sgt gul 0 Posted June 14, 2010 i used chammy sound mod, but i get very strange sounds during gameplay. And i get different sounds from the weapons when firing single or burst :S and the voices get very low sometimes. but i will try maddmatt effect mod. thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reconteam 19 Posted July 5, 2010 Is it me, or is the mission Red Dawn broken? Nothing seems to happen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reconteam 19 Posted July 5, 2010 Red Dawn wasn't broken it turns out, but the radio in the first mission of Resistance doesn't say anything, so your just staring at a broken radio for a few minutes at the gas station. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted July 5, 2010 Well all the sounds should be there as we have taken both the mission and the sounds from the xbox version. We might not fix it but just out of interest and to prevent this from happen in CWR2: Can you tell which radio message exactly has no voiceover? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reconteam 19 Posted July 5, 2010 Well all the sounds should be there as we have taken both the mission and the sounds from the xbox version.We might not fix it but just out of interest and to prevent this from happen in CWR2: Can you tell which radio message exactly has no voiceover? On Invasion (the first mission), it appears like a radio message is supposed to play when you stop at the gas station, you and a NPC stare at the radio for a good minute ago, and then he talks to you saying "Why would they go to Moscow?" or something like that. It seems the second mission (when you wake up in the morning after meeting some with the resistance the previous evening) also has a blank radio message. However I have noticed that some of spoken conversations are very quiet, while others are normal. Perhaps the radio is playing the message but it is too low to hear? I don't know why my headphones would act up like that however. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
THEBLITZ6794 10 Posted July 30, 2010 itd be nice if the missions that were cut from OFP elite were in the game strange meeting and spearhead namely Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
herd 10 Posted August 10, 2010 Are those the latest fixes of the remake: Fixed Resistance Campaign (v1.01) Fixed SP Mission "Infantry" (v1.09) If so, why nothing has been done. CWR is still in beta isnt it ? What is the latest build to download? Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted August 10, 2010 The "all in one" package in the first post has everything you need and is the latest version. There won't be any more updates for CWR as we moved on to ArmA II and have more than enough work with CWR². Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DerekBaker 0 Posted December 15, 2010 Hi all,I just checked the Hind Attack mission and think I found the reason why at the end you sometimes get "Where's that damn base" though the Hinds are destroyed. What was the reason? I'm getting this with the 'all in one package' linked in the first post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted December 16, 2010 What was the reason? I'm getting this with the 'all in one package' linked in the first post. I can't remember actually, either trigger condition or variable setting (or both). I have no A1/CWR1 installed currently so I can't check but the fixed mission should be included in the all-in-one package. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Canaris 10 Posted December 17, 2010 I've just finished first mission as Gastovsky and i have to say .. I LOVE YOU GUYS :bounce3: OFP with better graphics = dying social life Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
max power 21 Posted December 18, 2010 It's so great to hear that people are enjoying this mod! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
typer 0 Posted January 11, 2011 (edited) Hi, somehow i recently humbled on my old ARMA DVD, i remebered it as acomplete disappointment but then I checked the community and found the CWR MOD. GREAT!! :bounce3: I installed it and play the campaign which is much more fascinating then the awfull ARMA campaign. And then I play as well as my old OFP missions... But :butbut: here I notice sth: The russian tanks have a bug that the tank commander cannot aim vertically, only horizontaly which makes it impossible to mark targets for the gunner! The Abrams works good in CWR, but I don't want to use it, I want to create T72 T80 missions were you battle the evil Abrams etc. Morevoer western tanks do not use their MGs to fire on eastern attack choppers, this is also disappointing AI behaviour. (this was also the case in OFP: due the heavy armor of eastern choppers, and weak MG firepower ratio AI refused even to try to shot down choppers.) Could this be corrected somehow? BR Edited January 12, 2011 by typer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CoLpO 10 Posted February 2, 2011 Hi Guys, great and fantastic mod. I'm waiting for the ArmA2 mod. But I have a little problem here. I have downloaded the "all in one" package and install it, all goes correctly. I entered the game and Start Resistance campaing, but the skins of soldiers (Troska, Guba, Russians etc) and the trucks are wrong. The texture is very bad... I don't see faces. I have the Textures settings Very High and the other settings High. I need some help, thanks guys. PD: Sorry for my bad english. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Huk256 0 Posted March 1, 2011 OK guys. I must say, I love this mod, "Cold War Crysis" is much better then the original Arma campaign IMHO... however I must ask about few things: I have CWR 0.8 Beta, and there are some problems with, some tanks: -T-72 & T-80 - as @typer, already mentioned, you cannot aim vertically, while in commander's seat, also to call "Keep formation" command, you have to first press space and then "1", while simple "1"-"1" should work What is worst is that this bugs seems to affect addons as well - I have downloaded other T-80 addon and it suffers from the same conditions - but only as long as CWR is running, if I run "normal" Arma, then that T-80 is fully workable - this is most serious bug so far... -BMP-1 - while using first person view, as commander - your "command square", is locked in the bottom left corner of the view, it does work normally in TPP view however. BMP-2 seems unaffected by this. -Shilka - while in TPP view - "command square" is completely locked, no matter what you do, it doesn't move - it works in FPP view, Shilka also suffers from "space+1: instead of "1"-"1" code for "Keep formation" bug mentioned earlier My question is - are you aware of this problems? If so, are there any workarounds? (especially for T-72/T-80 aiming bugs)? Thanks in advance. P.S Sorry for my English. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted March 2, 2011 We are aware of all these problems, however we don't have the time to fix any of these issues at the moment. It would take forever to get the models/configs from the archive, and install the old tools to fix them. However if anyone wants to fix them, we're more than happy to assist as best as we can. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Huk256 0 Posted March 2, 2011 I see... and there is no way to make at least add-on tanks work? (well there are a few vehicle packs that include T-80 and T-72, we could use them for now, but for some reason they are affected by this bugs as well :/ ) Or maybe someone knows about any Russian tank add-ons, that works with CWR? As for the bugs... I don't know much about mods creating but... couldn't we just copy "behavioral subroutines" for commander's view, from original T-72 that came with Arma? Would that be hard to do? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Huk256 0 Posted March 4, 2011 All right - I managed to fix T-72, T-80 and partially a BMP1. Fixed config.cpp files, can be downloaded here: T72: This is the "root" config for most vehicles inside the cwr_tracked.pbo, to fix T72 I have changed line 80 from: "inGunnerMayFire = false;" to "inGunnerMayFire = true;" Now T72 works as expected - as far as I can tell. T72Res (T72 for resistance side): I added "inGunnerMayFire = true" at line 58, seams fixed as well. T80: Again - "inGunnerMayFire = false" at line 280, was changed to "inGunnerMayFire = true". BMP1: Uses the same config.cpp as T72, I have commented out line 484: "gunBeg = "pohled_velitele";"now "command square" is located at the middle of the scope however - it works rather weird - when you press space, and try to move your turret around, square is locked to the middle of the scope, but only horizontally - if you move the scope up or down, it gets "out of sync", and is no longer at the middle - this is no big problem, but I can't figure out why this is happening - weird thing is, if I change the model of - for example - M2A2, to the one BMP1 use, same thing happens there... could this be related to the data in bmp1.p3d, somehow - I don't know... Hopefully, someone can put this file to good use, and publish updated cwr_tracked.pbo. Although, I got few comments to add (it is NOT my intention to start any flame war - so don't regard this comments, as aimed at someone, they are just some thoughts) 1.I think it would be good, to keep all addons consistent in some points - what I mean is: in Operation Flashpoint we had T72, T80 and M1A1, all of which had the same (or very similar) speed at which main cannon was turning around, also they had very similar optics. Now, I can understand difference between T-55 and T-80, so that T-55 have slower cannon, and worst optics, but it is the OTHER way around in the addon! T80 has extremely slow main turret, and rather weak optics - I think that should be changed, so that T80, is at leas as fast as T72 (in terms of cannon rotation). 2.LAW and RPGs should be far LESS powerful. In Flashpoint T-55/M60/T72 could take up to 3 shots from LAW or RPG to be destroyed, M1A1 could sustain even up to 5 hits and still fight, that's why we had heavy anti-tank weapons like the Carl-Gustaw launcher, in Arma (original, and CWR as well) it almost doesn't matter if you drive T-55, T72 or T80, since usually one shot from RPG/LAW will kill you so now there is no point in using heavy AT weapons - since light AT weapons works just as well - again I think that should be changed, so that lighter weapons, cause much lower damage. 3.This is rather a question - is there any way I can, download unbinarized p3d for the CWR addon? 4.And one last thing - is it my imagination, or is Shilka's external view as commander broken in normal Arma as well? Thanks in advance for the answers And, please test those config.cpps ;] P.S Again, sorry for my English ;] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
verte 10 Posted March 6, 2011 All right - I managed to fix T-72, T-80 and partially a BMP1. Fixed config.cpp files, can be downloaded here: Could you tell me how can I install this config.cpp? I cannot find it in my Arma folder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Huk256 0 Posted March 6, 2011 @verte: To install this files, you would have to "decompress", cwr_tracked.pbo first, replace configs and then "re-compress". Here is a complete cwr_tracked.pbo (extract it to the @CWR\Addons folder - and overwrite existing one), with fixed vehicles: FEW NOTES!! 1.I am no expert, but I think that my cwr_tracked.pbo will break multi player since it's signature (.bsign file) will not match - I suggest you backup your cwr_tracked.pbo before overwriting it! 2.I removed the max turn speed limitations from the main turret on T80 - now it rotates as fast as in other tanks. 3.I managed to fix Shilka, but there are still some bugs left to fix: -BMP1 (or was it BMP2?) caries FAR to much ammo, it is "full" from the start, so you can not put anything in it. -BMP2/BMP Ambulance, gives you some error at startup, about missing configuration files, otherwise works OK. -There are still zoom differences between some tanks. -BMP1 - I thinks that the "floating command square" bug, I mentioned earlier is related to the "gunBeg" and "gunEnd" parameters being wrong, to get it right, an unbinarized p3d of BMP1 would probably be required... (anyone knows where to get one?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
verte 10 Posted March 6, 2011 Thank you very much for your work and for the uploaded file! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted March 6, 2011 Huk256 Thanks for fixing the configs. :) If the issues left are fixed and you are sure they are working please contact me. I add them to the pbo's and pack them again then. The files then will be signed of course so they can be used in MP. Just need to install the old tools on another PC for that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Huk256 0 Posted March 8, 2011 @*W0lle*: Well, I think that I should be able to fix almost all of those issues - when I do, I will re-upload cwr_tracked.pbo and configs... (this may take a while, since I am busy at the moment)however I written "almost" because issue with BMP1 "Command square" is hard to fix without the unbinarized p3d file of the BMP1... Question regarding the above: Could You (or somebody else) provide the unbinarized .p3d files of the BMP1? Or are those files licensed from BIS, and cannot be shared easily? Why I would need the p3d is because, I would have to see inside it, and find out the correct start and end points for the gunBeg, gunEnd parameters - I already tried some of those: but to no avail, I also downloaded samples of Arma vehicles that BIS provides, but BMP2 markings from those are to incompatible with BMP1 to be of any use. One - not so funny - note here, about the Shilka "fix". In the original config in Arma it looks like this: gunBeg = "gun_muzzle"; // endpoint of the gun gunEnd = "gun_chamber"; // chamber of the gun As far as I can tell from examining the p3d file in Oxygen2 - these points DOES exist in the Shilka's model, however they doesn't work with external view. Using a "trail and error" I changed those to: gunBeg = "Mgun_end"; // endpoint of the gun gunEnd = "Mgun_start"; // chamber of the gun and it fixed the Shilka external camera... BUT those points are NOT in the model at all - so it shouldn't worked (or am I wrong?), and I have no idea why it does ;p (unless those points are inherited from the TANK class somehow...) This is just a side note of how weird some of the changes I did are... Best regards to everyone that worked on CWR and everyone at BIS ;] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted March 8, 2011 Could You (or somebody else) provide the unbinarized .p3d files of the BMP1? Or are those files licensed from BIS, and cannot be shared easily? The BMP-1 is a donation from the CSLA Mod, and unfortunately we don't have the MLOD anymore at all because we were asked to keep it stored in a safe place. Now we safed it that well that no one can find the file anymore. :D As you can see already, the Mod as it has been released is more or less giant mess, held together with a lot of tape. I'm not even sure anymore from where the Shilka model is or why it has been modified if it's from the sample models. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Huk256 0 Posted March 20, 2011 (edited) Sorry for the very late respond - I was very busy. @W0lle: Here are the news: I managed to fix BMP1 "floating command rectangle", however then I realized that there is one more problem - if we are the gunner, and try to aim our AT3, then "command rectangle" (and - unfortunately - the cross-hair as well) are "warped" about 30 cm above the cross hair used to aim with the MG or the Cannon, that makes marking targets with AT3 pretty hard - especially with higher zoom factors :/ I tried to fix this, but I have no idea why this is happening - unfortunately, I think that this is hard-coded in the bmp1.p3d, I may be wrong of course, but I tried all variables of axis I know of, and all gunBeg/gunEnd, and the cross hair is always "warped" - besides, if I use BMP1 model with - for example - M2A2 config file - the result ("warping") is the same, and if I use M2A2/BMP2/etc model with BMP1 config - then I can aim normally with both TOW and AT5 :/ So I was wondering... - couldn't we get another model for the BMP1? I found one in this addon: and tried it with the config from the current BMP1 - I had to tweak few settings, but it works without any major problems as far as I can tell - couldn't we ask the author for the permission? What do You think? EDIT: Sorry, I forgot that we would have to recreate Resistance version of the BMP1 as well - and the addon I pointed to have only Russian version... damn, if I only knew how to fix this damn cross hair, all would be well :/ Edited March 20, 2011 by Huk256 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites