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Utilizing mods/addons..confused here..

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Have a simplistic question about mods/addons.

I'm wondering if the mods/addons available through Armaholic work in OC's and down loaded custom maps or if they have to be inserted in a game through the editor,meaning you have to create your own custom game to utilize them.

Confused.... confused_o.gif

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Well you´ve a strange way to describe your question/problem....what do you want now actually?

What I got is that you´re confused about addons and mods (anyway where you got them from) and maps?? and the way how to utilize them ingame...is that correct?

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Well,he means if they work "automatically".No,you have to use full mod(works automatically) or replacement config for an addon.Read the readme.txt in the packs carefully. wink_o.gif

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I meant that if you add say a different chopper into your add on folder if it would be available in , for example,the original campaign or if you would need to create a custom game and add it in there.

Think the question was answered though with "some do and some don't" (ie sound and effects seem to) and "have to use the full mod" that presumably includes the addons. (which is guess is why some mods have an long list of addons required.)


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Yes it's different from other games because of the available mission editor.

If you're looking for...

Single player missions with new content:

Look for custom missions/campaigns of interest and install the addons they do require.

Or search for full mods like CSLA that will mostly include new missions with the addons, while they're also probably making config changes for the whole game.

Changing "skins"/models in your existing single player missions:

Search for replacement mods which will change the look of the desired default units in every mission you play.

Multi player missions with new content:

Find a community using addons on their server and download that addon pack. They should have missions running including these addons.

A special addon itself:

Download, install and try it in the editor. Beside that you can only start to work with it to make a mission or a replacement mod with it.

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Have a simplistic question about mods/addons.

I'm wondering if the mods/addons available through Armaholic work in OC's and down loaded custom maps or if they have to be inserted in a game through the editor,meaning you have to create your own custom game to utilize them.

Confused.... confused_o.gif

If you have replacement packs, the new addons will replace the old ones in all missions. You can even replace units with vastly different other units... but these replacements won't add in any additional units into the mission. So, if you want play some ArmA campaign mission with an ah 64 instead of the cobra, this can be done. If you want to play that mission with additional ah 64s flying around for which there were no analogous unit originally, this cannot be done without editing the mission manually.

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Addon = "adds on" to the list of object, units, guns, vehicles, maps available to Arma via addon folders that can be pulled into arma within the Editors list of content placement (like a big box of extra toys ready to play with in the editor), then saved out as missions to be uses.

Maps are the same, you load them into editor, throw objects and scripting you want onto it, fire it off as a mission, load under missions to play.

When you get a mission from a download needing extra content in might be included (the content), but if its large addons, you still have to download them to "throw into the guts of arma's object list" for the mission to pull the objects into the mission on start. The mission is just using its name from the addon to find it and load it in.

Replacement : They are a configuration file that simply tells arma that a certain unit, vehicle, weapon group or single item in its standard list to point to a different addon pbo (that you have installed obviously) and not arma's own vanilla pbo for these things.

So its "kind" of tricking arma into loading new objects under the names it uses for all armas default items but sending it to a different location pbo and it loads the addon stuff instead. Then you can play all stock missions without editor fiddling using Arma's default list and its swapped the content over.

So say I put a heli pack pbo into arma, I can use this as I want in my own missions by adding in the editor and playing, or if I want it to show on any mission in arma regardless this replacement config says "normal name for heli in arma = actually load this one instead" so when you load any stock mission or mission that uses standard arma heli it actually pulls in the addon one instead.

You mainly ref addons specifically rather than replacements if your into making a whole theme for a mission in the editor, replacement files are used if you cant be arsed and want the usual arma things to be flipped to newer things without you messing about.

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