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Guest RKSL-Rock

RKSL Cargo System - RELEASED!

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Hi, RKSL-Bicargo.pbo spanish stringcable:

Quote[/b] ]STR_RKSL_VER_BISCARGO_CARGOSYS_MSG,RKSL-BisCargo.pbo : Requiere RKSL-CargoSys.pbo (V%2) Descargalo de www.rkslstudios.info,RKSL-BisCargo.pbo

STR_RKSL_VER_BISCARGO_BISCONTENT_MSG,RKSL-BisCargo.pbo : Requiere RKSL-BISContent.pbo (V%2) Descargalo de www.rkslstudios.info,RKSL-BisCargo.pbo

RKSL-Cargo.pbo spanish stringcable:

Quote[/b] ]STR_RKSL_AMMO_PALLET_WEST,Pallet De Munición US,


STR_RKSL_VER_CARGO_BISCARGO_MSG,RKSL-Cargo.pbo : Requiere RKSL-BisCargo.pbo (V%2) Descargalo de www.rkslstudios.info

STR_RKSL_VER_CARGO_SYSTEM_MSG,RKSL-Cargo.pbo : Requiere RKSL-System.pbo (V%2) Descargalo de www.rkslstudios.info

STR_RKSL_VER_CARGO_CARGOSYS_MSG,RKSL-Cargo.pbo : Requiere RKSL-CargoSys.pbo (V%2) Descargalo de www.rkslstudios.info

RKSL-Lynx-ah.pbo spanish stringcable:

Quote[/b] ]STR_RKSL_VER_LYNX_AH7_GPMG,1.0,,,,,

STR_RKSL_VER_LYNX_AH7_SYSTEM_MSG,RKSL-Lynx-ah.pbo : Requiere RKSL-System.pbo (V%2+) Descargalo de www.rkslstudios.info,,,,,

STR_RKSL_VER_LYNX_AH7_RADAR_MSG,RKSL-Lynx-ah.pbo : Requiere RKSL-RadarSys.pbo (V%2+) Descargalo de www.rkslstudios.info,,,,,

STR_RKSL_VER_LYNX_AH7_LASERDES_MSG,RKSL-Lynx-ah.pbo : Requiere RKSL-LaserDes.pbo (V%2+) Descargalo de www.rkslstudios.info,,,,,

STR_RKSL_VER_LYNX_AH7_CARGO_MSG,RKSL-Lynx-ah.pbo : Requiere RKSL-CargoSys.pbo (V%2+) Descargalo de www.rkslstudios.info,,,,,

RKSL-Puma.pbo spanish stringcable:

Quote[/b] ]STR_RKSL_VER_PUMA_SYSTEM_MSG,RKSL-Puma.pbo : Requiere RKSL-System.pbo (V%2+) Descargalo de www.rkslstudios.info,,,,,

STR_RKSL_VER_PUMA_RADAR_MSG,RKSL-Puma.pbo : Requiere RKSL-RadarSys.pbo (V%2+) Descargalo de www.rkslstudios.info,,,,,

STR_RKSL_VER_PUMA_CARGO_MSG,RKSL-Puma.pbo : Requiere RKSL-Cargo.pbo (V%2+) Descargalo de www.rkslstudios.info,,,,,

RSKL-Radarsys.pbo spanish stringcable:

Quote[/b] ]STR_RKSL_VER_RADARSYS_SYSTEM_MSG,RKSL-RadarSys.pbo : Requiere RKSL-System.pbo (V%2) Descargalo de www.rkslstudios.info,

STR_RKSL_VER_RADARSYS_SRV_MSG,Server Requiere RKSL-RadarSys.pbo (V%2) Descargalo de www.rkslstudios.info,


RKSL-System.pbo spanish stringcable:

Quote[/b] ]STR_RKSL_VER_SYSTEM_SRV_MSG,Server Requiere RKSL-System.pbo (V%2) Descargalo de www.rkslstudios.info,

STR_RKSL_VER_SYSTEM_EXTEVENT_MSG,RKSL-System.pbo : Requiere Extended_Eventhandlers.pbo (V%2+) encontrado (V%1),


I would had translated too the Lynx & Puma action menu messages,

but call me townfolk if you want... i've been unable of find the

damn text messages between the scripts; sorry. Let's C ya

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Sorry for the delay in replying to some people:


Quote[/b] ]in "Available Transport" list, show an cargo item count to help indicate whether the vehicle contains cargo or not (eg: "5t Truck (3)" for 3 items)

when highlighting a transport, a capacity indicator (eg: 4/10 "units" of space used)

Capacity and load indicators are an interesting idea, but perhaps something more consistent. That works the same for both cargo and transport. I will have to have a think about the possibilities.

Quote[/b] ]in the "Available Cargo" list, instead of showing "Crate (2)", crates with cargo should be separated from crates without cargo, since you end up loading the wrong empty crate otherwise

The problem of not knowing what’s been loaded into which crate, really only applies to the first person view. I'm still debating if I still need the 1st person dialog. The overhead dialog does the same job and more, is there any need to develop the 1st person further?

Quote[/b] ]configurable time penalties for loading/unloading

Our hands are tied somewhat in Arma. We can't load visible cargo any quicker than we currently do, potential desync in MP being the main issue. We can make it so it's possible to add additional delays per object if you wanted to configure it yourself?

Quote[/b] ]2 person requirements (eg: arty)

It's already built in. Each object and transports, load and unload conditions, can be customized on an individual basis.


Quote[/b] ]* Particles to indicated the 50 (x) meter area to pick up stuff.

Not sure what you mean exactly. I assume you’re thinking of a particle perimeter around each object?

Quote[/b] ]In the overhead view you can move the cam quite wide in the horizontal direction vs vertical. Desired?

I just double checked, it looks ok. It is a 50m radius, so the further out you go either side, the less movement you have up and down e.t.c

Quote[/b] ]You can drop items in overhead view on units and therefore kill them.

Yeah, still trying to decide which is the most accurate way to detect a possible collision.

Quote[/b] ]Right now the cargo menu UA is always visibile - what about a key to activate/show or hidden the action. So you need to express actively that you want to use it. This could help avoid selecting the UA by mistake.

Is it possible to assign a key without the risk of conflicting with another addon?

Quote[/b] ]The 50m radius seems very large. Especially to unload while sitting inside the vehicle probably should be less (well individual configuration per class would be best of course).

There was an element of abstraction going on, after some discussion we opted for a simple prefixed distance rather than more complex conditions. If there's a demand for more restrictions then we will add optional parameters for people to configure. Something relating to a vehicles mapsize would be easy enough.

Quote[/b] ]Is it technically possible to drag and drop an item in a container in the overhead view (not from the UI, yet the ingame view)? Like you can drop the boat into the truck, yet to get it out again you need to select the boat from the list.

Yes, technically it is. It's something I've been considering. It's much more intuitive to try and drag something off the back. The original Cargo Video shows me trying to do just that before realizing smile_o.gif Although I suspect it would increase the complexity of configuring cargo and transport objects.

Quote[/b] ]* Can you destroy the content of a container separately - like  you try to destroy the boat within the truck.

No, the object is destroyed only if the vehicle is destroyed. But we can transfer any damaged incurred by the vehicle, to any cargo being unload.

Quote[/b] ]Is content of a container always automatically destroyed if the container is no longer usable. Is this a desired implementation or technical limitation.

Yes, the content is destroyed if the container is destroyed. Not sure what you mean by "no longer usable", other than destroyed?

Quote[/b] ]Right now the overhead view isn't centered on the unit initiating the action. Is this desired / technical limitation. Edit: I see its center on the selected container. Why is that so.

Convenience, more than anything. I should point out there are a few other details relating to the overhead camera logic, that I've posted on the RKSL Bug Tracker but have a low priority.

Quote[/b] ]Is it possible to turn an object in the overhead view (direction).

Yes, check the documentation if you haven’t sorted it already.

Quote[/b] ]Why does the boat have a model preview while dragging it, while other objects have the white arrow.

Visible proxies (i.e. the boat) have additional support objects that act as a ghost, while dragging in the overhead view. You've seen the killing potential of dropping objects, imagine sweeping the area with a Landrover smile_o.gif Ghost objects have their geo removed.

Hidden or unsupported cargo objects can be assigned to anything, so it's assumed they don't have the additional support object available. The white arrow just gives you a visible indicator. It will eventually be scaled in accordance with the mapsize of the object you’re manipulating.

@Fk Andersson

Quote[/b] ]that initline isnt working in the editor right...

Both work for me. The second example has to be run from the init field of a US Ammobox and you need a valid transporter within proximity.


Quote[/b] ]As far as the .pbo version, have you ever looked into zGuba's flares?

We wanted to have our flares launching from specific locations with the correct velocity. We will be adding additional options that allow flares to be applied without any effort. But they will loose out on features.


Quote[/b] ]While in the Overhead view, I believe that the control of the camera should be reversed from the up and down control.  Just like the controls for viewing the map.

I will set it up like the map.


Thanks again Wipman.

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Hi, it's nothing; i've found the text for the left door gunner etc to

be displayed in the actions menu, it's not that important to have

it in english, once you've try the addon a few times... im sure that

until the last spanish monkey (in gibraltar) will know what it means

that certain action and what it do; or... they could learn english...

"as i did". Let's C ya >>;-)

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Was just flying a Kamov KA-52 in the editor and fired several rockets at enemy RACS M113.

When all AT rockets where fired, I realised that I forgot to put an ammo truck in the editor.

But now, with the new cargo system, the BIS ammo trucks are a ~bit unrealistic.

1 Truck full of all type of rockets/ammo/magazines/etc... how boring is that.

My question is, are you going to make new weapon crates with just 1 or 2 rockets/rocket pods/etc in the future?

It would be really fantastic to have crates with all those different weapons that arma has. Addon maker could deliver that type of crates together with their new addons.



I love this cargo system! biggrin_o.gif

MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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Was just flying a Kamov KA-52 in the editor and fired several rockets at enemy RACS M113.

When all AT rockets where fired, I realised that I forgot to put an ammo truck in the editor.

But now, with the new cargo system, the BIS ammo trucks are a ~bit unrealistic.

1 Truck full of all type of rockets/ammo/magazines/etc... how boring is that.

My question is, are you going to make new weapon crates with just 1 or 2 rockets/rocket pods/etc in the future?

It would be really fantastic to have crates with all those different weapons that arma has. Addon maker could deliver that type of crates together with their new addons.


MfG Lee wink_o.gif

That sounds like a good idea, we already have a ammocrate for our FSC system as you can see in the FSC video on the RKSL website.

I'm not sure if we will do those creates but it is something interesting to think about.

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Thanks for the response UNN!

Quote[/b] ]The overhead dialog does the same job and more, is there any need to develop the 1st person further?

Hm I don't think so. There one mission where you can load

unload objects directly via the action menu (as only one

container is available?). That in addition to the overhead is fine IMHO.

Quote[/b] ]We can make it so it's possible to add additional delays

per object if you wanted to configure it yourself?

yeah that'd be useful.

Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]* Particles to indicated the 50 (x) meter area to pick up stuff.

Not sure what you mean exactly. I assume you’re thinking of a particle perimeter around each object?

if you are in the overhead view:

maybe right now the whole viewable area in the overhead view

is the area you can drag and drop stuff anyway.

if not, you could create on the local pc a particles circle/square

to indicate the area you can drag and drop stuff.

Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]The 50m radius seems very large. Especially to unload while sitting inside the vehicle probably should be less (well individual configuration per class would be best of course).

There was an element of abstraction going on, after some discussion we opted for a simple prefixed distance rather than more complex conditions. If there's a demand for more restrictions then we will add optional parameters for people to configure. Something relating to a vehicles mapsize would be easy enough.

Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]In the overhead view you can move the cam quite wide in the horizontal direction vs vertical. Desired?

I just double checked, it looks ok. It is a 50m radius, so the further out you go either side, the less movement you have up and down e.t.c

yeah my mistake was that i thoughts its centered on the player.

instead its centered on the selected vehicle.

as stated as well, you might wanna change that.

my thinking here goes about gameplay abuse.

it should not be too easy, too fast - especially the statics

placement is very strong.

in this version it will lead to gameplay issues in pvp play.

Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]Right now the cargo menu UA is always visible - what about a key to activate/show or hidden the action. So you need to express actively that you want to use it. This could help avoid selecting the UA by mistake.

Is it possible to assign a key without the risk of conflicting with another addon?

you can assign to an userAction key also a action key.

so for example replace the sitDown action with it.

Quote[/b] ]Is it technically possible to drag and drop an item in a container in the overhead view (not from the UI, yet the ingame view)? Like you can drop the boat into the truck, yet to get it out again you need to select the boat from the list.
Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]Is content of a container always automatically destroyed if the container is no longer usable. Is this a desired implementation or technical limitation.

Yes, the content is destroyed if the container is destroyed. Not sure what you mean by "no longer usable", other than destroyed?

well think of a mod making vehicles not always explode.

so a vehicle is only disabled.

now you would think that you still could interact with the cargo.

Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]Why does the boat have a model preview while dragging it, while other objects have the white arrow.

Visible proxies (i.e. the boat) have additional support objects that act as a ghost, while dragging in the overhead view. You've seen the killing potential of dropping objects, imagine sweeping the area with a Landrover smile_o.gif Ghost objects have their geo removed.

good point. still the ghost object looks nice compared to the

white arrow and its helps you to see where the objected

currently actually is.

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ARGHH, take this addon away from me!


MfG Lee biggrin_o.gif

haha Lovely! Imagine doing that but then setting up a fieldbase and get that expanded with small bunkers and MG nests. I havent even said anything about setting up HESCO bunkers and walls.


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You had me at "Hi, we're gonna show you the cargo system today"

Great job guys!


p.s. the oildrums anim falling off the ramp just made me smile

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Very Nice Cargo system guys.. Opens up a lot of new things.. would be great if you added it to your hind... Is it possible to make an ammo box that just contains a few rockets an one that just contains bullets. Read that in Afghanistan the hinds would carry extra rockets and bullets on-board and when they ran dry just landed and reloaded.

P.s crate doesnt seem to appear on the pbx.

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Quote[/b] ]you could create on the local pc a particles circle/square to indicate the area you can drag and drop stuff.

Sounds like a good idea.

Quote[/b] ]my thinking here goes about gameplay abuse. it should not be too easy, too fast - especially the statics placement is very strong. in this version it will lead to gameplay issues in pvp play.

Yeah, ideally we would have dedicated cargo objects for all the static weapons. Objects that when unloaded, would have to be unpacked and assembled.

Quote[/b] ]you can assign to an userAction key also a action key. so for example replace the sitDown action with it.

I can't seem to get that working with V1.14, none of the other params like ShowWindow or HideOnUse work either?

Quote[/b] ]well think of a mod making vehicles not always explode. so a vehicle is only disabled. now you would think that you still could interact with the cargo.

It does handle immobilized vehicles, although I had to add few options because of the vehicle repair bug in MP.

More stuff I missed:

Quote[/b] ]rpt stuff

Code Sample

Non-ai EntityAIType

ProxyRKSLBISPBXP: vrtule - unknown animation source rotor



Bad sim class ship, type Zodiac (class=vehicle), ca\water\zodiac.p3d

ProxyRKSLBISZodiacP: vrtule - unknown animation source rotor

Game set to English here.

Not seen the Bad sim class message before, could be something to do with named properties in O2 and the proxy we made? The unknown animation source message from the proxy object appears to be harmless. As yet we can't harness the animation source from within the proxy, which is a shame. It might prove useful in the future.

Quote[/b] ]Bug? You can call the cargo menu while being in a static weapon.

Bug? You can move the static weapon with men in it - even yourself.

Yeah, both are bugs, cheers. We prevented crewed cargo from being loaded, just forgot about the overhead view.

Quote[/b] ]What about having overhead view by default and 1st person view the optional view. Find the former way more useful and manageable.

Yeah, I think that’s the way to go. But I will allow you to configure the order and availability.

Quote[/b] ]The proxies do not seem to have a hit(?) LOD - possible to do?

It is possible, but there are essentially men. So we would have to hide the impact to prevent blood particles from appearing (don't think you can turn them off?). For now, we decided to keep the proxy LOD content to a minimum (most of them weigh in at 1kb), hence no shadows either.

Quote[/b] ]Possible to make cargo proxy containers accessible for gear?

Not sure what you mean?

Quote[/b] ]Bug: Add a height check for the UA (should not be visible at all).

We try and keep the number of continuous script loops to a minimum. Hopefully we will be able to add conditions in Arma2 (like you can in VBS2). There is also the possibility to define your own user action with conditions in an addons config, and surpress the default user action. I will see if I can add some parameters, to allow you to tweak how it works with different vehicle classes.

Quote[/b] ]Bug: If you call the cargo menu from within a vehicle, you should only be able to manage this vehicles cargo IMHO and not other vehicles.

We wanted to make it accessible for the casual gamer. But no reason why we can't allow it to be configured. I will post some of the suggestions on the Bug Tracker, so I don't forget anything.


Quote[/b] ]Read that in Afghanistan the hinds would carry extra rockets and bullets on-board and when they ran dry just landed and reloaded.

Yeah, as long as create a suitable object for rearming vehicles.

Quote[/b] ]P.s crate doesnt seem to appear on the pbx.

The PBX is quite small, so we configured it to only carry a single Ammobox. But I do need to add the Crate to the RHIB cargo.


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bug find sorry if its been posted

i found that the MI-17 can carry a PBX but it is not visible through the glass

other wise its a great addon guys

top marks biggrin_o.gif

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Many thanks for this wonderful system it certainly adds another diamension to the game !!! Bravo Zulu !!!

If i may ask the question and sorry if i have missed this completey but how do i get the system to work with third party addons? I was led to understand that there would be a template for us to use to allow whatever addons we specifed within the template to make use of the system

If you could point me in the right direction then that would be most appreciated


Mate... Hope all is well with your mum etc

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Many thanks for this wonderful system it certainly adds another diamension to the game !!! Bravo Zulu !!!

If i may ask the question and sorry if i have missed this completey but how do i get the system to work with third party addons? I was led to understand that there would be a template for us to use to allow whatever addons we specifed within the template to make use of the system

If you could point me in the right direction then that would be most appreciated


Mate... Hope all is well with your mum etc

A few pages back or the Document page on the website.

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Many thanks for this wonderful system it certainly adds another diamension to the game !!! Bravo Zulu !!!

If i may ask the question and sorry if i have missed this completey but how do i get the system to work with third party addons? I was led to understand that there would be a template for us to use to allow whatever addons we specifed within the template to make use of the system

If you could point me in the right direction then that would be most appreciated


Mate... Hope all is well with your mum etc

I had the same trouble at first. Although people have been directed to the documentation it's not in there yet. It's easiest to check the example missions but I'll try to do a quick overview for you.

To get 3rd party stuff to be moved as cargo it's really easy, just place an ammo crate for example and in the init line put "[This,2] Call RKSL_CargoAdd" (no "" of course.) Then place a UH-60 and put "[This,12] Call RKSL_TransportAdd" in it's init line. (Just a heads up, I'm not quite sure what the numbers in the command are for but IIRC "2" is in the ammo crates in the example missions and "12" appears in a truck. The may be the cargo space in the transport and the amount of space the cargo takes up but that's just a guess.)

Then just walk up to the crate and Cargo Menu should appear in the action menu like it does for RKSL cargo.

The best example mission to check for reference is rksl-hiddencargo.Intro. It has all the init line commands in non-RKSL Cargo stuff you need to get the system running.

I hope this helps you out, and I explained it right. wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]found that the MI-17 can carry a PBX but it is not visible through the glass

Well it's not so much of a bug, it's more of a thing that works, but in a way that I would prefer it not to smile_o.gif

Seriously, it is a side effect of me allowing non-visible Cargo to be loaded into visible Cargo compatible vehicles, and vice versa. But I don't like the idea of being able to load something invisible and as bulky, into a vehicle thats been configure to carry visible cargo. I will have to place some sort of restrictions on hidden cargo.

Quote[/b] ]I had the same trouble at first. Although people have been directed to the documentation it's not in there yet. It's easiest to check the example missions but I'll try to do a quick overview for you.

Technically speaking the example missions are part of the documentation. But the documentation falls under my responsibility and it's sorely lacking. I'm still trying to keep track of all the feedback, so I've not had chance to start expanding it.

Quote[/b] ]If i may ask the question and sorry if i have missed this completely but how do i get the system to work with third party addons?

As Manzila pointed out, one quick method is to use the following:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[<Vehicle>,<Capacity>] Call RKSL_TransportAdd

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[<Object>,<Size>] Call RKSL_CargoAdd

There are different types of compatibility. The above relates to what we call hidden or invisible cargo, as apposed to proxy or visible cargo currently available in the mission edit.

Hidden Cargo:

Any object in the editor. As Lee_H._Oswald demonstrates in the previous page, using the two functions I mentioned, you can load any object (the house on silts) into one of our visible cargo proxies (the crate). The same applies for transport or containers. The house could just as easily be able to hold the Ural as hidden cargo.

Visible Cargo:

Visible cargo has custom made proxies, used to represent the Cargo when loaded into a vehicle or being manipulated in the overhead view. This starts to get a little more complicated when setting up, depending on what it is. But offers the most features. We can describe the different methods of creating new visible cargo as follows:

When an object uses the same model as an existing visible cargo object, but perhaps has a different setup. Like the ACES ammo box. You can simply call the associated code that comes with the original visible cargo. In the case of the ACES US ammo box, it would be:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[<Object>] Call Compile PreProcessFIle "\rksl-biscargo\s\RKSLBIS<classname>Init.sqf"

You can find the different scripts by unpacking the BISCargo.pbo pbo, or use the original class names like this RKSLBIS<classname>Init.sqf. So as Aces uses the same object as the BIS class AmmoBoxWest it would be:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[<Object>] Call Compile PreProcessFIle "\rksl-biscargo\s\RKSLBISAmmoBoxWestInit.sqf"

The same applies for the Cargo compatible vehicles. If for example you have re-skinned the BIS addon Truck5tOpen. You would add this to it's init:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[<Object>] Call Compile PreProcessFile "\rksl-biscargo\s\RKSLBISTruck5TOpenInit.sqf"

Now both the ACES Ammo box and the re-skinned 5ton truck will work with all the other cargo and transport objects.

That’s the easy ones out of the way. The next step up, is creating your own cargo objects with visible cargo, this will require an unbinarized version of RKS-BIScargo.pbo, to best explain. But I will have to wait for Rock to get back before we can make it available on the site. Again it depends on how complicated you want to make it. If for example you want to add a new type of Ammo box texture or a new object to a pallet for example. Then you would:

Create your new unloaded object, create a proxy with your object displayed on the BIS pallet. Copy the empty pallet proxies I've defined for all suitable vehicles and rename the proxy in O2 so it points to your new proxy. Copy and past the scripts for the empty pallet and change the names to fit with your new object. Do the same for the config entries.

Basically using an existing visible cargo or transport as a temple, can speed things up. The more objects that get defined means it should become increasingly easier to add new content.

The most complex is, getting a new object and configuring it to work with a new vehicle as well as all the existing cargo compatible vehicles and objects. This requires some thought in O2 and will probably constitute quite a large tutorial.

That is a lot of documentation for me to put together so it will take time to work through, plus I also want a bit of a holiday myself.

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Thanks for that post UNN, that's fantastic. I'm just gonna copy/paste this to a text file for future reference.   thumbs-up.gif

Yeah, I should of mentioned that the documentation clearly states what example mission to check. My apologies for that.

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Thanks for the help mate it is most appreciated


Many thanks for that UNN

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Another little idea/request for the next cargo system update.

Can you please make an transportable "Repair Point".

Mapfact made an invisible repair point and I made it transportable via the init line.

Works fine, but having something visible (a tent and/or some boxes/tools) to transport would be much better.


MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Can you please make an transportable "Repair Point".

We discussed something like this some time ago...a repair kits sort of thing.  We didn't do anything with it at the time, but I think its something we might do.

UNN and I will discuss it.

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I have been trying to get this wonderful cargo system to work with the ACE Mod 1.01 (the latest version). But I have not been entirely successful. I have tried using the simplest method that being the "Hidden Cargo" method, and all I able to get to work and the moment, is the "Cargo Menu" User Action Menu and the "Cargo Options" display menu. It refuses show the "Available Cargo" objects and "Available Transport" options from within the "Cargo Menu". Do you have any solutions you can suggest? If you could please provide a demo mission using the latest ACE Mod would be most helpful. I’m trying to use the Closed 5 Ton Truck, the RKSL Crate as the Transporters and the M-119 Howitzer and LLW-16 Mortar as the objects to be transported. Thank you for your help and assistance.

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I've been having the same problem but it will eventually work. I seem to get it to work after opening and closing the cargo menu a few times. And then after those few tries if I hit close and then tap the fire button immediately after so I shoot the weapons crate it works when I open up the Cargo Menu again. Eventually this seems to work every time. After this first struggle getting it to show it works fine even after loading a save.

I know it sounds weird but it works like a charm.

I've been meaning to mention this but I didn't know exactly what was causing the problem but now that you mention it the problem arose after ACE v1.01 was released.


Very strange. I just tried the hiddencargo mission in the editor and I had no troubles.


I tried the same mission but removed the RKSL Cargo game logic and added an ACE weapons crate with the proper init line and also placed a RKSL US weapon crate. This time the menu came up blank. But I open and close the menu(close using mouse fire not enter) and immediately tapped fire to shot the ACE crate and the menu worked again. But this time it took open/close/shot two times before it worked. Very odd.

EDIT3:(Sorry all)

Scratch the opening and closing. Just shoot the object a few times and it works. Every time for me. Hopefully this will fix it for you, temporarily.

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