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ASS1 - Phase 1 - Bird on a wire

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Welcome to this waste of forum space and incidentally the first release thread of Arma Satire Studios! :yay:

Today we like to present to you the Release Candidate 1 Beta 1 Phase 1 of our project.

With this first release your Arma installation will be enhanced by a new asset essential to any modern warrior.

But first let me speak a bit about the origins of this project:

The project spawned in our heads a pretty long time ago and actually no one can remember. Probably while idling on Teamspeak or after a mission went fubar and waiting for the respawn...

But a few days ago in an unusual rush of creativity and work enthusiasm we had an idea for the easier to build phase 1. We immediately went to work, and with "we" I mean Mondkalb, who started with modelling and texturing first. As the guy that normally does all our scripting voodoo had some lame excuses (a-level exams, pff) Mondkalb did that too. I kept on nagging about his work and in return got assigned all this boring PR stuff :butbut:

But now, behold the mighty...


No longer will the enemy just walk straight into your base!

You can also easily spot him now. He's the one with the bleeding nose and missing teeth. :cc:

Be sure to look into the readme first, everything important about the content, installation, use, modification and distribution can be found in there!






Required addon: Extended Eventhandlers

Comments, critique and bug reports are welcome in this thread. Please direct all insults to our PM inbox where they will be properly ignored. Placebo has enough work as it is.

Soon we will open our own ASS Wiki and Bugtracker to collect all information in one place.

Future plans:

Phase 2 (Release: When it's done, maybe next week) will introduce a banana peel to drop your enemies like flies.

Further releases are planned, but we want to keep them a secret for now. We hope to get Phase 3 out before Arma 2, but don't count on it. We will however port over some time after we finished the campaign in coop with all endings and then some...


Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Further links:


ASS Website (work in progress)

Inspiration video

Edited by Scruffy

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As the guy that normally does all our scripting voodoo had some lame excuses (a-level exams, pff) Mondkalb did that too.

A-Level exams finished! Now i can script some crap for ASS Phase 2!

BTW: FIRST! And nice Addons!

Edited by NeoArmageddon

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nice but why is not bomb.. :(

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nice but why is not bomb.. :(

To keep in line with USK/PEGI ratings. We hope to get a 3+ PEGI rating for Phase 2 when we implement the banana peel. :)

Try ACE mod for working claymores.

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Scruffy, you forgot to mention the main feature of Release Candidate 1 Beta 1 Phase 1!

The spinning banana that replaces the loading-radar:


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this is a very good module for arma

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Awesome, I'll have some fun with this!

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Is the OFP rofl-copter gonna be ported?

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Hilarious !

I agree, we 16:10 guys need to stick together. :D

Whatever you do... don't decline the EULA.

Thanks !

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