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Helicopters engine starting

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I've seen on the CDF trailer that the Hind rotor starts spinning in same time that the engine gets running... There should be a delay. Like in ACE, when u starting Abrams - u have to wait 14 seconds until you can drive. Similiar thing must be on choppers - when you press Q, the engine should start and then u must wait some time until the rotor starts... For gameplay reasons it can be around 10-20 seconds depending on chopper. This will add realism to the game...

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yea sounds like a good idea, but it would suck for those quick getaways online

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Yep, i was thinking the same... But is this game about quick getaways? I think realism is more important than that... And that will require more teamwork i think - if you want quick extraction you must have someone in chopper coming for you  wink_o.gif

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That would make sense, people would have the engines running instead of shutting them down all the time.

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Would love it too, however BIS lead likes it a bit "more arcade":


Quote[/b] ]That would make sense, people would have the engines running instead of shutting them down all the time.

According to some Helo-Pilots no-one would ever do that in RL, thats way way way to dangerous.

Thats btw also the reason in ACE-Mod that Helo-Engines turn off once you use "eject".

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Thats btw also the reason in ACE-Mod that Helo-Engines turn off once you use "eject".

Thats nothing special. Defualt ArmA leaves the engines running when you eject, and switches them off when you get out.

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There is the possibility to perform a "hot swap" as practiced by Medevac birds to get back in the air as quickly as possible. This procedure involves leaving the engines on idle while they swap the crew / refuel. That ACE removed this option is imo another bad call, but this thread isn't about ACE.

As already stated in another thread, adding further delay than already exists, would make the whole thing boring, unless you had to flick some switches yourself which i wouldnt mind at all.

It takes me 60 seconds to get the rotor spinning in DCS. Do you really want to sit a minute around waiting for the rotors to turn at correct rpm? Theres nothing that stops you from doing it right now.

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I know I'm propably belonging to the minority too, but I would like to see longer start-up time as well. For me it is a immersion braker if the helicopter starts-up too fast. To me it feels natural that a helo is a complex machine that first needs some time to be prepared to fly (even if we wont do it ourselfes in Arma).

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That would make sense, people would have the engines running instead of shutting them down all the time.

the reason to shutdown the engines is to make the other guys on the other team not detect you so easily if they are nearby smile_o.gif

I would rather have it took 5 seconds and not half a minute :P

not everybody has endless hours to spend at home playing whistle.gif

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Its true that your suggestion is more realistic but this is still a game and I think after a month or something it would get annoying. You would just be waiting for tank to start, heli to start... I prefer it the way stock ArmA is. I think I would feel like my life is counting down while waiting for heli to start, "shit, what else I could do in this 30 seconds"smile_o.gif.

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Thats btw also the reason in ACE-Mod that Helo-Engines turn off once you use "eject".

Thats nothing special. Defualt ArmA leaves the engines running when you eject, and switches them off when you get out.

I know, and? tounge2.gif

Do you want to teach me Armas default behavior or what you wanted to reach with that post actually? biggrin_o.gificon_rolleyes.gif

Quote[/b] ]There is the possibility to perform a "hot swap" as practiced by Medevac birds to get back in the air as quickly as possible. This procedure involves leaving the engines on idle while they swap the crew / refuel. That ACE removed this option is imo another bad call, but this thread isn't about ACE.

The Answer i have written down here in m ylast post, was what people at ACE Forums told me as i was complaining about that function got removed.

So nice to hear that i'm not the only one who would love to have Armas deafault behavior with that back in ACE.

Quote[/b] ]As already stated in another thread, adding further delay than already exists, would make the whole thing boring, unless you had to flick some switches yourself which i wouldnt mind at all.

It takes me 60 seconds to get the rotor spinning in DCS. Do you really want to sit a minute around waiting for the rotors to turn at correct rpm? Theres nothing that stops you from doing it right now.

This is not what we mean, you should have actually known that as i said it already in the other topic:

We mean like a additionally 5-7 seconds turbine turning on at the beginning, and then after those 5-7 seconds, normal Arma behavior kicks-in (the turbine raises RPM and blades start to spin)

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I understand Max255[PL] point of view, by one hand i agree what he suggests but in other hand i also agree to what was mentioned about the referring times and stuff.

I don't know about all of you but i know alot of fans are in search of a realistic simulator.

Anyway: I think the "extreme" simulation should be left for a Mod in the future.

We will have it eventually some day, so don't worry. Time will come, and i will be there when it gets out! biggrin_o.gif

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I would like to see OFP behaviour in arma2, then you had to choose the action "start engine" instead of just give some throttle as in arma.

I hate when I dont have my throttle on zero and the engine starts automaticly as soon as I enter the airframe. Sometimes you dont want to start the engine.

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Think that "Start engine" and a small delay wont hurt anyone. It should be noticeable that all kind of vehicles have different starting/warming up procedures. Maybe delays from 0 to 12 seconds? Imho preflight check and the option to override it could add bit more immersion for all players too.

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it wouldnt be bad if we need to wait 5-10 seconds to warm up the engine or the propellors to start...

it adds more realism to the game..

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Im also on the line of longer startup times. Like cars should do the typical ACE "vroomvroom BRRRRRRRRR..." And tanks a couple of seconds "powering up sound" before moving. So much more immersion when you hear tanks powering up instead of just get in and go. And it doesnt have to be hyper real startup times, but little more than just jump in go.

Once again though. Keep a novice mode for all the noobs with autoaim and all info in the world on the screen (HUD) etc, and a vet mode with more realism, super-slim HUD, startup times, real ballistics etc.

Either that or go only for the vet mode please. tihi :D (and then the noobs can start create a novice mod! Instead of the other way around). :D


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Gotta agree with Alex, the start up sounds of not only the cars but also the Turbine warm - up sound for the M1 series is simply amazing. And adds to the realism. But don't over do it, kinda touchy.

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I agree that it doesn't have to take as long as it does in real life, but startup for the helicopters and the M1A2 should take at least like ten 7-10 seconds. The Abrams has a jet turbine engine that needs to warm up before the tank even has electrical power.

Listen to it start up and you'll agree that it should at least take a few seconds.


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I agree that it doesn't have to take as long as it does in real life, but startup for the helicopters and the M1A2 should take at least like ten 7-10 seconds. The Abrams has a jet turbine engine that needs to warm up before the tank even has electrical power.

Listen to it start up and you'll agree that it should at least take a few seconds.


Thank you for the video! Man do I love the sound of these bad-boys. I totally agree with 7-10 seconds. Not to long, not to short. :icon_eek:

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yea sounds like a good idea, but it would suck for those quick getaways online

You'll just have to include the extra 20 seconds in your quick get-a-way ;)

I don't understand why this wasn't implemented in Arma. Would be nice for arma2

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Different startup times for vehicles like in ACE (but pluss helicopters) would be extremely nice. And I don't like the possibility to leave complex (and possibly dangerous) machinery running after you get out, even if this is just a game. The hotswap possibility in real life doesn't weight as much as the possibility to use it as an 'exploit'. The ACE way of forcing it works well for me.

What could be done is that it takes an engine time to 'spool down' as well as up (for turbine engines). If it is not completely spooled down, then startup time would be reduced. Maybe something for ACE? :)

My suggestions:

1) Jets - 30 seconds turbine spool up time, before thrust can be applied.

2) Helicopters - 20 seconds turbine spool up time. Add 10 second rotor startup time as well.

3) Turbine based vehicles (M1A1) - 20 seconds turbine spool up time.

4) Piston driven areal vehicles - 10 seconds boost pump time before starting.

5) Piston driven (diesels) large vehicles (tanks, APCs) - 8 second preheating before starting.

6) Trucks - 4 seconds of engine turning before start.

7) Cars - 2 second of engine turning before start.

8) Motorcycles - 1 second of engine turning before start.

9) Bicycles - instant start :D

And if you think 20 seconds spoolup time pluss 10 second rotor startup time is much for a heli, consider the video below. This is actually a fast startup when you know what you're doing (3 minutes before you are airborne in a KA50!!) :)

Edited by CarlGustaffa
Removed Youtube tags, doesn't work?

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Yeah, that's what i'm talking about... CarlGustaffa suggestions are very good. Maybe a little too long for helis (let's take 15 for turbine spool up) and M1 (should be14 seconds - like IRL). Now BIS must look at this tiny, little topic and take some good ideas... I hope they'll do it. ;)

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