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Morphicon (petergames.de) ArmA 2 Download Released

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It was on the download screen, I guess everyone else here closed that window and forgot to read.

You guessed wrong. My download screen did not have the key. It just said (in German of course) that I would be e-mailed one within 8 hours. Quite a few others here seem to be in a same predicament. Hopefully their Sales Support operates on weekends.



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i got mine from morphicon...

as the other guys said immediately after the sale i got a web page with all the information, the links and the key.

However, they sent me an email with all the above but that email did not have the key. Luckily i had kept the key from the web page.

But please note, that as soon as i started installing on my pc the game, immediately another email came, with the cd key.

So you might have to run the Arma2_setip.exe in order to get your email with the cd key....

also it's worth checking on your spam folder...(depending on your client), I'm using Thunderbird and one of the 2 emails went into the spam folder....

hope that helps...

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But please note, that as soon as i started installing on my pc the game, immediately another email came, with the cd key.

hope that helps...

Thanks for the advice, but I doubt that... I mean how would that work? You would have to be prompted for your e-mail upon running the SetUp.exe in order for this to happen.

I am not too worried about this, I'll get it one way or the other; it's just that it would have been nice to have the game this weekend... My post was just meant to let others know that they are not the only ones without the key and that it does not always show up on the download page.



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Thanks for the advice, but I doubt that... I mean how would that work? You would have to be prompted for your e-mail upon running the SetUp.exe in order for this to happen.

I am not too worried about this, I'll get it one way or the other; it's just that it would have been nice to have the game this weekend... My post was just meant to let others know that they are not the only ones without the key and that it does not always show up on the download page.



probably as soon as i started running arma2_setup.exe, it gets connected on the internet and you get another email...this is how it works on mine and i will tell you why...

when i first bought the game i received only one email with links and no code...after nearly 10 hours i had no new email still regarding my code....but as soon as i started installing the game i got straight away another email...

please note that the arma2_setup.exe, at the first stage it just unpacks the files into a folder...then after the upacking it will ask you for the cd key and then will start the installation. At the end you have to put the cd key again to activate securcom.

if you have bought from morphicon you should give it a try....

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please note that the arma2_setup.exe, at the first stage it just unpacks the files into a folder...then after the upacking it will ask you for the cd key and then will start the installation. At the end you have to put the cd key again to activate securcom.

if you have bought from morphicon you should give it a try....

Fair enough. I will definitely give it a try when my download is finished.

Update - I have finished the download and completed the temporary install (unpacking of the downloaded files). The set-up is now asking me of the CD Key, but I still haven't been e-mailed anything :( Oh well, nice try... I am sure that I will get the key either within a few hours or on Monday.



Edited by DreDay

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For your info, I received the key at 2.36 am GMT, a little over 14 hours after purchase. It was exactly the same message as on the download page, except now it has the key. I guess it's a bit slower on the weekends, just be patient and :pray:

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yeah I just got mine. about 14 hours after initial purchase. same as previous poster said.

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I DL'd and paid for Arma2 here:


Followed the instructions etc. My Visa was charged within 4 minutes, but as of now, 3 hours later, I have not received a email, or anything for that matter, aside from the charge on my Visa, that gives me any information at all. No download links, no CD-Key, nothing. Spam filter on my gmail was empty also.

Did I screw something up? (hoping not)

Several people here have had this problem. I have had no correspondance from this "company" in almost 2 days. They took the money, said they were waiting for "processing" despite the fact they have taken the money and do not answer E-mails. Im sure if I called their $1.00 a minute "technical support" line, I would be waiting about an hour before anyone answered the phone but I have no plans on giving Petergames another dime of my money.

Some people seem to have had no problems with Petergames but Im not a gambler. This company has suspicious business practices and I would avoid them at all costs.


Edited by BangTail

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Has anybody bought it today? I did it this morning and still waiting for my activation code :(

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I gave into temptation and purchased ARMA 2 from Metaboli last night. Woke up this morning and the key was in my inbox, currently downloading the game. Can't wait to try it out.

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Hey I purchased from petersgame.de and got an e-mail containing download links but no CD-Key and I accidentally closed the confirmation page I was directed to after purchasing. Does anyone know a way to get back to that page? I've tried e-mailing but the guy doesn't seem to understand what I'm talking about.

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Check your browser history I guess it's Ctrl+H (or Strg+H or however your keyboard looks like)

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I did not get the keys after purchasing...you got it?

Check your mail if it contains a remark that you get the keys later

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8 hours (according to my mail)...mine 8 hours are almost over

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Well I caved in and ordered from petergames.de (which is apparently the same thing as metaboli?) a couple of hours ago. No sign of a key yet. There's still 4-5 hours left on my download so I'm hoping it'll show up before then.

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I don't think they are the same. Metaboli charges 39.99 while Peter Games charges 49.99 for ArmA II.

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Hmm. The ArmA2 link on the petergames.de (opposed to petergamesde.nexway.com) homepage ends up at the metaboli buy page for me anyway - 39.99. So I guess I bought it from there.

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Can anyone tell me how many activations do we have with metaboli version?

And there is any option to uninstall the activation?


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Been 9 hours now waiting for metaboli to send me a key.

They do seem to be there though as I sent a mail and they got back to me within a few min saying the wait was 4 to 8 hours.

Hopefully it comes soon

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Anyone else having trouble getting their key from Metaboli today?

I've been waiting for 11 hours now, sent 2 e-mail but got only automated responses with no key.

Fangster how did you make out?

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Anyone else having trouble getting their key from Metaboli today?

I've been waiting for 11 hours now, sent 2 e-mail but got only automated responses with no key.

Fangster how did you make out?

4 days after buying from Petergames, No key, no replies to e-mails demanding action and no replies to my request for a cancellation.

Again, I know some of you have not had problems with these guys but my advice is to stay WELL AWAY.


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4 days after buying from Petergames, No key, no replies to e-mails demanding action and no replies to my request for a cancellation.

Again, I know some of you have not had problems with these guys but my advice is to stay WELL AWAY.


Somebody please tell me I didn't just get ripped off:confused:

Is there anything we can do if they don't send our key's? I mean I live in america if worse came to worse do I have any legal rights here considering the dl service is out of germany?

Edited by Bloodofthedragon

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I received my key from Metaboli this morning after ordering it @ 1 PM yesterday.:)

Btw: I recommend Metaboli cuz u can download the stuff again without time limit from them.

Edited by ziiip

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