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Ammo Crate Filler Script

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You can use this script to fill any ammo crate or vehicle with all weapons, ammo, and equipment. It's hosted on rapidshare, so mirrors would be appreciated.


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Thx for the script!

Mirror from Assault Mission Studio


Ammo Crate Filler Script by Monty

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hi just what i was looking for

when you say add null0 = this execVM \"ammo.sqf\" IN THE INITIALIZATION BLOCK

this is a noobie question where is the file/block i have to add it to?

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hi just what i was looking for

when you say add null0 = this execVM \"ammo.sqf\" IN THE INITIALIZATION BLOCK

this is a noobie question where is the file/block i have to add it to?

u put the code in the Initialization Box.

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Thanks worked it out and its working great thanks for the help and file

Edited by zipman

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Thanks a lot for the script. I opened it up to look at the code, and noticed that it also has a command to refill the ammo crate after the specified time period, which you can set to whatever you want. Nice feature.

I actually took this script, copied it to another text file, then renamed one to USammofill.sqf, and the other to RUSammofill.sqf, and edited the list of weapons and ammo to only include the items that each side usually has access to. So now, I have one "everything" crate fill, and an option for only each side's equipment. Very nice :)

BTW, I am ROTFLMAO at vaaf_rup's signature!

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Yeah, you'd just have to edit the file to add the addon weapon classes.

That script is simply a list of all default weapons that refills every 30 minutes or something. Depending on how your mission plays you may or may not want to have every single weapon, East and West, available for everyone. I personally use a edited and commented version which just gives US weapons for example. Also have a script for just spec-ops and just anti-armor stuff. You can really do anything you want. :)

Edited by kylania

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Yeah, you'd just have to edit the file to add the addon weapon classes.

That script is simply a list of all default weapons that refills every 30 minutes or something. Depending on how your mission plays you may or may not want to have every single weapon, East and West, available for everyone. I personally use a edited and commented version which just gives US weapons for example. Also have a script for just spec-ops and just anti-armor stuff. You can really do anything you want. :)

Sorry, I'm a noob at editing, where exactly find this stuff, what do I use to open it, and how would I make a whole new one?

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Depends on what weapons you want. Basically if you follow the link I posted in my post and save that file as ammo.sqf in the folder of your mission, then in the init line of an ammo crate object put this:

nul = this execVM "ammo.sqf";

It'll fill it, and keep it filled, with US weapons.

To change what weapons are included, just put a // in front of whatever line has the weapon you don't want, or remove the // to reenable a weapon you'd commented out.

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Can't get this to work. The box shows only the default list.

base_ammo = createVehicle ["USSpecialWeaponsBox", [(getPos fob_target select 0) + 0.5, (getPos fob_target select 1) + 0.5, getPos fob_target select 2], [], 0, "NONE"];

base_ammo setVehicleInit "nul0= this execVM 'ammo_refill.sqf'";

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Can we get these scripts updated with the latest ACE packs with it? Thumbs up to the first one to get me a ammo.sqf with all the new goodies!

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Does it make a difference if I use ACE ammo box, I ask cause I tried and didn't have any succes with given...?


Apparently, nul0 and null0 in Init wont have same effect. In my case I had to use null0...

Edited by Minoza

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Just wanted to let you know guys that I am working on ACE ammo.sqf version and I'm half way there. I'll make sepparate West and East filler with all the ACE goodies :yay:


I think I'm done with West ACE weapons and ammo, if I didn't miss anything, this should fill your box with all the ACE stuff except rucks, HuntIR and medic supplies since those are located in corresponding boxes... :D

You can get file here:


Please let me know if I forgot something... :butbut:

Edited by Minoza
added new link

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I just realized what might be a problem with this script... I mean, my knowledge about scripting is 0 so I ended up with box full of ACE stuff which is good BUT, I wanted it to be handled client side (if I'm correct lol...) so that you have ''your'' ammo box always full, e.g. when you start box has 1 M4 in it (and all 20 clients on server for example see 1 M4 and they can all take 1 M4 at same time), if I take that 1, there will be 0 left, but when I die, after respawn I want to have 1 M4 in box again...

How to achieve this?

Edited by Minoza

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Hello Gents,

this script was so far a very nice "tool" to fill up all kind of objects with the needed equipment. Unfortunately this doesn´t work anymore with OA like it use to do in ArmaII. It´s working for crates, but not for vehicles.

It seems that the vehicles in OA are extremly limited now with their load capacity. From a realistic point of view this makes sence, but it´s not a big help.

Does anybody have a clue how to find a workaround for filling up vehicles with unlimited amount of objects, like it use to work for ArmaII?

clearweaponcargo _this;
clearmagazinecargo _this;

_object = _this select 0;
_object addweaponcargo ["M249_TWS_EP1",2];
_object addmagazinecargo ["200Rnd_556x45_M249",50];

is not doing the job anymore... I mean it works if I put only a few rifles and mags in a car/quad but not if I wanna put 20 or more.

Any help would be extremly appreciated, thanks in advance!

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The script does work, you simply can't have unlimited (well, 8800ish or so) items anymore. Use reasonable amounts of equipment and it'll work just fine. If you're refreshing every few minutes you'll never need 20 at a time. :)

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Hello Kylania, thanks for your reply!

You´re right, the scripts does work. Maybe I used a wrong title for my post. But still, using the scripts with cars or littlebirds, I´m not to able achieve the same result as I was before. Reason for more than 20 different rifles + ammo + charges + AT rockets is a 9man-unit (mp-sessions), so I´d like to give em the possibility to have a free choise and also to refill here and there, because of a huge amount of threat.

Anyhow, thanks also for the hint related to the refresh-time, this could be a lil workaround.

keep it up´

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Yeah, I dropped mine down from 100 of everything to 10 (or whatever the number of players is) weapons and 100 magazines with a much shorter respawn time.

Breaking it up into multiple boxes as someone had mentioned is also a good idea, but I really hate having to jump from box to box trying to figure out what's where. :) Now, if people used a method to keep weapons after respawn that's no problem, but when you need to check 5 boxes every time you die, it can get annoying.

Another option for your LittleBird might be something virtual. There was a Loadout Selector posted here the other day, maybe just put that as an option on the helo and let people use that for rearming. That way no need to have actual items inside the LB.

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Yep, don´t like the method of breaking it up into multiple boxes aswell. That´s why I used to put all we need in an ATV, car or whatever vehicle.

Would like to know aswell how to make player keep weapons after respawn. I know it´s possible by using the revive-script...

I´m going to check on the Loadout Selector, thanks for having this one mentioned. :)

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