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ADF Mod 2.0B release

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v2.0 BETA



Mod info


This Mod contains updated versions of 1.0 beta and new addons added in. Released on 25 April

2009 (ANZAC Day). There are some known bugs (listed below) which were unable to fix before

the release (wanted to have the release on ANZAC day). Any comments/questions etc visit:


Change Log


2.0B =

- Fixed bugs with below units, fixes include = infantry shadows, S-70 rotor blur, F-88A2

optic mount, ARH Tiger geomentry and damage textures.

- Added SRPV to replace the landrover (MG)

- Added LRPV

- Added auto opening doors onto S-70 and MRH-90

- Added retracting gears to MRH-90

- Added ASLAV

- Replaced M1A1 models

- Added SR-25

1.0B = Added Infantry, basic weapons, landrovers, M1A1 (camo and desert), ARH Tiger, MRH-90,




Unpack the *.zip and put the ADF_Mod folder into your ArmA directory. Required version is 1.14.

For example:

C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\



F-88's - [AIF]Wiggles and DrillSeageant for base model

LAW - Reedwasere for the model, Sabre for the textures (only on the SRPV/LRPV models atm, will be weapons eventually)

Carl Gustov - Reed for the model, Sabre for the textures

SR-25 - BIS for models, Rico for modifying them etc

Troops - Vix for the textures and Rico for mucking around with the BIS models

Landrover's - TheSun, jagy for using and modifying their landrover pack DK for textures

M1A1's - Mateck for models, DK and Rico for 'Auscam' and McNools for Descam.

S-70 - Rico and DK for textures, Myke for showing me how to do the opening doors

MRH-90 - AfrographX for model and textures, Rico for retracting gears and opening doors

ARH Tiger - LoteKk for model and textures, Pafetik Bazerka for cleaning textures up, fixing geomentry, fixing destruction textures, and well anything else thats been fixed lol.

ASLAV - FischKopp for model and base textures, Stu for converting over to ArmA, Rico for camoscheme

F-111's - Skaircro for model and textures, Southy for converting it over, EddieD for upgrading textures

CH-47D - AfrographX for model, Myke for conversion, [uNA]Luke for textures, Rico for auto reardoor

Thanks go to others that have helped with info or support, you know who you are :D

Known Bugs


- No shadows for guns

- Some units are missing RVMAT's and/or damage textures.

- ARH Tiger glass turns blue when bined up (yet in unbined pbo its normal :S ), spent hours figuring out why but I've given up for today, anyone know how to fix it please contact me.

Their the only issues I can think of



ADF Mod takes no responsibility for any possible damage caused by this addon, direct or otherwise

Etc etc, you know the drill :P



Uploading images and a vid now, will post ASAP

Edited by RicoADF

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Congratz and thanks for the release :yay:

And greetings to "down under" :D



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Also do NOT have the 1.0 Core pack installed, this is a full version Beta, having the old core pack will cause issues.

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Congrats for a good job. Nice looking units and also good vehicles.

I have seen a couple of bugs, though.

-The land rovers, SRPV and LRPV crew proxies cannot be killed.

-I get a message saying that the weapon proxy of the AGM 142 cannot be opened.

- The fuel value of the aardvark is a little low.

- You cannot aim the ARH tiger hellfires with Tab, you have to aim manually.

I'll keep posting any other findings, but overall looks very good!!!!

And I hope you had a good ANZAC day

Lest we forget!!!

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Nice Job...and yes I was playing with them...hehehe

Cheers and congrats on making the release day. Perfect timing my friend :)



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I detected some issues:

- Tiger and CH47 seems to have some materials missing:

Cannot load material file adf_air\textures\arh\arh_tiger_destruct.rvmat

Cannot load material file adf_air\textures\arh\m299_destruct.rvmat

Cannot load material file adf_air\textures\arh\rockets_destruct.rvmat

Cannot load material file adf_air\textures\ch47\main_hc2_green_generic_rv.rvmat

Cannot load material file adf_air\textures\ch47\main_hc2_green_generic_destru1_rv.rvmat

Cannot load material file adf_air\textures\ch47\cargo_destruct1_rv.rvmat

Warning Message: Cannot open object una_chinook\glt_ch47_blurred_back.p3d

Warning Message: Cannot open object una_chinook\glt_ch47_blurred_front.p3d

- You use a 3-man config for the M1A1, so the loader gun muzzle is visible. When you use a 3-man config, you may remove the corresponding zasleh from the model to fix this issue.

- The ASLAV Bushmaster seems to fire from the mainguns position.



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Hotfix 1 released:


- Fixed bug on M1A1's front turret plates

- Fixed sound bugs of SR-98 and ASLAV weapons

- Other minor fixes


Cannot load material file adf_air\textures\arh\arh_tiger_destruct.rvmat

Cannot load material file adf_air\textures\arh\m299_destruct.rvmat

Cannot load material file adf_air\textures\arh\rockets_destruct.rvmat

Cannot load material file adf_air\textures\ch47\main_hc2_green_generic_rv.rv mat

Cannot load material file adf_air\textures\ch47\main_hc2_green_generic_destr u1_rv.rvmat

Cannot load material file adf_air\textures\ch47\cargo_destruct1_rv.rvmat

odd, they're in there for sure, checked multiple times.

Will check about the blurred texture issue, tho once again in the model it shows nothing pointing to that location.

Damn gremlins

Thanks for feedback


Congrats for a good job. Nice looking units and also good vehicles.

I have seen a couple of bugs, though.

-The land rovers, SRPV and LRPV crew proxies cannot be killed.

-I get a message saying that the weapon proxy of the AGM 142 cannot be opened.

- The fuel value of the aardvark is a little low.

- You cannot aim the ARH tiger hellfires with Tab, you have to aim manually.

I'll keep posting any other findings, but overall looks very good!!!!

And I hope you had a good ANZAC day

Lest we forget!!!

I've never noticed the Tiger issue, are you running ArmA or Ace, because the mod isn't tested with Ace.

I'll get onto the proxy issues right away, thanks :)

Edited by RicoADF

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Great job guys, a great set of addons.

The fix solved many of the errors but there's still a few small bugs:

-The lights on the ASLAV are always on

-On the ASLAV the gunners legs stick out through the turret when you turn out

-The M240 from the machinegunner disappears as you get farther from the unit

May I ask what ammo does the SR-25 use? Do you have a complete list of the weapons and ammo names?

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the SR-25 uses "ADF_7_62_20rndSD_mag" for the silanced and "ADF_7_62_20rnd_mag" for normal varient. I'll do a list of weapons and ammo asap :)

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Congratz to you Rico and ADF!

Impressive setup - I will make replacement configs for sure. :)

Also a vehicle set for my vehicle DM I assume.

More feedback once having played with the pack!

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Big, could u change the name of the first link, it says AFD instead of ADF lol

Thanks for hosting

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Hey Rico. Congrats on release. Downloading now. Looking good mate. Well scheduled release :)

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Hi RicoADF,

I found an interesting comment about this "missing material" issue:

(Rellikki) By default, BinPBO ignores rvmat files and leaves them out of the binarized PBO. There should be an option for it on BinPBO to disable the ignoring. Simply uncheck (or check, can't really remember) the rvmat files and re-binarize the PBO and it should work all right.

Edit: Hmm, OK, I didn't read the last bit of your post. Are you sure the rvmat files are in the binarized PBO even with the setting? Try unpbo'ing the binarized PBO and manually copy and paste the rvmat files in there and re-pbo it.

The binarization process removes "unused" materials (rvmat's not used in the model, but used as damage materials).



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You can also include a small .p3d (one LOd) with all the necessary "unused"/damage maped. Then, the BinPBO will binarize them for a cost o few more kBs, which is size of the created .p3d.

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ah k, learn something new every day, thanks I'll check it out now :D

There don't seem to be any options for the RVMAT, however there is a list where you can put file formats that are copied directly, I've upboed the Bin pbo and it is missing them so that must be the issue, thanks ill ask Rellikki about it. Would also explain the CH47.

Edited by RicoADF

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I was hoping an aussie mirror would pop up soon :D

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How do you get the cargo hook on the CH47 working?

Can you set the ramp to manual?

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the ramp is set to auto to reduce the action menue's size, often its been anoying that u have to manually open and close it and from what ive seen its never used if as such, so I've set it to auto so that its handeled by the computer.

Atm the cargo hook does nothing, thats there for a future ability ;)

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I am having an issue with the ASLAV-25. Whenever I map click for a destination for the AI to drive to, the AI drive extremely slow. Also, I just found out today that the ASLAV gets stuck on bridges.

Does anyone have any fixes for these? Thanks.

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Hmmm, was poking about with this MOD this morning for no real reason and I noticed that the Tiger was a showing blue canopy and some damage texture errors. I was otherwise occupied at the time of the packs release so wasn't realy on the ball with this one. sorry.. and I can only speculate as to why it occurs as I didn't complile the larger pack. So out of curiosity I simply dropped in the last version that I had worked on, in with the rest of the MODs addons an presto no more errors.

If your out there Rico I hope you don't mind me releasing this little fix, I havn't had any reply from your e-mail in awhile???

And sorry all for not finding a solution earlier

Adf_tiger fix found here (no readme, just put in with rest of ADFmod addons)


armaholic mirror (thanks Big)ADF mod - HotFix 2

Edited by Pafetik Bazerka

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Are people still interested in Aussie forces in ArmA 1?

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