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What is Battleye for?

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I had high hopes on the anticheating tool for arma 1.14 but just few weeks later its owned.

Warfare gaming is excelent but its supposed for MP and....here is the deal....just a few minutes ago the other team seized my base with 7 arty pieces kamovs etc...and people on the other side with 300.000$.

Well...tell the people who did their effords for building the Warfare mode...that their whole efford did last only less than a month.

This game is excelent but too open...

If you build a game with such huge maps, such high requirements...maybe you´d better think again. And maybe BECAUSE I CAN PAY THE HARDWARE THAT ITS NEEDED I CAN ALSO PAY EXTRA 10 or 20$ FOR A ESTATE OF THE ART ANTI-CHEATING.

So If you want to fill a server with 128 players...warfare is the right way...

If you want to ruin your efford.

So wether this game (and also future arma2) stays for closed comunitys (and will never see a battle 64 vs 64) wether you start really thinking about the CHEATING in this game and take real measures.

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just cause you lost doesnt mean they be cheating

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Have you ever considered delving into these "closed communities" to see what you might be missing out on? There's more to ArmA than Warfare, Evolution and cheaters.

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Wrong: There is two types of hacks:

- Script Hacks

- Desktop Hacks

Battleeye Stops these "Desktop Hacks"

While DooACE/Addon Blocking or Signature Checks Stops the Script Hacks. smile_o.gif

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From my public server playing, 1.14 did great job of eliminating a lot of Desktop cheaters so far.

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Michael_Wittman, are you sure that BE was enabled on the server you played on?

It's still disabled on a lot of servers...

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Battleeye does a perfect job. I hope they implement it into Arma2 off the getgo, so all the new players can feel like staying rather than leaving.

Now to this OP, the fact is you joined a game in progress that had people making 400/minute in cash and could afford to stomp on you with every weapon imaginable. Crying because you get your arse handed to ya, and then publishing your cry out into the world reallly wont help ya win over the ladies.

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For sure Battleye is installed....so far that people with conection issues get random kicks for battleye timeout. I told the admins that if they want to play MP missions they must set the server to not allow ANY mods...(thats sad because I love the FDF mod)

For the guy that says I´m pissed off for losing simply explain me how do you manage to get 300.000$ in the first 5 minutes (or eventually in the whole game).

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well, there is the known "scalar" bug though...

warefare tread.

It's not a new one either, i know earlier versions of sarhaniville and sarhani life had it too, not sure if it's fixed though..... that'll explain the big cash for ya smile_o.gif

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Hi all

To Michael_Wittman et all

As Matt Rochelle said so allow me to repeat: BattlEye prevents "Desktop Hacks" that is the ones that inject code into ArmA or alter things like the exe or pull data out of the exe or Direct X that allows people to see through walls and the like.

Script Hacks are blocked by things that check addons such as DooACE/Addon Blocking or Signature Checks.

Quote[/b] ] 300.000$ in the first 5 minutes


If you do not understand this fundamental security fact you should not be advising server admins as you are not qualified to do so.

Quote[/b] ]I told the admins that if they want to play MP missions they  must set the server to not allow ANY mods.

You can use mods; just use allowed mods with a signature.

Host admins just need to take control of their server.

If people can load any mod they want no wonder they can cheat.

AND it causes crashes even if they are not cheating. All those competing MODS clashing with each other, from tens of different setups, some not even designed for MP and yes people do start up MODs that are not even tested for MP all trying to run on your server. That is a recipe for disaster.

To do this you need to be running a descent server.cfg


On the same point setting up a configuration they need to read through this thread.


Within a server.cfg the important ones are

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">




equalModRequired is a little redundant but it is a gross filter saving time on the more complex verifySignatures.

They should run Addon Signature checking from their server.cfg


They should run BattleEye from their server.cfg there is a BattleEye support thread if they need it.


They can also ask the admin of an existing ArmA server that is working with addons and similar to send them their config and work from there.

Next they need to refine their security profile.

You can set up various server scripts to protect your server from riff raff and tell people what they need to run to get permission to use your server.


You also have your arma.RPT file default for windows XP <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">C:\Documents and Settings\{Username}\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA\arma.RPT

Yoma has created a tool to make this easier to read.


Second mirror


You can see a thread about it here


Security on servers in ArmA is the same as security on any server on the web. It requires a layered approach.

Do a search on the web and you will find several white papers on the subject if you want back ground reading.

In ArmA the layers are:

* The ArmA exe FADE etc

* Your game ID through kickduplicate and prevention of fake IDs which has been improved significantly with 1.14

* You can also filter and ban IDs

* BattleEye

* Mod Folder Filtering through equalModRequired this is wide mesh filter that prevents a lot of silly but innocent mistakes that cause addon clashes

* Individual Addon Filtering through checkfiles which brute forces checks addon integrity

* Server Side Scripting

* A form of Addon Extended Validation is implemented through Addon Signature checks. This quicker and more secure than the checkfiles command.

* Then there are further ID checks through admin and user passwords.

* And ID verification through external online ID verification systems and programs like TeamSpeak.

In the long term a web of trust system based on users using tried and tested methods used by the retail community is the way to go. Hence I would like to see user signatures either implemented with BIS sig Checking or with a PGP file. This would allow the kind of ID checking that TeamSpeak can do but without language barriers and be good for public servers. User Signatures also has a whole bunch of other benefits for new and existing game forms. Being able ID a person on the web is a major issue for any system.

If you are running a server these are the things you need to understand.

Kind Regards walker

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I had high hopes on the anticheating tool for arma 1.14 but just few weeks later its owned.

Warfare gaming is excelent but its supposed for MP and....here is the deal....just a few minutes ago the other team seized my base with 7 arty pieces kamovs etc...and people on the other side with 300.000$.

Well...tell the people who did their effords for building the Warfare mode...that their whole efford did last only less than a month.

This game is excelent but too open...

If you build a game with such huge maps, such high requirements...maybe you´d better think again. And maybe BECAUSE I CAN PAY THE HARDWARE THAT ITS NEEDED I CAN ALSO PAY EXTRA 10 or 20$ FOR A ESTATE OF THE ART ANTI-CHEATING.

So If you want to fill a server with 128 players...warfare is the right way...

If you want to ruin your efford.

So wether this game (and also future arma2) stays for closed comunitys (and will never see a battle 64 vs 64)  wether you start really thinking about the CHEATING in this game and take real measures.

what the **** does efford mean?If it's supposed to be "effort" then learn to spell... confused_o.gif

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I had high hopes on the anticheating tool for arma 1.14 but just few weeks later its owned.

Warfare gaming is excelent but its supposed for MP and....here is the deal....just a few minutes ago the other team seized my base with 7 arty pieces kamovs etc...and people on the other side with 300.000$.

Well...tell the people who did their effords for building the Warfare mode...that their whole efford did last only less than a month.

This game is excelent but too open...

If you build a game with such huge maps, such high requirements...maybe you´d better think again. And maybe BECAUSE I CAN PAY THE HARDWARE THAT ITS NEEDED I CAN ALSO PAY EXTRA 10 or 20$ FOR A ESTATE OF THE ART ANTI-CHEATING.

So If you want to fill a server with 128 players...warfare is the right way...

If you want to ruin your efford.

So wether this game (and also future arma2) stays for closed comunitys (and will never see a battle 64 vs 64)  wether you start really thinking about the CHEATING in this game and take real measures.

what the **** does efford mean?If it's supposed to be "effort" then learn to spell...  confused_o.gif


Maybe English isnt his first language mate or its just a typo. I understood what he meant and so did everyone else. icon_rolleyes.gif

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One major problem is that nobody can do policing except for the admin -if one is logged on- since "#userlist" doesn't show their ID# anymore. I highly recommend undoing that change in the next update or making an option in the server.cfg to display ID#s on the userlist.

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I had high hopes on the anticheating tool for arma 1.14 but just few weeks later its owned.

Warfare gaming is excelent but its supposed for MP and....here is the deal....just a few minutes ago the other team seized my base with 7 arty pieces kamovs etc...and people on the other side with 300.000$.

Well...tell the people who did their effords for building the Warfare mode...that their whole efford did last only less than a month.

This game is excelent but too open...

If you build a game with such huge maps, such high requirements...maybe you´d better think again. And maybe BECAUSE I CAN PAY THE HARDWARE THAT ITS NEEDED I CAN ALSO PAY EXTRA 10 or 20$ FOR A ESTATE OF THE ART ANTI-CHEATING.

So If you want to fill a server with 128 players...warfare is the right way...

If you want to ruin your efford.

So wether this game (and also future arma2) stays for closed comunitys (and will never see a battle 64 vs 64) wether you start really thinking about the CHEATING in this game and take real measures.

You were playing on a server with signatures checking off

End of story

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As its been said, the server allows any mods/scripts. A player could do anything he wanted then. Its not BE's purpose to stop that.

So BE has nothing to do with your problem. Its a server settings issue.

But also there isn't, has never been, and will probably never be a perfect anti-cheat.

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what the **** does efford mean?If it's supposed to be "effort" then learn to spell...  confused_o.gif

Can you spell "warning level increase"? Good.

Flaming is not acceptable on these forums, flaming for spelling mistakes especially on this an international forum is certainly not acceptable.

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Hi all

As its been said, the server allows any mods/scripts. A player  could do anything he wanted then.  Its not BE's purpose to stop that.

It would be more correct to say:

Quote[/b] ]If the server admin allows any mods/scripts. A player  could do anything he wanted then....
So BE has nothing to do with your problem. Its a server settings issue.

oChaos.DNJ is 100% correct here

The statement:

But also there isn't, has never been, and will probably never be a perfect anti-cheat.

is probably true it is a question of making the work not worth the effort, and leaving only illegal methods. Put enough hoops to jump through and people cannot be bothered, low bordom threshhold and all that.

Kind Regards walker

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But also there isn't, has never been, and will probably never be a perfect anti-cheat.

oh i know one... it's a combination of remote desktop software and remote controlled shotguns aimed at the heads of the players...

pity it's illegal in most countries...

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I know something better than the shotgun thing. This is that the people dedicated to the software in-game security pick all the cheats online, put them to the test and make and fill a official server with the database with high level encripting. Then set a daemon on the game that check the database for players using the known cheats...then send a script against the client (the cheater) triggering a block of his MP mode that can only be overriden if he format the OS (so he can no longer access mp mode), send this player id to the goblal server to ban the id, and finally ban the player from the current server.

Look how far away we could eventually be from there that to simply ban a player we must stop the server to edit the ban list....

Of course you cannot stop people from trying to cheat but you can make it be worthless. If you force those people to format the whole system to just try again to cheat 99,9% of them will say...bah! I can live without hacking in arma servers...I still can hack on plenty other servers (COD, CSS, MOH....etc..).

Walker...thanks a lot for your post, I´m sure it´s sourcefull but I work quite A LOT so when I go to Arma I want to jump in and enjoy...not struggle.

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Quote[/b] ] still can hack on plenty other servers (COD, CSS, MOH....etc..).
And you don't wonder why in the first place the guy can even say "bah I can hack CoD", perhaps?

I'll repeat it again : you were playing on a server that did not have the full set of anti-cheats proposed by BI activated. And come here ranting about how these tools are useless, when they were in fact not used

And even so, they are not 100% cheat-proof, like every other solution out there. There is nothing that will stop every possible cheat, you just have to do your best.

Currently the best way to stop script injection is file signature.

Use it. Period.

The day the cheats overcoming signatures will get spread, then BI may have to look into it, if ArmA2 is not their major project by that time already.

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What I saying is that when I installed patch 1.14 it came with BE that I found wonderfull (since I felt that BIS didnt give a s....t on cheating), that mixed with the new Warfare maps gave me the feeling that this game had a new breath of fresh air...

BE didnt told me to set signatures or whatever...so...as far as I officially know...signatures are unoffcial and BE is official. I found that joining many server asked me for a signature that I dont know what it is and only in case it becomes massive I will do...just because of what I said before (I just dont have the time to figure out how they work ...just in case they fail....etc).

So as a common player...I feel that if I have the official protection..that should be good enough...and when I find signature required server I (sure aswell as 80% of the people) I just try in the next one. For some reason BE does not include the signature feature...

And lets go back to the very basic...lets say im the admin...why the f.....k I cannot go into espectator mode (whatever the map is) to check who is cheating and then BAN him without having to stop the server....CAN ANYONE ANSWER THIS?? I find it very simple question....

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The topic post does somewhat offend me, and some of the contained content as well, especially as it has been allowed to progress with the sort of profane content, considering the fact posters are warned about making such posts that include profanity, and warned about all caps as well.

I am surprised this topic has made it this far, to me the title just spams 'we can say whatever we want' - while individual posts similar to such get warnings

I honestly think that if posts and topics are desired to maintained to a level of decency and not include vulgarities and such, maybe the level of 'moderation' should be increased.

I personally have always kept from direct profanity and references to such, my worst cases simply put in *#$@@, and thats enough -

Im just surprised, I come here often as a break from scripting to check stuff out, and I keep seeing this bold caps thread standing out with the '#$#@' part in it, and then the posts in it too.. I recall a long time ago being warned not to post 'non-constructive posts' for just posting a few misc non offending stuff, if people get warned for that, what is stuff like this doing thrown in everyones face when they go to check out the forums?

Just my opinion here, there is a better way to make posts, without turning the forums here in 'R' rated content.

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Not possible and very hard to judge for most people (admins).

Only very experienced people can do it - the technical approach

is far better here.

Core problem is that some server admins and most players are not

aware or into the signature concept.

So BI didn't promote it well enough or brought the message and

info to the people. In addition the system needs some polishing

to make it easier and more convenient to use.

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Lets finish the "parolache"..

My motherlanguaje is spanish...I...as almost everybody know the "unpolite" words...I dont know the specific weigh of each one...since from my mother languaje sometimes they merge sometimes they split and most of the times they have different undertandings from the context.

For all that felt offesed I ask you to forgive me for my bad english and my bad use of those words.

My intention by using such words is to point out how disgussted Im about on that subjet...just that...never my intention was to bother anyone on the forum.

I´ve just been pointing out some things.

For those who felt offended by my words I ask them all the comprehension they can give and not to read my post in the following future not to harm their sensibility.

If you are up to follow this thread I kindly ask you to point your view in a mature polited way aswell.


Leaving apart the high-sensibility people...the subject stay the same.

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I honestly think that if posts and topics are desired to maintained to a level of decency and not include vulgarities and such, maybe the level of 'moderation' should be increased.

I personally have always kept from direct profanity and references to such, my worst cases simply put in *#$@@, and thats enough -

There are no rules banning swearing and such as long as it's not excessive and not directed at people to flame them, we assume that people here possess a modicum of maturity with the fact they're playing a mature war game and thus can deal with a little swearing here and there smile_o.gif

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