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GnySgt Hartman Sr DI

Why no training?

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Just a question, but why no further training in boot camp? I was on a mission w/ m16+203, and everytime I tried to hit a target group I couldn't. Why would they send someone out with a nade launcher and not properly train them? Just a qustion not a flame.


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Use the official and user made SP missions to help you in training for playing the campaign to win.

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Why to train soldiers for use of weapons, when they

already should be trained?

The boot camp in the 1985 campaign did only need

an intro, and in this intro the idea was, to reactivate

soldiers, fallen asleep and gotten bored.

If you are going to recruit to the army, you will get

some basic training probably still in your own country,

or in a remote boot camp. Not, where you are located

to operate.

If you want to get some training, then best you can do is:

go into the editor, place the unit, you want to use for

training, place some objects, or even enemies and shoot

onto them, as often as you want.

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It makes the assumption your characters ARE trained.

I agree, the first time I had to pilot a helicopter I crashed so much I gave up. The best way to learn is to use the single missions or use the editor as a scenario. On the job training works.

Even though I still can't grenade worth crap. confused.gif

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There is no way you can make the grenades in OFP completely accurate. It's like in real life, it takes a mix of skill and pot luck. By practicing in the editor, you should be able to at least get a 'feel' for how the grenade flies, and be able to land it somewhere near the target. Near enough to hurt it at least.

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The editor is great to practice with the weapons, rpg/law are weapons that really need practice, nothing worse than being in a mission, one law left, pinned down by a bmp at 400yds and you aim too high or low..........

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The editor is great to practice with the weapons, rpg/law are weapons that really need practice, nothing worse than being in a mission, one law left, pinned down by a bmp at 400yds and you aim too high or low..........<span id='postcolor'>

There is something worse. This is being in a mission, one law left, pinned down by a bmp at 400yds and you aim too high or low and you've used up your one and only save.

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Try practicing hitting choppers with LAW and RPG

That will help you during the campaign heaps!

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Only if you use (hand) grenades when you should be using direct fire.

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Grenading should actually be pretty easy to any UT veterans - the flight model (i.e. range from elevation) is very similar to that of the flak cannon's secondary fire. I've become exceptionally good at firing those in accurate arcs, and the skills transfer easily to 203 launchers.

I have to agree though, taking down choppers with LAWs is one of the more difficult experiences of the game - the rocket's flight is so slow that judging the distance from where the chopper WILL BE when it intersects is well nigh impossible unless it is flying right at you sad.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gorgi Knootewoot @ Mar. 06 2002,08:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">When throwing a grenade, you probably get shot by the enemy.<span id='postcolor'>

IIRC that's never happened to me in Opf, what does still happen from time to time is getting killed while switching to LAW/RPG, happen last night in an online game, BMP moved out of site while I had RPG selected, so I switched to gun to move into another position, got a clear shot, switched to RPG and boom, bloody thing got me smile.gif I guess it's my own fault for being careless smile.gif

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(Yay, first post)

One other thing you might want to practice in the editor is shooting down choppers with a tank. It might come in handy in more than one occasion.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (InRange @ Mar. 06 2002,13:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">One other thing you might want to practice in the editor is shooting down choppers with a tank. It might come in handy in more than one occasion.<span id='postcolor'>

I get shot at by tanks while flying an SU25.

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The real trick is to nail an Apache with an M16.

Possible, though hard. It's a real joy to see the cracked cockpit glass and the Apache starting to bank and lose altitude.

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Hmmm...never tried that before. Most of the time I can't hit the cockpit from where I'm at. I did manage to down a few UH-60's with my M16 though.

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The trick with the Apache is the fact that it has armoured glass on the front, but 'normal' glass on the sides. So you'll have to wait till it goes to hover, or be very good at leading your target.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sith @ Mar. 06 2002,14:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">So you'll have to wait till it goes to hover, or be very good at leading your target.<span id='postcolor'>

Or be an incredibly lucky bastard wink.gif

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So we basically agree the training sucks. And to get proficient at any weapon(besides the M16) one should go into the editor make a scenario and keep trying? I guess thats what I'll have to do. I plan on getting cable when I graduate college, so the practice will come in handy spanking some arse around the net


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If you visit various OFP "clan" sites, you can probably find a variety of "training missions" with ranges for the different weapons. When my groups site comes back up, I can probably point them out to you smile.gif

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Nailing Apache from the front is not such a big problem

Once when I was messing around with new weapons (1.30) in editor I put 2 Apaches and me as a soldier with G36 and couple of Soviet troops. After killing them I saw one Apache flying straight at me and decided to shoot it with my G36 just for fun after couple of shots it started losing altitude and plunged into the ground. It was pretty cool! So it is possible to kill a pilot through the windscreen

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I cannot access any of the missions in the third row.

But thanks for the others. smile.gif

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