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One in five

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"One adult American in five thinks the Sun revolves around the Earth, an idea science had abandoned by the 17th century."

It's good to hear that people in the world's most important "democracy"/demokercy know alot about science, economy and politics. The schools are superb and that makes the ruling class happy, because then all people know things they shouldn't know. And that is no threat at all.


I learned one new thing from Zeitgeist to be honest. It's this quote from Goethe:

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

Free from what?

Free from knowledge.

Free from freedom.

Free from democracy.

Go America!

Go Obama!

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And your point is?

I don't care what people think, wrong or otherwise.

I see this topic as nothing more than a thinly veiled attack on Americans.

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I think its an interesting analysis on world wide schooling and education systems.

Watching other movie-documentaries like Super size me, Bowling for columbine etc. I Find it fascinating learning about the views and attitudes of other cultures towards their own way of living and the society which they live in.

This thread is not a stab at america, all he is doing is highlighting a 'Fact' that bears a striking contrast to their own Education system. And is perhaps asking why this is the case for one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

Personally to look at such a stark piece of information about your OWN country or culture and then analyse it is something that should be rewarded and not prevented.

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TFatseas, my point is to educate you to think outside the box you call freedom.

It's good to hear that you don't care. Because then nobody will be interested in caring about you. You don't care about the state of the world, then you're contributing to it and the status quo. You're contributing to the deaths of millions of people because you aren't ready to do anything about it. You don't care if people are oppressed or not. I do. That's why I post these kind of things.

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I know it might be fun to know, but I can't say that due to some reasons. I don't want to focus on myself, just the arguments and the debate itself.

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TFatseas, my point is to educate you to think outside the box you call freedom.

It's good to hear that you don't care. Because then nobody will be interested in caring about you. You don't care about the state of the world, then you're contributing to it and the status quo.

Thats fine, I mind my own business and others mind theirs.

People can think whatever they want politically, economically socially and so on. It is their right too, why should I tell them otherwise?

I have problems when people try to shove whatever they think is "right" down my throat and try to change what I think. We are always "wrong", because no matter what side you take, on any issue, someone will be there to oppose it. And vice versa when you believe you are "right".

Now its getting off topic.

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know alot about
The first lesson in Trolling 101: When criticising another's education, be sure to get your spelling right, lest you look a total fool (again).

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I know it might be fun to know, but I can't say that due to some reasons.

Its obvious that he's in USA also.

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I'm not American yet I can still see this as a cheap attack on the US tounge2.gif

Come on, people have the right to be stupid and believe that the sun revolves around the earth if they want to. America isn't the only place where stupid people exist rofl.gif

Unlike in Cuba and China where human rights don't exist... whistle.gif

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I'm not American yet I can still see this as a cheap attack on the US tounge2.gif

Come on, people have the right to be stupid and believe that the sun revolves around the earth if they want to. America isn't the only place where stupid people exist rofl.gif

Unlike in Cuba and China where human rights don't exist... whistle.gif

yeah, people are free to be stupid, if they want.

an other topic, where spokerperson can show his intolerance (btw this is a stupid attitude).

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Well, there is a lot of uneducated people all around the globe.

Like, people who don't know modern history, basics of economy and logic.

There are even some people who do not try to validate their own arguments before presenting them to others. Like, "am I really more educated than them?".

And understanding statistics is crutial.

Did you know that statistically speaking half of people on earth are intelligent below avarage? icon_rolleyes.gif

In the end education is left to the individual. If you are dilluded that school or universities can teach people critical thinking you're taking a wrong approach.

All that a university can do for your awarness is not shove their views down your throat. This is why I shrug when I read about professors in western countries.

EDIT: GO OBAMA?huh.gif?

Sorry, but I watched debates, both candidates place education on far away place on the list.

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Quote[/b] ]The first lesson in Trolling 101: When criticising another's education, be sure to get your spelling right, lest you look a total fool (again).

Yeah, because I don't know how to spell "a lot" correctly. I never make typing mistakes. I think it's you who are a fool to comment such a thing.

Quote[/b] ]Also, this "analysis" (according to SHWiiNG) is coming from a person who can't tell the difference between a piss take and actual research.

Where I live, you can't even find people who don't know geography apart from 6 year olds.

Quote[/b] ]Unlike in Cuba and China where human rights don't exist...

Cuba is actually the elected chairman of the UN human rights council. Unlike the US or UK that violate human rights at an increasing rate.

Quote[/b] ]an other topic, where spokerperson can show his intolerance (btw this is a stupid attitude).

Of course I'm intolerant. I won't tolerate that people who decide about other people's lives are ignorant.

Quote[/b] ]And understanding statistics is crutial.

Check the article again. It's in the New York Times, and there has been some scientific research on this matter.

Quote[/b] ]If you are dilluded that school or universities can teach people critical thinking you're taking a wrong approach.

I think they can, but that's not what I'm talking about right now. I'm talking about general knowledge.

Quote[/b] ]EDIT: GO OBAMA??

Sorry, but I watched debates, both candidates place education on far away place on the list.

I'm no supporter of Obama.

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I'd be supprised if Spokesperson did actually say 'go Obama' and be serious about it. He's far too hard boiled communist/marxist to support either.

EDIT: Spokesperson posted reply while i was still writing this, it seems.

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Quote[/b] ]Also, this "analysis" (according to SHWiiNG) is coming from a person who can't tell the difference between a piss take and actual research.

Where I live, you can't even find people who don't know geography apart from 6 year olds.

It was a comedy show. Getting stupid answers was THE POINT OF IT otherwise it would not have been funny! The fact that you took it seriously is freakin' hilarious. How you couldn't tell it was a comedy show is beyond me.

Now jog on you little troll.

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The video doesn't state anything about any comedy shows, but it might be one. However, it isn't important because that kind of lack of knowledge is representative for the average american. I know it from personal experience, and from other sources, like the one I mentioned in this topic.

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wait, what? You mean it doesn't matter if it was meant to be wrong? You'd still believe it? What?

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Quote[/b] ]The video doesn't state anything about any comedy shows

Of course because it's only a part of the show. It is a comedy show. It's bloody obvious. The simple studio set up, the comical 'report', the way 'anchors' looked, the name CNNNN etc. All point to it being satire.



Quote[/b] ]NNNN (Chaser NoN-stop News Network) was an Australian television show, satirising American news channels CNN and Fox News.
Quote[/b] ]In April 2004, CNNNN won a Logie Award for 'Most Outstanding Comedy Program'
Quote[/b] ]The Chaser's new show, The Chaser's War on Everything, premiered on February 17, 2006, featuring similarly topical comedy to CNNNN.

From your CNNNN topic which I posted on page 1(by an Aussie):

Quote[/b] ]Thats just a comedy TV show in Australia. CNNNN.  Dont tell me you took it seroiuly  biggrin_o.gif
Quote[/b] ]However, it isn't important because that kind of lack of knowledge is representative for the average american.


I can't believe you said it doesn't matter! Of course it's important because they were selective on who they showed. They only showed the stupid answers for the comedy value. In addition there was definitely some editing going on. The voice asking a question and then placing answers to entirely different questions after it.

Thus saying it's representative of the average American is ridiculous at best.

Quote[/b] ]I know it from personal experience, and from other sources, like the one I mentioned in this topic.

What personal experience is this? I have met many that are quite intelligent. You are simply paddling the old 'Americuh is teh stupidz' line. The irony being here is that you used a comedy video to support this. You may want to take a good look at yourself.

What it boils down to is this. There are stupid and ignorant people all over the world.

Other sources? Like the comedy video which you thought was a serious news report?


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I know it might be fun to know, but I can't say that due to some reasons.

Yup, the "party van" is waiting to take you away at any moment... icon_rolleyes.gif

Quote[/b] ]I don't want to focus on myself, just the arguments and the debate itself.

It would lend much credibility to your argument if you actually grew up in any of the places you throw your fervent support at, rather than just looking like some disaffected 15-year old American who supports countries and leaders guilty of human rights abuses for the lack of anything better to do.

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I love these topics, really I do. smile_o.gif


Hopefully Spokesperson will have his tinfoil hat on October 14th...

so he can catch HIS ride out of here.

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Outside my box of freedom is understanding and humility.

But, if one wants to put the gloves on, I have this:


Youtube videos, surveys, and threads like these make me realize that stupidity truly is universal. But if I am stupid, and my neighbor is stupid, then screw it, let's just get along and party, thumbs-up.gif

And that's my American viewpoint.

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