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What helicopter is this?

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I was bored and found a website showing vehicles scrapped after the Chernobyl accident.

the site says:

Source here:


Hundreds of pieces of Russian army hardware is left on the small field right near to Chernobyl. All this machinery has participated in Chernobyl accident liquidation and is radioactive from top to toe. Now it dies out under the open skies of deserted Chernobyl. You can get a Google Sat view of it too here.

I think it might be a special Mi-26 version? anyone else got any ideas.


what were the wings used for?


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As stated above, it is the Mi-6 Hook.

The wings, I'm guessing, were used to provide extra lift for the helicopter. Rather like the Hind, I do not believe the Mi-6 could hover.

The Mi-6 is highly outdated (so if you intend to ask for one of these for ArmA 2, ask for an Mi-26!), and the Mi-26 is far more capable, with a max payload of 20,000 kg compared to the Mi-6's 12,000 kg.

Some impressive images you've found, note the BRDM in the first image. :wink:

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I was just interested in the helicopter, seemed a really helo and I don't ever remember seeing one before..

Thanks for all the help guys

quite a few BRDM there:


Edited by Eble

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I wonder if the BRDM has any NBC capabilities, or any of the BTRs used in the cleanup for that matter.

The Mi-6 is a somewhat obscure helicopter, probably due to its limited service, Chernobyl can pretty much sum up its service actually. There are also several Mi-26s and Mi-8s lying around that area.

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The Mi-6 is a somewhat obscure helicopter, probably due to its limited service, Chernobyl can pretty much sum up its service actually. There are also several Mi-26s and Mi-8s lying around that area.

According to that Wikipedia article 925 Mi-6s were built , as opposed to 276 Mi-26.

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There is a field like that full of Humvee's at RAF Molesworth.

Edited by Baff1

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But I doubt they're glowing from radiation.

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The wings were to provide additional lift in forward flight to offload the main rotor and increase efficiency at cruising speeds. With the additional lift and wheel landing gear, the helicopter would be able to take off with a greater load than its maximum weight for hovering. The wings would also increase its high altitude performance in forward flight. Wings do decrease the hover performance of helicopters at all speeds and altitudes, however.

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But I doubt they're glowing from radiation.

They don't glow, but you will get sick if you stand near them.

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Yeah I get sick as soon as I see the uglyness of a humvee. God knows what would happen if I were near one.

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i see export opportunities to the Taleban and Wealthy Al-Qaeda?:D

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