an_enlarged_stomach 1 Posted August 24, 2008 about the handling of the plane.... I was very wrong about that. This is probably the most manuveralbe plane in Arma. However, it seems like tanks are attacking this plane more aggressively, and are making much better hits than with other planes. I was hit by a cannon while traveling at 800 mph. Oh, and alsothe AT missiles seem a little too weak for tanks. It takes 2 missiles and a burst of the 30mm to take out a tank. Oh, and isn't B2 the laser guided bomber? I don't have any lock ons with the B1 bombers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted August 24, 2008 If Southy has already converted this particular plane, a quick fix would just be to stick in his pilot LOD as I know generally he always gets the HUD to work. That's just one recommendation. Like others I get that white covering over the cockpit controls. It's very wierd. But things like that are not uncommon in ArmA. I'm wrestling with my own share of bizarre bugs working with my mod's addons. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alex72 1 Posted August 25, 2008 I notice that you have very limited view backwards in these. You can look around much more in other aircrafts. You can look about 90 degrees left/right/up as in for example BIS standard harrier you can look a bit backwards. And thanks Gnat for looking into XEH! Regards Alex Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Griffon2-6 0 Posted August 25, 2008 I'm having a lot of the same problems that HailStorm is reporting: <!--QuoteBegin--HailStorm] it's has very slow acceleration - i'm having trouble catching up to the tail of harriers+unless i have afterburner engaged, which gives me a very small closing speed. [/quote--><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Quote (HailStorm] it's has very slow acceleration - i'm having trouble catching up to the tail of harriers @ unless i have afterburner engaged, which gives me a very small closing speed. [/quote)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> Agreed - it has a very nose-up trim setting - i'm finding i have to hold the stick very far forward in order to keep it straight and level. Same here <!--QuoteBegin--HailStorm]- that tug: no bugs+just praise. seriously, who would have figured something so simple would be so much fun?! [/quote--><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Quote (HailStorm]- that tug: no bugs @ just praise. seriously, who would have figured something so simple would be so much fun?! [/quote)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> AGREED! ABSOLUTELY! LOL! i'd have to say that i agree with the others when they ask for the 'gear' option to be left on the normal action menu. it's really not one of those things you want to concentrate on doing when landing or taking off. Have to agree here too. Also, @HailStorm, real fighter aircraft cannons do fire in bursts. I know that the F16's cannon (M61A1) fires in 10 Rnd bursts - the SMS page on the MFD shows 51 ammo for cannon (when it is armed) even though the plane has 510 rounds loaded because the cannon is only capable of firing bursts. I think that this is the same for most, if not, all modern fighter planes. However, I don't think that the Gsh-201 fires in 20 Rnd bursts, especially not at that ROF. I am also getting the white cockpit sheet bug. But that just proves that it's so new that the ground crew hasn't even finished unpacking it yet, and left the protective sheet there! All in all though, this is, in my opinion, an amazing addon, despite the bugs, as I realize that it is a first release. I've been waiting for something like this for a long time, and now I have it. All I have to say now is thank you, Gnat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gibbon 0 Posted August 25, 2008 Great job men. Only one bug, cockpit textures. Congratulation.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eddyd 0 Posted August 25, 2008 here is SU-33 templates for photoshop all tree skins are in it DL: su33_templates.rar have fun eddyD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
big 0 Posted August 26, 2008 Armaholic mirror for the templates and news: - Sukhoi Su-33 Templates (packed with 7zip) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted August 26, 2008 Full on at work (i.e. real life work) .... so there will be a delay in an update. Thanks for the feedback, tips and suggestions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zenith777 0 Posted August 26, 2008 Odd, it seems I am the only one not getting cockpit texture bug... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mandoble 1 Posted August 26, 2008 Gnat,Aug. 24 2008,02:59]@HowardInot the kind of flares that Mandoble or Franze's flares that simply avoids EVERYTHING For sure Mando ones dont avoid everything, in fact you might have a really hard time avoiding missiles if you dont deploy them with enough speed to get separation between flares/plane and missile, also you have a parameter (global var) to set how difficult do you want this to be, if needed, almost impossible to avoid anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gedis 0 Posted August 26, 2008 Odd, it seems I am the only one not getting cockpit texture bug... no! you aren't alone, i have no cockpit texture bug too Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RKSL-Rock Posted August 26, 2008 Are the people that are having problems with the cockpit textures running ATI cards? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PSYCHOSIM 0 Posted August 26, 2008 Yeah, i'm running an ATi card......................... any way that you know of to fix it Rock? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pauldarrington 9 Posted August 26, 2008 nope missing textures on a 8800 gts 512 here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted August 27, 2008 No missing textures 8800GTS 320mb. Check your drivers. Latest is not always the best. [TAO] Kremator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfbite 8 Posted August 27, 2008 Yeah I'm running on an ATI and get the texture bug in the cockpit..... Great addon Btw.. would be nice to Raise/Lower the gear via the keys... Maybe you should put the tailhook in the seperate section? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vengeance1 50 Posted August 27, 2008 i am running SLI 8800 Ultras no issues. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FriketMonkey 0 Posted August 27, 2008 Yes ati card. Also white cockpit bug. Still the addon is great! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RKSL-Rock Posted August 27, 2008 Well this is a issue with ATI cards not showing textures outside of the normal sizes. IE 2048x2048 = OK 2049x2048 = White textures. Nvidia cards don't seem to mind they display it anyway. But in this case since both ATI and Nvidia users are experiencing the same problem it must be something else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
T_bone 0 Posted August 27, 2008 I got that problem on Nvidia 9800 GTX. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted August 27, 2008 No, I think its because I only have 1 STAGE in the RVMAT file, in an attempt to remove the "reflectiveness" of the dash. Quote[/b] ]ambient[]={1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000};diffuse[]={1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000}; forcedDiffuse[]={0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000}; emmisive[]={0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000}; specular[]={1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000}; specularPower=40.0; PixelShaderID="NormalMap"; VertexShaderID="NormalMap"; class Stage1 { texture="rktsu33\pit\rktsu33_pit2_co_NOHQ.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={1.000000,0.000000,0.000000}; up[]={0.000000,1.000000,0.000000}; dir[]={0.000000,0.000000,0.000000}; pos[]={0.000000,0.000000,0.000000}; }; }; Probably need an expert to suggest a better solution. Just weird that effects only some people. Of course it could be the above mixed with certain cards that is causing the issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted August 27, 2008 well certain cards (i think some of SM2 ATI serie) also got limit 2048x2048 on textures so going beyond usually screw things up Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted August 27, 2008 its 1024x2048 ...... not anything else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted August 27, 2008 Well I got a new ATI 4870 today and can confirm that NOW I am getting the white cockpit (where my 8800GTS was fine) [TAO] Kremator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted August 28, 2008 My 8800GT has this problem. Â But I have it on less the optimum vallue (set to 800x600). Â I think indeed that it's something else. Â Hell, maybe experiment with some versions using a different type of texture or just removing any RVMAT's in the cockpit. Â Quite honestly I don't think you need RVMAT textures in the cockpit. Â But I know your stuff is really high end, so maybe you do need it. Â I'm just suggesting maybe simplying it a little bit back to the original Footmunch texturs for the cockpit. Â Anyways, whatever is causing it, I hope you find a good solution because other then that your addons are great. Â I would just recommend the carrier not fire missiles from the take-off ramp as that looks a bit wierd. Â Other then that and the odd cockpit textures, I think the addons are great. Also Gnat, I would sincerely hope that you will share your knowledge with different mods as you are one of the few who have successfully implemented many advanced features into your mod. Â To share with community equals overall better quality for the entire mod community. It also will create a lot more assistance for any such problems that your own mod may encounter. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Team Leader of the Lost Brothers Mod Share this post Link to post Share on other sites