlg.sqf"";";
		text = "VFFPS Control Panel";
		periodFocus = 0;

This will replace the action thingy with another button on the ESC screen. Click that, press ESC again to go back in game and the VFFPS popup will show after a couple of seconds.

Could you possibly email youre edited version please? I have tried to edit but comes up with error in the Starting of ArmA

[email protected]


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There is a bug: When using VFFPS the blur effect is deactivated every few minutes unless you lay down and roll. This happens on all effect settings.

Edited by Armin2

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What do I have to change in the .sqs to make VFFPS work in airborne mode ? (sometimes I get too low fps while flying)

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