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I think vehicle and environment lights shouldn't be so scattered on the ground. What I mean by that is every few meters the lights from vehicles go to a new position, rather than being refreshed all the time. Almost like they are on a grid.

This is pretty hard to explain but I think you get the picture. If not, let me know and I can post a picture.

Here is a video to display what I am talking about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU8yYOVQxPk

Edited by JuggernautOfWar
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Ah, finally someone who thinks the same way i do. I absolutely hate the lights on the vehicles, they kinda umm... "Lag" instead of going along smoothly and i hate it, always like that since OFP. Normal street lights are ok, but please please fix vehicle lights BI!!

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If not, let me know and I can post a picture.

I'm not sure if i quite understand what you are trying to say. Picture could help indeed, please.

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It's called "vertex lighting".

It's probably the ugliest thing in ArmA's graphics. Really looks bad at night. But it is also easy on performance or so I've read, which might explain why we still have it in ArmA.

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Really looks bad at night. But it is also easy on performance or so I've read, which might explain why we still have it in ArmA.

Okay so why have it in ArmA 2? It's supposed to have multi-threaded optimizations (IT BETTER). But yes, I realize why they did it in ArmA 1 but c'mon, who in the world has a single core for gaming?

I'm not sure if i quite understand what you are trying to say. Picture could help indeed, please.

I'm uploading a video to Youtube now. When it's done you'll be able to view it here: http://www.youtube.com/RocketMaster2

Edited by JuggernautOfWar

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It's graphical. Which means it uses the graphics card. Which means most gamers only have one core for gaming.

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It's graphical. Which means it uses the graphics card. Which means most gamers only have one core for gaming.

Yeah but gamers these days have good GFX cards which can handle such lighting. Just look at other games yes i said that but lighting is all the same. It doesnt need to be blocky.

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It's graphical. Which means it uses the graphics card. Which means most gamers only have one core for gaming.

So you're saying everything related to graphics is solely processed on the GPU? You are also telling me each GPU has only one processor?

I don't want to, and I won't, enter an argument over this but you are wrong.

Oh and Matt Rochelle, your "MY ARMA VIDS" link is broken.

Edited by JuggernautOfWar

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Actually I never noticed it, but it doesn't really bother me, I think ArmA looks pretty at night. :)

But hey hey, who knows maybe ArmA 2 fixed it!


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So you're saying everything related to graphics is solely processed on the GPU? You are also telling me each GPU has only one processor?

No, this is not what I'm saying. I was merely pointing out the fact that you cannot multithread without having hardware that supports it.

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well A2 is supposed to use hemispherical lighting and some other improvements ...

but we got to see yet any good ingame night and NV footage

so only time will tell ...

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No, this is not what I'm saying. I was merely pointing out the fact that you cannot multithread without having hardware that supports it.

Ah yes. Which is why I said most people have multi-core CPUs now. Anybody beyond 1992 has a multi-core GPU as well, although it is usually worded differently.

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My GFX card only has one GPU. I have a multicore CPU though...MY GFX card has 1GB VRam. I can play games with decent lighting(Crysis)with no lag. Graphics are turned all the way up. But anyway, i really really think they should fix this "Laggy" or "Blocky" lighting.

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rick, what gpu have you got? Ati hd4xxx series?

ati hd4870 1gb

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Thought so. :D Well you don't have 800 individual processors but you do have around I think 800 stream processors, which is similar. Basically the stream processors allow your cores on your GPU to be multi-threaded efficiently. BASICALLY

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well A2 is supposed to use hemispherical lighting and some other improvements ...

but we got to see yet any good ingame night and NV footage

so only time will tell ...

Don't forget cascaded shadow mapping, if things are going according to plan! :D

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I've never heard of cascaded shadow mapping and I'm a graphics enthusiast. What in the world is that?

ArmA 2 is supposed to have Hemispherical lighting!? Isn't that like Ambient Occlusion?!!

Edited by JuggernautOfWar

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I've never heard of cascaded shadow mapping and I'm a graphics enthusiast. What in the world is that?
Like the name says, shadows are arranged in series (cascades) which means the shadows can stack up on each other.

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Now it's ringing a bell:rolleyes:. I've heard that feature called other things though, hence the confusion.:D

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Sorry for digging up the thread, but is it possible to have proper lightangles?

A car usually has two adjustable headlights, with the left being lower than the right one on cars which drive on the right-side of the road.

Nothing high-priority though.

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LOL, are you serious with that proper lightangles on cars comment?

You might make a point...but :).

Like Dwarden, i also wonder about the hemispherical lightning etc.

Somehow i feel nights in ArmA2 are from a different planet (refurring to the glowing stars...it's like it are suns...i know they are ;) you smartasses).

Reference material (gen3 nv):


Now if someone could make an ArmA2 reproduction of that for compairing.

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The glowing stars in Arma2, could it be related to DOF? It looks to me like the infinite distance to the stars (in terms of focusing) is further away then the infinite settings on the view device. In real life, if infinite focus is obtained at 50m (which is a lot even), anything further than that wouldn't have severely degraded focus.

Personally I wouldn't mind degraded contrast, FOV/Zoom issues, and noisy output (not like in OFP/early Arma with its repeating texture though) for NVGs. But proper night sights should have to be better.

Is it possible to detect if you are in a scoped view? Then it would be possible to remove some additional post processing when using regular NVGs, to obtain better quality.

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Like the name says, shadows are arranged in series (cascades) which means the shadows can stack up on each other.

Not to dig up an old thread or anything, but I have yet to see this in ArmA II.

The glowing stars in Arma2, could it be related to DOF? It looks to me like the infinite distance to the stars (in terms of focusing) is further away then the infinite settings on the view device. In real life, if infinite focus is obtained at 50m (which is a lot even), anything further than that wouldn't have severely degraded focus.

Personally I wouldn't mind degraded contrast, FOV/Zoom issues, and noisy output (not like in OFP/early Arma with its repeating texture though) for NVGs. But proper night sights should have to be better.

Is it possible to detect if you are in a scoped view? Then it would be possible to remove some additional post processing when using regular NVGs, to obtain better quality.

Yes, this is very annoying. Is there a fix now for this?

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