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XtraMod for patch 1.14

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This is a completely new compilation of game changes including my old SAM and Air vehicles mod plus lots of new changes

Quote[/b] ]Xtra Mods 1.05

by Karaya1

This mod includes a multitude of small and bigger changes as well as some new units based on the stock arsenal.

It is oriented towards realism in a way that it corrects some weapons and ammunitions to more realistic values without breaking gameplay.


Xtra_Air - Includes new air units (see below) as well as smaller changes to the existing ones (ground units attacking helicopters and jets more aggressively)

Xtra_Infantry - Includes new infantry units (see below)

Xtra_Munitions - Includes reworked hit values, mostly for rockets as well as some completely new ones (see below). They are now CAVS compliant!

Xtra_QG - Includes a new Heavy Grenadier unit for the SLA forces (QG only) as well as modifies the 6G30 grenade launcher so that the iron sight is useable

Xtra_SAM - Includes brand new surface-to-air units based on the stock BMP-2, BRDM2-ATGM and Stryker-TOW

Xtra_Static - Includes an all new SPG-9 73mm recoilless rifle on a tripod, capable of firing rocket propelled HEAT and HE-Frag rounds!

Xtra_Support - Includes Ural transport and support trucks for the RACS forces. Up to now they still have the same models as the SLA ones.

Xtra_Tank - Includes new values for tank armour which should make them more resistant to small-medium caliber ammunition as well as new cannon and ammunition values, new 9M119 Sniper missile + 6 Round magazine for the T-72

Xtra_Weapons - Includes new values for all ingame weapons (reload times, at which distances AI engages, etc.)


KA50HEAT - Ka50 with high-explosive anti-tank instead of fragmentation rockets

A10GBU12 - A10 with 5 laser guided GBU-12 500lb bombs

AV8BMAV   - AV8B with 6 infra-red guided AGM-65G missiles

BMP2_AA   - BMP2 with a Strela launcher in place of the AT-5

BRDM2_AA - BRDM2 with a Strela launcher in place of the AT-5

Stryker_AA - Stryker with a Stinger launcher in place of the TOW

SoldierESaboteurSpotter - SLA Spotter unit featuring a Laser Designator, armed with an AKS-74UN and silenced Makarov

SoldierESniperH - SLA Heavy Sniper with a 12,7mm KSVK rifle

SoldierEGH - SLA Heavy Grenadier with a 6G30 grenade launcher (QG only)

SoldierGCommandoSpotter - RACS Spotter unit featuring a Laser Designator, armed with an MP5SD6 and silenced M9

SoldierGSniperH - RACS Heavy Sniper with a 12,7mm M107 rifle

SoldierWATH - US Heavy AT Specialist with a Javelin missile launcher

SoldierWSniperH - US Heavy Sniper with a 12,7mm M107 rifle

US_SoldierWAA_WDL - US Woodland camo AA Specialist (FIM-92 Stinger)

US_SoldierWAR_WDL - US Woodland camo Automatic Rifleman (M249)

US_SoldierWAT_WDL - US Woodland camo AT Specialist (M136)

US_SoldierWATH_WDL - US Woodland camo Heavy AT Specialist (Javelin)

US_SoldierWG_WDL - US Woodland camo Grenadier

US_SoldierWMG_WDL - US Woodland camo Machine Gunner (M240)

USMCD_Soldier_SniperH - USMC Heavy Sniper with a 12,7mm M107 rifle (new camo from patch 1.14)

SPG9_Static - Static 73mm recoilless rifle



M_AT11_AT - 9M119 Sniper missile fired from T72s D81 cannon

6Rnd_9M119_T72 - 6 Round magazine for the above


R_M136_HP - AT4 High Penetration round, ~600mm RHA

M136_HP - magazine for the above

R_M136_LMAW - AT4 Light Multipurpose Assault Weapon round, 150mm RHA, lethal radius 8.4m

M136_LMAW - magazine for the above

R_PG7M_AT - PG-7M rocket, RHA 300mm

PG7M - magazine for the above

R_TBG7V_AT - TBG-7V thermobaric rocket, 150mm RHA, lethal radius 8.4m

TBG7V - magazine for the above

R_OG7V_AT - OG-7V HE-Frag rocket, lethal radius 8.9m

OG7V - magazine for the above


Sh_PG9_HEAT - PG-9 73mm HEAT round, 400mm RHA

SPG_HEAT - 15 round magazine for the above

Sh_OG9_HE - OG-9 73mm HE-Frag round, lethal radius 18.3m

SPG_HE - 15 round magazine for the above


All of these addons are standalones, so if you dont like one of them, simply drop it out of the addon folder!


I recommend using my addons in combination with zGuba's "Compact Fix for 1.14", RG's "TrueMods" and "TrueGameplayMods" as well as HeinBloed's "GDTModLauncherIronsights".

Make sure however that my addons are loaded last in order with these or they might not work properly!


Thanks go to the following people

FA DalaiLamar - for fixing the SPG-9 static model, without him it would have been impossible! Thanks man smile_o.gif

HeinBloed - for letting me use his GDTModLauncher MLODS as a base for my new RPG-7 rockets & launchers

Sickboy and his team - for giving me permission to use their weapon data from 6th Sense Pack #3, thanks guys!

Q and thebarricade - for helping me out with fixing some config related problems!


You are free to include this addon into your campaigns, missions, mod packages as long as you do not claim it to be your own work!

You are not permitted to upload modified versions of my work without my permission!

Changes from 1.03 to 1.04

Quote[/b] ]

All addons are signed now, package includes server bikey - I hope I got it right, was the first time I did that!

All other changes are mostly fine-tunings of the previous values, the Vikhr missiles for example now have their real life maneuvrability and should show some (what) realistic snaking movements (no spiralling though). Weapons values have been adjusted, the AI should open fire with long ranged weapons (Hellfire, Mavs, Kh-29,...) earlier now. I've also implemented realistic reloadtimes, based on what I could find in publications, on websites, wiki,... for example:

- The SVD is now a real semi-automatic rifle, it had a bolt-action like reload time before

- The vehicle mounted M240s and PKs now have higher rates of fire than their man-portable pendants (like IRL)

- The M134 gatling both for doorgunners and on the AH6 now have REAL 2000 and 4000rpm modes, no kidding around with these!

- The M197 on the Super Cobra now has a cyclic rate of fire of 730rpm (slightly lower than original value)

- The quad AZP-85 gun on the Shilka now fires at its correct rate of fire of 3400rpm. I've chosen the lower end of the spectrum to have AI and players conserve ammo. The 3400rpm are more than enough and it only takes the blink of an eye to shred any aircraft to pieces!

- The GAU-12 Equalizer now fires at 4200rpm

- Added two different fire modes to the S-8 rocket pod on the Su-34, single an burst, similar to what all the other pods have. AI is now using bursts in CAS missions that way!

Changes from 1.04 to 1.05:

Quote[/b] ]

- New M136, RPG-7 rockets/rounds (see above) with genuine models

- New SPG-9 73mm recoilless rifle

- All 20mm+ rounds/rockets have been adjusted to fit CAVS values

- Ural Transport/Support vehicles for RACS (no new models as of yet though)

Hope you guys like it!

This mod is best applied in conjunction with zGuba's "Compact fix" as well as both "TrueMods" and "TrueGameplayMods"

Download-Link (v1.05):

Xtra Mods v1.05

Armaholic.com mirror:


ArmedAssault.info mirror:

eprison.de mirror:





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I'll check this out over the Holiday. Just curious though, have you tested any of these AddOns with SLX Mod? I'm thinking if it works well in conjunction with zGuba's 1.14 Compact Fix, it may work well in SLX too. I'm hoping it will for sure.

Thanks for the time and effort, I look forward to giving this a go soon. thumbs-up.gif

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Not sure but I would try adding them to a folder thats loaded AFTER SLX... otherwise it probably will get overwritten

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For some reason the AA BMP, BRDM and Stryker don't work i get this error... i will write down what the Error is soon.

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Btw, what I failed to mention on the topic of SAM vehicles, I've given them all a "Laser/IR Scanner" with a range of 8km so they will be able to track aircraft that may appear to be out of "visual" (view) range for the player ingame and they will start to engage them within 4,8 to 4,2 km depending on their launcher (Stinger or Strela respectively). That should make them much more of a threat than my previous version which was pretty much as ineffective as the vanilla Stinger/Strela soldier... so keep an eye out for them!

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I've uploaded a revised version of the Modpack, the SAM bug should be ironed out, sorry for that! I've also adjusted a few values in their config (tracking, ranging, aggressiveness) and added some new Blue infantry units using the Woodland model from patch 1.14. A pity we only have one to go with  sad_o.gif

See 1st post for the new download link!!!

What I'm currently fiddling around with is trying to get the Laserdesignator on the Ka50 and AH6 (from zGubas CompactFix) to a mouse controllable one as using the whole chopper to do the aiming is quite frustrating.

It might also be interesting to have a LD for the Havoc that can lock and track aerial targets, as a sort of work around to the real life method of engaging choppers and jets using Vihkrs...

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What you thinking about adding some Xtra infantry squards to the sides? Smaller groups for AT, Sniper teams and so on.. Just for playing around in SP?

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What you thinking about adding some Xtra infantry squards to the sides? Smaller groups for AT, Sniper teams and so on.. Just for playing around in SP?

Agreed, that would be great. Sniper team, AT team, MG team, medical team, as well as a standard four-man rifle team, etc.

Oh, and some additional SPECOPS units added, including a medic, machine gunner, and AT4 gunner, etc.

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That I can do of course!

Just tell me what you'd like to see/have and I'll implement it into the next version!

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Maybe new Formation, if possible?

Some kind of close formation like in Full spectrum warrior.

The Close column and close square (I dont know their names sorry)







o o

o o


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So what kind of combination of 4 men teams do you want to see, I'm open to all kind of suggestions

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Para/ SF strike Team 4-6 man strong

SF squard Leader "Marksman"

1-2 Demo Specialist

AT Soldier

MG Soldier


Sniper? Grenadier?

Scout team 4-6

Team Leader

Sniper/ Marksman




Mot. Infantry group (6)

team leader






Heavy Grenadier?!

Infantry assault Squard > 8 - 14

large infantry Squard with AA and Medic

Defence Team AT

AT x2


Rifleman (support, ammo carrier)

Inf. Defence Team




Rifleman (support, ammo carrier)

thats all for now

(...... have exam tomorrow ..)

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EDIT

It would be also nice to have a east motorized combat group with a T72A, BMP-2 and 6 combat infantryman (T-72 as commander)

I read a manual about new russian tank tactics where it was sayed that 2 tanks should be supported with 1 BMP2 or BMP-T in field and with 2 infantry carriers in towns.

For your AA vehicles a AA protection group would be also great.

For example a shilka, a missle carrier and one command BMP2 without turret as radar and fire control vehicle  tounge2.gif

I already made some combat groups with Vilas EAST teaser units. It is not so difficult and the results are just fun: you can made a better mission faster in SP...

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Thanks for the suggestions, I will look into creating them tomorrow, shouldnt be too much of a difficulty!

In the meantime I have uploaded a small maintenance update of the ModPack, Version 1.02, get it here:


Changes include:

- More refined tracking systems for the SAM Vehicles, now they really engage at out to 4.2-4.8km range!

- I've also fiddled around with the Heavy Grenadier and his 6G30 grenade launcher. Now you can actually use the iron sight to aim instead of shooting "out of the hip"!

- Helicopter armored glass is a tad more resistant to bullets, there should be less long range pilot killing snipe shots

- Several small bits here and there which are rather subtle to notice...

- Changed the terms of use slightly

What I cant for the life of me get to work is to have the 6G30 magazines fill rifle/mg magazine slots... they always get put down into the sidearm mag slots and by that way take away vital pistol space. I've taken the GDT ModGrenadier as a base of my study into this but its not working yet...

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There was a small config.cpp error that created an error message at startup, its now corrected.

Sorry for this! Link is up to date

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What about making WDL Engineer, WDL Squad Leader and WDL Teamleader? For groups you could make big one - "WDL all units".

Make some fireteams of 4:

Teamleader - Grenadier - Automatic Rifleman or Machinegunner - Rifleman or Radio Operator

another variant of 4:

Rifleman/Scout - Teamleader - Automatic Rifleman or Machinegunner - Rifleman or Grenadier

What about improving AI fire range/AI reaction time from warfare objects like static AA and AT?

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What about making WDL Engineer, WDL Squad Leader and WDL Teamleader? For groups you could make big one - "WDL all units".

Make some fireteams of 4:

Teamleader - Grenadier - Automatic Rifleman or Machinegunner - Rifleman or Radio Operator

another variant of 4:

Rifleman/Scout - Teamleader - Automatic Rifleman or Machinegunner - Rifleman or Grenadier

What about improving AI fire range/AI reaction time from warfare objects like static AA and AT?

I will take a look at the Warfare AA and AT objects!

About the WDL units: I've taken them out from the new version again as they were all using the same model (the only one we have right now). I can put them in again if people really want them, though!

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The Warfare AA and AT Launchers are both edited now together with a number of other launchers, the changes will be present in the next version!

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Great Mod, really like the changes. I did notice one thing however, if you open any mission while using this AddOn it adds itself to the AddOn in the SQM even if you don't use any of them. This causes previous missions to not work if your AddOn is not loaded?


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Hmm, dunno what causes this, but you can always just delete it from the list of addons in the mission.sqm file!

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