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I can ride my arma bike with no handle bars... no handle bars...

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I'm sure this has been addressed before in ArmA but it just breaks my heart to see this again in ArmA 2.

Please fix the hands gripping on the handle bars/steering wheels in future patches.


edit: mirror went down, I reuploaded it again

Edited by simio7331

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Yes I absolutely HATE this in ArmA and ArmA 2, it's liek this for the steering wheels, the bikes, and the miniguns. Can't they make hte hands move with it??/ Someone made a chopper mod for ArmA 1 that the gunner moves his hands!!

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Some shadows are weird and glitchy in this game, settings are all turned up.

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I can't see why we have, really well done dancing and working out animations but can't have moving hands on a wheel and most important, GUNNERS.

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I can't see why we have, really well done dancing and working out animations but can't have moving hands on a wheel and most important, GUNNERS.

hehe, true. :)

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Though there are some basic animations that BIS could implement to make thinks more natural, such as:

hand on wheel while driving a car/bicycle, hands on weapon in gunner vehicles, moving the feet on some chopper's pedals, Animation while Looking and Aiming.

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I just remembered how I worked out this was done on some PUKF Landies a while ago;

Simply make an animation where the arms/upper body moves at the same speed as the handlebars do when turning using the A/D keys, and then make a script so whenever you press those keys it plays the appropriate anim for as long as they're pressed

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well theres his gun strapped to his back....

Perhaps he's like a Vampire except he doesn't cast a shadow and if you say "simio7331" into a mirror 3 times, backwards, whilst drinking a glass of water upside down he comes out your monitor the next time you play and eats your brain?

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I agree. Why could they not just attach hands to the model that is turning, than make elbows,wrists and shoulders pivot points?

That is the way it works in BF games, and i think its just fine!

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Mocap is easy (Dancing). Inverse Kinematics is not hard but I've yet to see it "follow" an external object in ArmA1. That and ragdoll on a head-shot should be two major goals for ArmAIII. All we have in ArmA is Forward Kinematic keyed animation right?

Where's the addon someone said earlier that has hands following a gun?

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This game has trackir, the in game player head moves around naturally synchronized to your real head, why is arma so great but when it comes to games 10 years old they already fixed this hand gripping problem.

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why there isn't any shadow on the right?

BUG noted.

No character shadow in first person bike riding view. Only the gun shadow.

Shadow is ok in third person bike view.

Also not fixed in 1.01 german final patch.

Hope BIS will read this post

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