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Conquer the island CRCTI

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a few things happend around crcti in ARMA !

the free addonversion from sqeeze plus the ZZmod are both

released in a final version!

watch this clip to see how to play crcti.



for the free addon version go here. OGN Forumthread

for the ZZmod go here. fast FTP server


most of the missions are made on ACE-Islands!

download them also here. BI Forumthread

If you wanna download missions for the ZZmod go here.fast FTP


-do not mix old v0.5x addons with v1.0 !!!

-missions only work on server without errors

-missions wich starts with 00 are beginner (easymode)

-missions wich starts with coop are hard to fight (hardcore) !

-if you change missions then change the name also !!


here a list of IP´s of server where you can play crcti:

- [-zz-] CTI Server

- [GER] - arma.globalearth.de

- SWEC - Public

- =B.A.C= Brigade-Anti-Cheat

- AngryInsects.de


for more info and current discussion visit my team at


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Highly recommended missions! I played it only a few times, but its by far the best CTI in arma I've seen.

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good job!

Put the vid also in the 'video thread' wink_o.gif

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I see they added alot of fixes since the last version I tried I like the added weapons as well.

This mission seems to be Lan Coop worty compaired to un Aggressive AI in warfare.

Now to just add more capturable towns. And up resistance

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Lmao@ the tutorial, though it's perfect for a new player.

Only having 2 addons will help get others to try this.

We have some of the earlier ArmA crcti missions, which we enjoy.

Is this one the full Island or lite?

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funny video...

I'm a bit confused, the video looks like the version I've kept alive

but the download for the zz version is 600meg.

Is the zz ver just new missions and addons on the OGN ver or is there new scripts in there or new version, I'll be intrested if there are script updates.

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no its surely based on OGN but with some fixes....

anyway the new version is out . v0.5

i changed the link in the first post....

be cool and download it for free. tune your arma for free .

you will get a new game for free . biggrin_o.gif

see you on server guys wink_o.gif

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sorry i forgot the important part wink_o.gif

>>>delete the old addons<<<

dont mix it with the old version

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crCTI rulezz

but I have suggestions:

-AI commander isn't strong enemy as he was in older versions

-some vehicles costs could be change (brdmAT $2000 like bmp2)

-it would be nice to see leopards against T90

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there are a couple of crcti, the Angryinsects one leans more towards PvP while the one I've been working on has added scripts to make

the Coop's harder. I think it might take 4 or more human players to

beat a AI team on saralite with the default param's

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SU-34 LGB is included in the v0.5 !!!

but the t80 is removed cause it is buged.we have the t64BM now wich is also strong as the M1a2.

all vehicles are faster in driving now and most of the addons are fixed and rescued from small bugs.

there are 3 official missions out for now.

1 vs (MP) and 2 coop´s (east/west)

be carefull in the coop´s enemy ai is very angry....;)

they use planes wich are spawning directly in 2000m.

its only to win with teamplay and minimum 6 good players.

put them on your servers !!!

and dont forget to dl the hotfix....

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well darn since its 600mb+ i gotta wait till november to download 20gb Monthly limit reached....

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Please please please make an addons free version.

I love crCTI but its not worth spending my whole monthly salary on it.

I really want to play this so please, try to make to 10-30MB...

L!nk out....

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you guys have a download limit? Or pay per mb?

you should really switch provider rofl.gif


This crcti version is the first that really got me back again. Its a lot more like the OFP version in terms of vehicles and balance. and the weapons are nice too.

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try the free addons version from OGN you will be happy with it.


you got it my friend....

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yeah. I pay per mb. South Africa is quite corrupt when it comes to ISPs.

Testing OGN version....

PS tha previous one I tried was very laggy....

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hmm where does one get the new mission file I can only find .41 for some reason....

here you go MISSIONS

and allways the newest versions on angryinsects server...


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no Sahrani map eh guess.thanks

Dont mind if I convert to United Sahrani do ya?

Finished Sahrani map conversion still waiting for your response tho before I release it at all

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first iam not the mapper its serg from the ZZ clan !

but we are happy if this cti goes around so dont worry.

well i hope your sara one works good.

to me sara is boring i prefer smaler islands....

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I notice during playing the missions from the mission pack there seems to be a problem with something

apon first spawning usually withing 2mins when the game just starts there is an error msgbuiltunit.sqf Line 31 I checked and seems most have this problems missions works fine otherwise just once in a while that error pops up.

We play on Sara because having 40ish capute points can be nutz smile_o.gif

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