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Group Link 3

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Nice to hear you already fixed your problem.

Well if you like ArmA why don't you move to ArmA 2 or O.A.?

ArmA 1 in compare to ArmA 2 is a different like day and night.

Group Link 4 which is way more optimized and enhanced like Group Link 3 is available for ArmA 2 / OA too.

Next time you buy a game think about it. You will not regret it. ;)

Anyway have fun with Group Link 3.

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I'd have a question about adding 3rd party weapons to Grouplink3. If there is anybody reading these threads anymore.. :) I'm trying to figure out, how to add support for FDFmod weapons. Reading SNKMAN's readme I fully understand, how it's done. One thing is bugging me. There is rows:

// GL3 Enemy A.I. Hearing Aid Weapons:

// Choose which weapons should be heared by enemy A.I. within wich range.

// By default all Armed Assault weapons are added in thouse array do only update thouse arrays, if you like to use custom weapons.

// Note: Weapons which are not listed in thouse arrays can heard by enemy A.I. from the maximum range distance.

// Some weapons can use suppressed and no suppressed ammo its possible, to add the ammo class in the arrays too,

// to make weapons which do use suppressed ammo act like they are suppressed weapons.

// Weapons listed in this array can heared by enemy A.I. within a range of 15 meters.

// GL3_Global set [19, (GL3_Global select 19) + ["M4A1SD","MP5SD","M9SD","MakarovSD","B_556x45_SD","B_556x45_SD"] ];

// Muzzles and Ammo listed in this array can heared by enemy A.I. within a range of 50 meters.

// GL3_Global set [20, (GL3_Global select 20) + ["M203Muzzle","GP25Muzzle","G_40mm_HE","G_30mm_HE"] ];

// Weapons listed in this array can heared by enemy A.I. within a range of 300 meters.

// GL3_Global set [21, (GL3_Global select 21) + ["M136","JAVELIN","STINGER","RPG7V","STRELA","M9","Makarov","B_9x19_Ball","R_M136_AT"] ];

Supressed, Grenadelaunchers and rockets/pistol, but I can't find place for normal assault rifles? Below that section there is hearing distance for such weapons, but I can't find place for listing like above. o.O I must be dumb/blind/stupid, but would much appreciate, if someone could point me to right direction.

Also, did I get it correct, that adding support for these FDFmod weapons and crew is only possible the GL3_Global.sqf (readme: "3Th Party weapons can be added in the “GL3_Settings.sqfâ€. " I assumed this meant to be GL3_Global.sqf?) Or could I include support for custom weapons to the mission file/folder somehow?

Any answer appreciated a lot.

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I just noticed, that it says "Note: Weapons which are not listed in thouse arrays can heard by enemy A.I. from the maximum range distance.". So I guess this means, that in my FDFmod mission the RK95 (basic assault rifle) will be heard from 600m ?

But now I have new question. I noticed, that only Blufor and Opfor grenades give me "impact". How can I specify fdfmod grenade also to give some "shellshock"? :) I can't find anything about impact script from GL3_Global.sqf or GL3_Local.sqf. Well, you can enable/disable the effect...

If someone could answer, would be appreciated A LOT!

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Do not crosspost!

It is not appreciated when you post in another thread to draw attention to this thread. If you are afraid the author does not see your post feel free to sent him a PM.

In the meantime keep trying or wait till others maybe find the time to help you.

§9) Do not cross-post

Do not post duplicate threads in more than one forum simply to get an answer quicker or to draw more attention to your post.

** the other post was deleted

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I counldnt find in the GL3 readme a more advanced explanation of some of the features in GL3. (BTW I am using GL3 in Warmod)

What i want to know is what is the break down of the spawn trigger...

this one spawns when there are less than 3 groups left

What is the syntax involved. and does it have to be used in a trigger?


expCond="(count (GL3_Server select 7) < 3)";

expActiv="[EAST, GL3_Spawn_HQ_Alpha, 2 + (random 3), [""TeamLeaderE"",""SoldierEB"",""SoldierEAT"",""SoldierEMG"",""SoldierEG""]] call (GL3_Compile select 7);";

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Hi all!

Is there any answer to Legislators question about Linux and the @ in the mod name ? We are having weird issues with GL3 and Linux here. Would be excellent to figure this out. Maybe there's no one to answer these questions anymore, but I'm still hopeful! :)

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Would someone tell me please how to disable 'Expedition' by default? Here's a screenshot:


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before, you must do this small modification in the GL3_Local.sqf :


After, just delete "//" in front "GL3_Local set [21, False];" :

 // GL3 Expedition Core: ( Client )
 // Choose if a player should be able to build up a camp.
 // Description: After building up a camp, the player can choose to create a fire place or to remove the camp.
 // True / False, default is True
   // GL3_Local set [21, False];

   // GL3 Expedition Fire:
   // Choose if a player should be able to create a fire place after building up the camp.
   // True / False, default is True
     // GL3_Local set [22, False];

like this :

 // GL3 Expedition Core: ( Client )
 // Choose if a player should be able to build up a camp.
 // Description: After building up a camp, the player can choose to create a fire place or to remove the camp.
 // True / False, default is True
    GL3_Local set [21, False];

   // GL3 Expedition Fire:
   // Choose if a player should be able to create a fire place after building up the camp.
   // True / False, default is True
     // GL3_Local set [22, False];

Sorry for my poor english, have a good game.

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Thank you very much for your help. I just made a quick test and it works like a charm now. Once again many thanks.

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