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avibird 1

ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

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Exactly, so far, I don't like have CM is treating their fans. The reason I'm attracted to the game, is because that's the only one of it's kind that is confirmed to release to consoles. Arma 2 looks it could be even better than OFP 2, but if it's not coming to consoles, then I might as well forget it.

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Exactly, so far, I don't like have CM is treating their fans. The reason I'm attracted to the game, is because that's the only one of it's kind that is confirmed to release to consoles. Arma 2 looks it could be even better than OFP 2, but if it's not coming to consoles, then I might as well forget it.

it coming to consoles and its confirmed to have a mission editor

Start watching at around 5 minutes 30 seconds

its a fact that ARMA 2 will be better than flop point at this point in time

CM is hiding the game because it runs and looks like shit and has little to know redeeming features

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Hi all

If CM have canceled DR for consoles maybe it wont even be on PC? Choosing not to put the editor in DR was obviously a bad sign. With DR's constant Release Date push backs, cancellations and dropped features; I guess it is why many from the CM forums are now looking forward to an ArmA II release on console.

Since we know BIS already developed OFP Elite for the Xbox and CM have never developed such a title for a console I guess it explains CM problems with DR.

I expect a BIS Release of ArmA II as a Follow up to OFP Elite will go down very well with the console crowd and as BIS's successful release of OFP Elite proves they have the experience and ability. With the massive respect BIS's OFP Elite has on consoles it should help with the promotion of ArmA II on consoles.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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it coming to consoles and its confirmed to have a mission editor

Start watching at around 5 minutes 30 seconds

its a fact that ARMA 2 will be better than flop point at this point in time

CM is hiding the game because it runs and looks like shit and has little to know redeeming features

That video just reminded me that it is going to release for console, for a while I kept thinking that it was still unconfirmed. The question is, will it release soon?

Hi all

If CM have canceled DR for consoles maybe it wont even be on PC? Choosing not to put the editor in DR was obviously a bad sign. With DR's constant Release Date push backs, cancellations and dropped features; I guess it is why many from the CM forums are now looking forward to an ArmA II release on console.

Since we know BIS already developed OFP Elite for the Xbox and CM have never developed such a title for a console I guess it explains CM problems with DR.

I expect a BIS Release of ArmA II as a Follow up to OFP Elite will go down very well with the console crowd and as BIS's successful release of OFP Elite proves they have the experience and ability. With the massive respect BIS's OFP Elite has on consoles it should help with the promotion of ArmA II on consoles.

Kind Regards walker

Yeah, that's part of the reason why I am looking up to Arma 2. I don't know what is up with CM, they are threating their fans like crap, they keep everything in close doors, deceive us, do not contribute anything for the fans. That pisses me off.

Which is why am I dying to see Arma 2 release to consoles, which will set a treshold and give CM run for their money. I think part of the reason for their non-sense is their doubt of Arma 2 ever releasing to consoles. But if does, the pressure is on. In fact, most of us might as well as forget about the OFP 2, as it was a myth.

Release date for console(s) is all we need to know....

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I guess it is why many from the CM forums are now looking forward to an ArmA II release on console.

Totally disagree...................oh wait! :o :D

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That video just reminded me that it is going to release for console, for a while I kept thinking that it was still unconfirmed. The question is, will it release soon?

I don't think there's been any mention of that...but it does say that they were producing both pc and 360 in parallel. So hopefully before OF2 hits the 360.

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I don't know if its been said but I can pre-order Arma 2 on Xbox at local dealers. They'r stating release in Q3.

It sounds to me that you don't give out that kind of information to the retailers if you'r not making a game.

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I don't think there's been any mention of that...but it does say that they were producing both pc and 360 in parallel. So hopefully before OF2 hits the 360.

Yeah he did, just go to 8 minutes and start watching/reading carefully. He didn't really word it right, but it does hints that the game will be releasing, it's just the matter of tests for the version to pass so that it wouldn't crap when it comes out.

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I don't know if its been said but I can pre-order Arma 2 on Xbox at local dealers. They'r stating release in Q3.

It sounds to me that you don't give out that kind of information to the retailers if you'r not making a game.

Lol, and order a KZ2 on 360 for me as well.

No offence but this is too bizar. Can those 'local dealers' say which publisher Arma2/360 has?

Nothing personal, why would i, but pre-ordering Arma2/360???? It is like an episode from the Twilight Zone:)

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Hey folks, I'm new to the forums but Ive been watching them closely to get some concrete closure to see if Arma 2 is coming to the 360. Lately things have looked like we would be playing it on xbox, but today I came across this IGN article


There it says that it is only coming out for computer, "ArmA II is coming to North America in 2009 and is exclusively for PC". Additionally, the latest on wikipedia says there is no xbox release.

Someone throw me a bone here! I really want to be playing this one on xbox...


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Hey folks, I'm new to the forums but Ive been watching them closely to get some concrete closure to see if Arma 2 is coming to the 360. Lately things have looked like we would be playing it on xbox, but today I came across this IGN article


There it says that it is only coming out for computer, "ArmA II is coming to North America in 2009 and is exclusively for PC". Additionally, the latest on wikipedia says there is no xbox release.

Someone throw me a bone here! I really want to be playing this one on xbox...


The article is speculating, it's not valid. And wikipedia, is well, wikipedia, what more is to be said?!

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I hope you're right about that, I was nearly dehydrating myself to death from all the tears. Anyone know when a confirmation on an xbox version is to be expected?

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It's coming out for the consoles don't worry. If OFdr is coming to 360 this game will surely be coming to. It boils down to this. . . .Money ! They can make alot of it by pushing it on all platforms, they just need more time to get it out on the consoles due to limitations of the hardware. If you'll notice it said for a long time on wiki it was coming to 360/ps3 and it even showed that for multiplayer the consoles would have less players online it was like 16 max for consoles 32 max for pc. They make millions and millions and millions in sales for the consoles and that says it all. As the old saying still holds true Money TALKS, BULLS**T walks !

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I hope you're right about that, I was nearly dehydrating myself to death from all the tears. Anyone know when a confirmation on an xbox version is to be expected?

After the PC regional release is done, then we should know more about the release and publisher for the console. Just relax and welcome to the forum.

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If we are fortunate, we might find the release on E3, if Bohemia is attending that is. Then again, it all depends on the progress, the console version is developed in parallel to PC, so it's not that easy.

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If we are fortunate, we might find the release on E3, if Bohemia is attending that is. Then again, it all depends on the progress, the console version is developed in parallel to PC, so it's not that easy.

Hopefully :confused::D

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Hi, Bi are not going to E3 (check the list on the E3 webby) but 505 games are going.

Edited by dukeuk76

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Lol, and order a KZ2 on 360 for me as well.

No offence but this is too bizar. Can those 'local dealers' say which publisher Arma2/360 has?

Nothing personal, why would i, but pre-ordering Arma2/360???? It is like an episode from the Twilight Zone:)

:raisebrow: Pre-order as in order now, get it when its released.

They don't say which publisher at their website, but they got this pic up so 505 games i guess. But maybe they photoshopped it.

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:raisebrow: Pre-order as in order now, get it when its released.

They don't say which publisher at their website, but they got this pic up so 505 games i guess. But maybe they photoshopped it.

Nice find, and as said it was no personal thing towards you. I googled some more and found http://www.dimensionplus.nl/link.asp?pid=781618

I'm surprised, but i'm just too naive i guess:)

Edited by maxqubit

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I was just looking at the 360 release dates on ign. And i came across this:


Is it the usual ign balls up?

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Is it the usual ign balls up?

I'd say so.

Hell, it's 3 days before the European PC release...

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I'd say so.

Hell, it's 3 days before the European PC release...

US have a tendancy to always release games on the 23rd of the month ;)

Kind regards walker

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US have a tendancy to always release games on the 23rd of the month ;)

I'm not sure why,but we do tend to do that. Maybe it has something to do with timing?

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I was just looking at the 360 release dates on ign. And i came across this:


Is it the usual ign balls up?

I would be at a lost for words if this was true.

The PC version is getting released regional! Some new information NOT FROM BOHEMIA gives the US PC release date of 12/09.

Could BOHEMIA be pulling a rabbit from a hat with a XBOX 360 release in mid summer with the delay of OFPDR WOW. BOHEMIA will take most of the 360 market from codemasters.

Release Date: Dec 31, 2009 (US) see link for new information


I would love this to be true but I don't see it. Maybe after all the major PC markets are released then the 360 only time will tell.

Edited by Placebo

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AVIBIRD 1 remove image tags when quoting please.

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