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Delay for ArmA II?

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On the ArmA II website it says " Expected release date 2009" im not 100% but didnt it say before Q1 2009? i just wanted to bring this up, dont know if it means anything at all.

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On the ArmA II website it says " Expected release date 2009" im not 100% but didnt it say before Q1 2009? i just wanted to bring this up, dont know if it means anything at all.

I remember recently hearing that it will be february 2009, but BIS ultimately calls the real release date.

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but BIS ultimately calls the real release date.

The publisher ultimately calls the release date wink_o.gif

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Until i see the phrase ArmA2 has gone "Gold" til then all rest is heresay. Though I do recall seeing the Feb time table but remember the Oct release of ArmA was put off til late fall.

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but BIS ultimately calls the real release date.

The publisher ultimately calls the release date wink_o.gif

I really think it depends on the publisher.

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I'm not worried about the PC version. It is the console versions that may cause headache to the devs. Just look at what happened to the Hell's Highway - it was delayed for years mainly because of PS3 port proved so problematic. The content was also simplyfied in order to appeal wider console audience.

But considering that the game is now in early alpha I guess that the release might be pushed back to summer or fall 2009. Unless everything goes wery smoothly. Q1 means that the deadline can be 31.3.2009.

But they can release the PC version first and console versions later wink_o.gif

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But they can release the PC version first and console versions later  wink_o.gif

Congratulations, you made yourself a lot of enemies in one sentence  biggrin_o.gif

I don't know why, but this time I have a good feeling about ArmA 2 and its release. BIS for me feel confident and are carrying their project to the end with a smile (and huge work too). So, if that's true... Keep up ! smile_o.gif

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Hi all

Speculating on release dates is one of the most stupid things a person can do.

ArmA II will be ready when it is ready.

Same as any project since the dawn of human kind, Stonehenge, Pyramids, Windows versions and Utse's arrow head's included.

Some one please close this pointless thread.

Kind Regards walker

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I know a total waste of time. If the devs start reading the post like these or even replying they will never get the game finished wink_o.gif

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yeah, i should have not made this post, sorry guys. I think my excitment is getting me carried away. banghead.gif

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Until i see the phrase ArmA2 has gone "Gold" til then all rest is heresay.

What he said....

I want the game as much as the next guy, but I personally am expecting it to be released at the end of next year, or even later. It very likely will be released sooner, and if it is thats great... but I wouldn't expect that.

Lets face it, when we first heard about ArmA1 we were told it would be out in the end of 2005, and we didn't see it till the end of 2006, and the game wasn't actually playable till mid 2007. So even tho they are saying 2009 right now... take it with a grain of salt untill you have hte game in your hand.

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Watch OFP2´s release (when its out), i´m pretty sure, BIS won´t release ARMAII way before OFP2.

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On the ArmA II website it says " Expected release date 2009" im not 100% but didnt it say before Q1 2009? i just wanted to bring this up, dont know if it means anything at all.

That is exactly the same date.. How could one possible tell there is a delay in that sentance. Both say 2009 just becuause Q1 was removed doesnt mean anything is delayed. Just a change in wording.

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Quote[/b] ]That is exactly the same date.. How could one possible tell there is a delay in that sentance. Both say 2009 just becuause Q1 was removed doesnt mean anything is delayed. Just a change in wording.

I hope you read your contract of your next job good wink_o.gif . Big difference imho smile_o.gif . But that is offtopic...and no offence meant.

->Indeed, it will be done when it is done. I'm 100% sure you won't miss it as the 'GOLD' report will come first.

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But yet Q1 can turn to be Q2, Q3 or even Q4 when release gets closer. As very extreme example year 2009 can change to 2010.

Didn't ArmA's first release in eastern Europe got postponed atleast one quarter? Or does my mind do tricks on this?

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ArmA2 will be released when all betatests are done, it has been gone gold and hit the stores. Maybe they can make it for Q1/2009, maybe not but speculating about the release date by people who have no insight on things is pointless, really.

It just leads to disappointments when the planned release date can't be kept.

For your own sake, please stop such speculations and wait for official announcements.

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