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mr burns

Will ArmA 2 support FreeTrack?!

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Even if that worked, you would still need the actual TrackIR in the first place before you can "hijack" the signal... I believe the point of a DIY rig is not having to buy the original TrackIR.

i dont believe you quite understood what i meant. the idea is to make a program that takes the camera feed and converts it to the data the TrackIR software can use. so the program makes the TrackIR software think that you have the TrackIR device, feeding it with the data, while you actually just have your wegcam.

i know that its kind of complicated but if it worked i think it would be a rather elegant solution to the problem...

EDIT: i think i just got what you meant. if you mean that the person writing that program then yes, that person does need the device. but once somebody has programed it, he could distribute the program and no one else would have to buy the TrackIR

Edited by ndepal

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i dont believe you quite understood what i meant. the idea is to make a program that takes the camera feed and converts it to the data the TrackIR software can use. so the program makes the TrackIR software think that you have the TrackIR device, feeding it with the data, while you actually just have your wegcam.

i know that its kind of complicated but if it worked i think it would be a rather elegant solution to the problem...

EDIT: i think i just got what you meant. if you mean that the person writing that program then yes, that person does need the device. but once somebody has programed it, he could distribute the program and no one else would have to buy the TrackIR

Ah, so you mean they should try and emulate the actual TrackIR device. Interesting idea, but I still see a possible problem: As the new TrackIR API is encrypted, the data stream from the device is most likely encrypted too. If so, reading the data will become nigh impossible unless you reverse engineer the device.

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oh yeah thats true i didnt think about that... well thats too bad really. i guess the only way to have Freetrack support is to have a general interface where all trackingsystems can conect to, like the way it works with mice etc. so i guess this whole thing ist just kind of ahead of its time. maybe in a few years well see that kind of support...

EDIT: I just read up on ppjoy and well... i once again think the problem is solvable... :P well actually if i got the idea of ppjoy then i dont really see a problem. if you can emulate a joystick with your freetrack system then you could just assign that 'joystick' to your head movement in ama2...

so if some one could be kind enough to tell me why everybody isnt doing that, that'd be great.

also the direct input thing sounds like an option. why arent people using that?

Edited by ndepal

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Most games don't let you assign joystick axes to the view, we are lucky that ArmA does let you, but it is limited to a single joystick so you can't use a real joystick at the same time.

PPJoy does not work on 64bit systems because it does not have any 64bit drivers. 64bit drivers need to be certified.

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I've tried... it isn't working.... so far.

The first time I started the game with the freetrack software running I got a popup saying IR tracking software had been detected - please type its name so it can be added to the list...

I typed "Freetrack" and hit OK... no freetrack in the customisable controllers list.. just Track IR

When booting without freetrack running I noticed that Track IR wasn't in the controller list - with freetrack running, it is...

However - no tracking...

I can't comment on ppJoy - it errored out on install (x64)... I'd've settled for that, I'm not really interested in fancy 6Dof or whatever - I just want to be able to look left and right and un n down without having to aim or steer that way to do it...

I haven't looked in the armaprofile file yet... I'll experiment further but so far - a no go... :(

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No Free Track = no sale.

My Track Clip Pro works great with my current webcam; I'm not shelling out $100 for another one that won't even work in Skype when I'm not gaming.

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It's freetrack devs job to make it working, nor bis. As Kegetys stated before, you should be able to bind joystick axes to the "look around", and free track should use joystick controller emulation, instead of connecting to the Natural Point's interface which is protected now. If FT developers ever manage to build own SDK, then you may ask BI for introducing it in future patch (and this should be easier).

If I recall, UrGear (the ancestor of headtracking devices). Was exactly a game controller (as connected to the soundcards gameport).

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If FT developers ever manage to build own SDK, then you may ask BI for introducing it in future patch (and this should be easier).

They DO HAVE a own API/SDK ready for DL and implementation by the Devs ;)

The issue is rather the contract condition BIS might have with NaturalPoint which could prevent/forbid the use of a other API besides the NP one....

But would you have read this topic entirely you would already have known that, right....

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Damn this truly SUCKS!!!! I'm not going to spend $200+ on something I already have and built with my own two hands. Dammit, we're in a recession! I'm not made of money!

Support FreeTrack!

Edited by Arrowhead

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I've heard that some TrackIR4 don't work too... so... this is nothing to do with Free-Track. FT knows how to speak to applications coded with TrackIR API (there is even an option in FT!). Maybe we just have to make a little change to make it work?

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I've heard that some TrackIR4 don't work too... so... this is nothing to do with Free-Track. FT knows how to speak to applications coded with TrackIR API (there is even an option in FT!). Maybe we just have to make a little change to make it work?

They put out a dll fix to make encrypted DCS:Black Shark work with FreeTrack. I just hope they can do the same with Arma 2.

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I've heard that some TrackIR4 don't work too... so... this is nothing to do with Free-Track. FT knows how to speak to applications coded with TrackIR API (there is even an option in FT!). Maybe we just have to make a little change to make it work?

I heard somewhere that you have to use the TrackIR 5 program to use TrackIR 4 in Arma 2. Not a big problem, the 5 software is better to use anyway.

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Argh, I want Freetrack support as well!!!

Maybe with time...

They put out a dll fix to make encrypted DCS:Black Shark work with FreeTrack. I just hope they can do the same with Arma 2.

Adding a dll or altering files may result in FADE activation but certainly exlusion from some servers.

Edited by EDcase

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They DO HAVE a own API/SDK ready for DL and implementation by the Devs ;)

The issue is rather the contract condition BIS might have with NaturalPoint which could prevent/forbid the use of a other API besides the NP one....

But would you have read this topic entirely you would already have known that, right....

Maybe BIS might offer some kind of plugin interface that would allow _anyone_ to plug "something" in that would allow the community to build such a plugin. I wouldn't care too much about an in-game UI for configuration.

I would bet that this would be legally ok with the NaturalPoint contracts (not sure, though).

Any official word on this yet?

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Hi all :-)

Im disappointed about the lack of freetrack support in Arma 2. As I´ve read at the english speaking forum of freetrack, the developers have send BI their SDK.

I´ve build my freetrack system about a year ago and it is just working fine in a lot of games. Why BI supports a monopoly like NaturalPoint when other contents of the game are like opensource (missions, mods, addons) is a mystery to me.

Will there be a chance of getting FreeTrack support in the future? I don´t wanna spend 150 € for a system i allready have, with total costs of only 30 €.

Is there any official statement?



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One more vote for Freetrack support :ok:

Sorry, but Arma2 just isn't enough of a reason for me to replace a completely functional, well tested system with a 150€ alternative.

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+1 VOTE true Freetrack DOES have the TrackIR option in there BUT also they have there own Freetrack option as well. But like most things if a upfront support does come then someone will make it work for the peeps THAT dont have $250 to spend on something that works JUST as well as the expensive version..


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freetrack is a must, thats definitely a buy criterion!

i know 5 people with free track personally, i dont know anybody who owns trackir ;)

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+1 Vote

Like me, not everyone has the money or credit/debit card to pay for TrackIR, but I do have the money to make my own, and a cam.

Please support, this is my only hope for 6dof in arma 2, and Im really waiting for it.

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Perhaps a Poll, similar to the one currently running regarding optional Motionblur, Bloom and High Cholesterol, might help quantify opinoin - and support - for a choice of IR tracking interface capability within the game?

Something neutrally titled, like...

"Would you like to see additional/alternate IR tracking device support in Arma 2"?...

with yes/no/don't care options.....

Anybody care to suggest a better title/question and then we'll ask Placebo if its OK to have a poll...

Just an idea...


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We don't need a poll. We just need a statement from BIS on the situation and hopefully they can agree to implement the FreeTrack SDK. Clearly there are enough people with homebuilt freetrack setups BEGGING for support! Come on guys, wake up!

What's more important to BIS? That Natural Point makes a little extra money, or that their own loyal FreeTrack using customers get the support they deserve?

Edited by Arrowhead

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What's more important to BIS? That Natural Point makes a little extra money, or that their own loyal FreeTrack using customers get the support they deserve?

Attention, speculation ahoy: NP might have forbidden BIS from implementing any kind of competing solution if TIR is supported, or at least limiting its functionality. They already did this with Black Shark. So it's probably either TIR or Freetrack, but not both. If were NP I'd definitely go for that to preserve what is practically a monopoly in commercial consumer-level solutions. Choosing a free head-tracking implementation over TIR in a game like Arma2 would require a brave developer at the current situation, but if such a choice spread it would hopefully bring other manufacturers to the market.

Then again I wouldn't mind to be wrong about the situation between BIS and NP, and see both TIR and FT fully supported in Arma2.

Edited by Fincuan

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It's also perhaps worth mentioning that not all Freetrack setups are homebuilt...

It's perfectly possible to use Freetrack with a TrackIR clip or hatclip, and a 3rd party cam... and I believe there are other hatclip manufacturers in the market too...

There isn't necessarily any homebuilding involved in using freetrack as your preferred tracking interface...

I DO use a homemade clip rather than a purchased one - mainly coz I think its better), but my cam is unmodified and under $20 and I have perfect tracking - in Arma 1...

I think there'd be even greater support for Freetrack implementation if more people were aware that its perfectly possible to buy all the appropriate kit - no DIY involved, and - using freetrack as your interface software - have head tracking in Arma at a fraction of the widely-touted "only alternative"...

I think the "homebuilding" emphasis makes people think somehow its an inferior product..... sure you can homebuild - its part of the fun actually - but it can be bought and used "out of the box" if you prefer...

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