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Radio voices and coms?

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Hi there all,

I was seeing in a screenshot the coms text and I was thinking to myself that those radio coms are a bit linear. By saying linear I say that are always;

"4, engage that truck at 12 o'clock"

"4, engaging"

Is that present in ArmA II too?

If so I think they should put some more samples and some more realistic voices, so they could have more samples for the same command, because IRL you not always repeat the same commands, for example;

"4, engaging"

"(name), going"

"copy, engaging"



That would bring some less linear game play, I don't know what you guys thing. I don't put this in suggestion thread because it's more like a question.

Best regards.

EDIT: LOL I think I have my answer now, click here. Although they are a bit repetitive sometimes when they say; "Man, something, bla, bla." But it's a huge improvement.


Edited by Focha
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The alpha version of the game did have a similar robotic radio command structure. However:

Destructible houses was not iplmented in february build, please calm down and be patient, press version is from alpha, no final voiceover, no buildings destruction, not final UI and still some bugs. It for showing basic game conceps and overal atmosphere.

They've changed the format a little too on how targets are called, at least they did in the alpha version. I personally hate how they approached it then. But thanks to Ohara, we now know they were not the final voice overs.

To your point: I would hate to have MORE radio voices come into play...I personally command AI like a mad man, using most of the radio structure on a minute to minute basis. In missions like Warfare when you have to command AI constantly, it gets annoying even now. When I have to order a full squad to move to individually move to 12 different hidden locations and give orders to each soldier on how to move and engage... We already have 100 commands flying up on our monitors, making our ears scream "free me from the robots!"... I'd go nuts having 1000 robotic commands being yelled. It would flood the chat channel and everything too.

Edited by Victor

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It's been ages since I've played OFP but I still remember commanding the SF guys in the Tonal series (I believe they were Sanctuary's). These guys had really gritty, gravelly radio voices and felt very satisfying to command. I was really hoping for some of this in Arma2.

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In missions like Warfare when you have to command AI constantly, it gets annoying even now. When I have to order a full squad to move to individually move to 12 different hidden locations and give orders to each soldier on how to move and engage... We already have 100 commands flying up on our monitors, making our ears scream "free me from the robots!"...

Victor look at this: voice quiet

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Victor look at this: voice quiet

Yea I know of it. But thats just it, its something BIS needs to focus on without having the need for a 3rd party addon marker.

...For some of the other bugs, like the radio: many of this is really not supposed to be like it in the final version....

Another quote to help soften any worries. (Talking about the recent release of some previews not liking the radio structure).

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sounds just as annoying as arma 1 from that video

You are kidding right? Have you not read the 3 posts in this thread?

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Would be nice to have some high stress targeting like:

"Enemy, immediate left!"

"Ambush! Straight Ahead"

"We've got multiple enemy contacts"

"Contact imminent!"

...used infrequently to add a little spice

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I like these new move orders: Seems more natural than "move to-(map grid)" all the time, even for small movements.


Here two contacts(tank AND man) are being listed in the same sentence:


this could reduce contact-report spam, if applied when someone sees more than one contact at the same time.

Geography such as towns seems to be used:


All in all, BI seems to be working on making the radio more varied.

Edited by sparks50

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Besides the building of the comms, which was good in OFP, I just want Papa Bear to return - the voicework of that dude was brilliant!

"Last evac from everon is at 5:45 hours, out...Sorry"

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would be more realistic if the coms sounds something like these:


ps- Respect to those who were in combat that time.

edit: @sidhellfire, thanks for the link.

Edited by bravo 6

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Hi there all...


...EDIT: LOL I think I have my answer now, click here. Although they are a bit repetitive sometimes when they say; "Man, something, bla, bla." But it's a huge improvement.


Is he riding a pony in that video? Hate to be negative, but honestly those footsteps sound like horse's hooves.

Edited by thaFunkster

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Anything will be better than the double "at".

2, move to that building at...at 5 o'clock!

Oh no. 2, is down.

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the "horse voices" arent the footsteps. you can heare the equipment fissle on his body :)

Hmm, fair enough, but it still sounds weird.

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Why BIS hasn´t put more effort into a software voice solution is debatable. The current system is outdated imo.

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